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  • #31
    Originally posted by DrFaroohk View Post
    as he had a black belt in karate and last time I checked, that makes any assault charge he gets turn into a majorly serious crime. Assault with a deadly weapon maybe or something, I'm not a lawyer.
    Nope, it doesn't, it can actually give him a better defence when he says that "I could have done this, this, this or this to permanently cripple or kill him, but I didn't" The whole thing of martial artisist having to register as a "lethal weapon" is an urban myth.
    I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
    Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.


    • #32

      It all depends on the circumstances and situations. I do believe they are supposed to at least give fair warning if they have Black or Brown belts (which wouldn't be overly different to saying "Back off, I'm carrying a gun...").

      (not that I'm saying they have to do any 'registering lethal weapon' stuff...)
      ZOE: Preacher, don't the Bible got some pretty specific things to say about killing?

      SHEPHERD BOOK: Quite specific. It is, however, Somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Slytovhand View Post
        It all depends on the circumstances and situations. I do believe they are supposed to at least give fair warning if they have Black or Brown belts (which wouldn't be overly different to saying "Back off, I'm carrying a gun...").
        That's simply a courtesy recommended by most dojos. I can't see how it could possibly be a law.

        I don't have any martial arts training, but if my "secret weapon" is my plan to kick you in the nuts, I'm not legally required to inform you in advance. Assuming this is a self-defense thing, that is.


        • #34
          I've seen it as a plot device in a few movies (hollywood, I know, but still, that doesn't DISPROVE it) where someone with specialized combat training gets into a fight and they wind up getting a larger penalty than normal because of their training. The theory is that if they instigated it, they're screwed, as it'd be akin to an adult beating up a child, and even if its self-defense, with their training they should be able to disable rather than kick the living shit out of. Me, that is.

          I know they don't have to register as deadly weapons, but I am pretty sure that the training does count somewhere legally. Similar to commercial truck drivers - they've had specialized driving training and even in accidents where it would appear to not be their fault, they can still be held accountable as they should have known better (i.e. if a truck driver sees a guy on the road jabbering away on his cellphone, he should be aware enough of that guy to back off and get away from him in the event he's dumb enough to cause an accident).

          Either way, I'm still not afraid to call the cops. Whether it's an aggravated offense or not, assault is assault, and I can pretty much cry at will. I'm reasonably sure he'd get a nice lengthy sentence.


          • #35
            Originally posted by DrFaroohk View Post
            Hey, when someone wrongs you, you must be prepared to retaliate one thousand fold. It's not my fault if they are unable to learn the lesson.
            I know someone who was accused of child molestation.

            His sister simply moved away, stopped talking to him. When he asked what was wrong, she said "I think you know."

            TWO YEARS LATER, he found out that a different relative (his niece on his wife's side) was accusing him of child molestation.

            He and his family have never seen that sister or her children again. His son and daughter were raised with those cousins as practically siblings, and have been completely unable to make contact. They've also lost contact with the other relative and her brother, their cousins on the other side, also near-siblings.

            His wife and her sister have been completely split apart.

            The six children have been split apart.

            He's never seen his sister again.

            A family that used to be extremely close is now permanently divided.

            And that's not including reputation damage, legal issues, legal fees, and other damage.

            By the way, the accuser has withdrawn the accusation - apparently she's decided it was someone else.

            There is only one severity of crime worth causing this much pain to this many people. Child molestation counts. So would brutal rape, torture, and the like.

            I doubt you want to know what I think of someone who would wilfully cause this much damage to this many people, with a lie. It's not very nice.

            Originally posted by Lace Neil Singer View Post
            So what's your view on criminal damage, ie the story I posted?
            I wouldn't. I have better things to do with my life, personally.

            I have only ever had one enemy.

            He's dead.

            Sounds awful, doesn't it? He was a lecturer at uni, who totally did NOT get the whole 'sexual harassment' thing. I talked to the appropriate authorities, they tried to talk to him and get him to sort things out. Yadda yadda yadda, scandal, mess.

            Then it got hushed up. He even got tenure, eventually. Until the plagiarism incident. Then he got fired.

            Eventually, he was found dead.

            Me? I did nothing. I did the reporting to the appropriate authorities, but after that I had nothing to do with him. The police did come by to talk to me after he was found dead, but I was SO disabled and in such a health crisis at that point it was obvious I'd had no possible opportunity to be involved.

            Now I'm doing fairly well in life, thank you. And he's dead. So there. Nyah. I win.


            • #36
              Been reading Fratching for a while, but had to step in and post about a revenge incident set up by a friend of mine for a mutual friend. I'll call the former A and the latter B, for convenience. First, some backstory is necessary. Excuse the length.

