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I'm Too Fat To Be Executed!!!

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  • I'm Too Fat To Be Executed!!!

    An Ohio Death Row inmate says that he's too fat to be executed by lethal injection by claiming that the executioners would have difficulty finding his veins and that his weight could diminish the effectiveness of one of the lethal injection drugs. He isn't the first inmate whose weight and/or other medical conditions would or did have an adverse affect in their executions.
    There are no stupid questions, just stupid people...

  • #2
    Betcha if they could liquefy a cheeseburger, he wouldn't have a problem showing them his veins.

    Fine, would you like the 45 caliber or 38 caliber catheter instead?????


    • #3
      A 50 cent bullet to rid society of a maggot like him, or mucho dinero for a more "humane" way to kill the maggot?

      Oh, what a hard decision. I vote why don't we just do to them what they did to their victims!

      Or.....if we want to go the cheap route, let's just shoot them.

      "You can't execute me, I'm fat!". Waaah. Cry me a river. Next thing you know, we won't be able to execute anyone for any reason, be it physical or mental.


      • #4
        Originally posted by blas87 View Post
        Oh, what a hard decision. I vote why don't we just do to them what they did to their victims!

        Or.....if we want to go the cheap route, let's just shoot them.

        "You can't execute me, I'm fat!". Waaah. Cry me a river. Next thing you know, we won't be able to execute anyone for any reason, be it physical or mental.
        Good luck finding someone who REALLY wants to do that to him.


        He's not saying he can't be executed because he's fat. He's saying he can't be executed by lethal injection because it won't kill him. His high amount of body fat will reduce the effects of the drugs, which means they might not work. Lethal injection is already proven to not be a peaceful way to go. To get lethal injection when it WON'T kill you is torture, nothing more, nothing less.
        Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


        • #5
          I understand. Just think it's a little silly we gotta have roundabout ways to get rid of Death Row Inmates.


          • #6

            Not too fat to make it over a fence in an escape attempt....
            Last edited by AFPheonix; 08-07-2008, 12:42 AM. Reason: fix link


            • #7
              Linky no work, and I'm dying to read that!


              • #8
                Ok. Lethal Injection isn't the only method out there... we could hang, fry or shoot the bastard.

                He raped and murdered two women. Goodbye asshole. You're too fat? Don't want to suffer? Cry me a fucking river. Should have thought about that before being a raping, murdering piece of shit.
                "Children are our future" -LaceNeilSinger
                "And that future is fucked...with a capital F" -AmethystHunter


                • #9
                  OK, link's fixed, try that.

                  Or, we can just keep him in prison for a lifetime and make him eat his broccoli.


                  • #10
                    Guy says that he's too fat to die by lethal injection, but not to attempt (and fail) escaping from prison?!! Cry me a river. People like him are why I am so fervently for the death penalty.
                    There are no stupid questions, just stupid people...


                    • #11
                      Just chop his damn head off. There, problem solved. -.-
                      "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Lace Neil Singer View Post
                        Just chop his damn head off. There, problem solved. -.-
                        I think you may have mistook the U.S. for al queda. It's getting easier to mistake now a days I understand.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Flyndaran View Post
                          I think you may have mistook the U.S. for al queda. It's getting easier to mistake now a days I understand.
                          Mad dogs get put down. Mad humans deserve no less. This isn't some single time offender we're talking about. This certainly isn't some innocent murdered by religious fanatics. This is a piece of garbage who raped and murdered two innocent women.

                          I take offense at my country being compared to a true terrorist organization because of the view that a convicted rapist be put to death.

                          I don't mean to sound disrespectful, I know how hard it is to read my intent in words.
                          "Children are our future" -LaceNeilSinger
                          "And that future is fucked...with a capital F" -AmethystHunter


                          • #14
                            I still say it would be far more punishing to this guy to make him stick to a 1600 calorie diet for the rest of his life, locked away from Twinkies and HoHos.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by DesignFox View Post
                              Mad dogs get put down. Mad humans deserve no less. This isn't some single time offender we're talking about. This certainly isn't some innocent murdered by religious fanatics. This is a piece of garbage who raped and murdered two innocent women.

                              I take offense at my country being compared to a true terrorist organization because of the view that a convicted rapist be put to death.

                              I don't mean to sound disrespectful, I know how hard it is to read my intent in words.
                              Agreed. Why are this guy's so called rights considered to be more important than the lives of those women who he raped and murdered? Why should he be considered any more than he considered them? I take offence at someone saying in a patronising tone what Flyndaran said. If they didn't mean it that way, then it darn well looked like that. Maybe they ought to think about what they say before they hit submit in future.
                              "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."

