Originally posted by Saydrah
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1) American schools do not want students who can actually *think*. They want little drones that will slavishly follow the system and turn out more little drones. This is why genuinely good teachers/schools can't get the help that they need and get edged out by the mediocre/crap mobs and BS like NCLB.
2) The *majority* of the people who are pushing for mandated "moments of silence" (which IS code for school prayer) in schools are NOT doing it out of any sympathy for overstressed students - they are explicitly trying to force a particular religious agenda into a place where it doesn't belong. This is also the same mindset that thinks Intelligent Design needs to be taught in place of evolution and accepted scientific theory. And yes, there IS a section of dominionism wherein these people are *encouraged* to get seats on school boards and other local administrative positions of power in order to help pave the way for just these types of shenanigans.
I would not have a problem with students having some type of 'free time' during their class day where they could have a breather to use as they pleased (whatever happened to study halls?). However, when a vocal minority attempts to shovelfeed their version of morality down everybody's throat and tries to pass it off as something neutral, that annoys me greatly.
At last count, the Illinois law was struck down not long ago, but as I understand it, it's going back to another court for review and perhaps editing to a voluntary status (which isn't quite as bad as mandated, but it still irks me that they have to call it a "moment of silence").