              Near our residences is a steep hill. Off it, to one side, was a large vacant lot, just green grass, sloping upwards at a right angle to the street hill. Upper end of this lot (to the left, when standing on the street facing the vacant lot) right at the street, was a tiny house. Lower end was a larger one, the former owners of which also owned the parklike lot. A developer bought all of this, got (where?) five 1960s ramblers, and moved them onto the hillside, standing each atop a wooden platform, these being atop stacks of crisscrossed railroad ties. The plan, apparently, was to build foundations/basements, and sell off as one low-end, one high-end, and five middle-end homes. Shortly after, someone vandalized the lower four of the ramblers to the point of being unrepairable - all in one night. Grr. They were moved out, and said developer sold the property. New owners bought the whole parcel again, lived in the large house, and rented the small one. Now, persons A and B and I have a hobby of exploring abandoned buildings, so naturally we hit this one.

              Nice rambler, brick lower half, in reasonably good condition, save that in the front hall there was a rectangular hole in the floor where stairs to the basement would have been. Now, the house sat on a sort of wooden platform, on stacks of railroad ties. Due to the slope of the hill, it was a five-foot climb onto the platform from the back left corner. However, exiting the front door (the platform was under the house in such a way that none extended in front) there was a twelve-foot drop to the ground. We explored the place, saw everything of interest, left.

              Cue a month later, and person B was homeless - lost his job, then his apartment. At the time, our city had the worst job market in the entire US. Neither A nor I had any extra room, having full houses, so B hatched a simple plan. Illegal, yes, but simple: take up residence in the house. It was in good condition, and with the darkness of the entire property at night (and his schedule) he could exit and enter by night. He borrowed a sleeping bag, a propane camp lantern, and a bunch of nice camping supplies from A. In the back left corner bedroom, he leaned closet doors (they had all been taken off their tracks from the bedrooms and stacked in there) over the windows, and hung the lantern from a bungee cord from the ceiling light.

              For the next two months, he was a rent-free guest, staying quiet and doing no damage. Brerakling the law yes, but as there we no "No Trespassing" signs (we never even explore buildings that have these) we knew the police could only ask him to leave. Eventually, the renters of the small house, who he told me seemed to be up and around 24/7, spotted him and phoned the police, who did exactly that: carried his things out to the left rear corner, put them on the ground, and told him he could return that night to retrieve them. A, B and I did so. And the findings upon arriving wre not good...

              ...everything of A's and B's that was of any monetary value was gone. The rest, including personal books and papers, had been moved to a nearby mud puddle, then bashed into an unrecognizable mess. And wouldn't you knopw, there was a nice path stomped through the tall grass, leading to the small house, that had not been there earlier, so says B who is almost Sherlock Holmes-observant of details. While we admit that their calling the police and having him evicted was completely their right, and would have held no animosity for that, this was obviously an act of revenge-for-nothing, presumably something done partly for childish amusement, though I imagine greed motivated the thefts. A immediately decided something must be done, but we didn't want, none of us, to do anything destructive in return. We just wanted to show our anger, make it known.

              The plan was A's at first, then B and I put in our ideas. B was a smoker at the time, and A had noted B's comments about how gunpowder in the paper, coupled with various additives, kept a cigarette lit and burning. A retreated into his garage, and brought forth "the prize" - an array of lovely Indian Reservation noisemakers. Not quite, to quote Beavis, "Killer! M-80s from Mexico!" but A had strings of firecrackers, mortar shells, Piccolo Petes and such. Things that are legal on the reservations. A pack of cheap smokes, some florist wire and tape, and we also selected a large one-shot "chrysanthemum" mortar asnd grabbed some old candles. Time to set the scene.

              We entered the house. On the left-hand side, just forward of the bedroom, was a frosted window belonging to the bathroom. Just across from this was a little wall with a towel bar. We populated this with stubs of taper candles, "glued" down with copious amounts of hot wax - we didn't want one to fall off and burn the place down! The frosted window now showed a flickering glow. We then set up, on the deck on the left-hand side, an array of fireworks attached to cigarettes of various lengths. Now, when you see fireworks going off from a house's porch, you never think of a timed firing system - you assume someone is lighting them. We hoped the fireworks would both annoy the heck out of 'em and draw their attention to the illuminated window. We lit everything, retreated, hiked down the hill, and waited.

              First off was a string of ladyfingers. That got lights on in the small house. Then mortar shells, three small ones - without a firing tube, they simply lept off the deck and popped, with a shower of green sparks. Three guys came out of the small house, then a few more. They got flashlights as the Piccolo Petes went off - a whistle and a bang. The fireworks stopped - only about 2/3 of what we set up actually fired, but it was enough. They went trudging up the hill, climbed onto the deck, and went through the whole house, which we followed via watching the beams of their lights through the windows. The bathroom light went out. We figured that, by this point, they knew they'd been had, but we had one more little bit... Jjust as they climbed down off the deck, the big chrysanthemum mortar (which had been placed on a back fencepost on a whole cigarette) went off, and lit up the entire upper property in brilliant white with a huge "dandelion puffball" display and a nice loud report. We like to think it drove the point home nicely.

              A week later, we left a two-foot wheel of firecrackers on the deck, again on a full cigarette - I believe we did some interim testing to be certain it would stay lit - and were back to a house blocks away when we heard the 15 seconds of solid white noise. We left them alone after that, but it drove home the point that we weren't forgetting about their theft-and-vandalism.

              I like to think that was a satisfying and yet non-destructive form of revenge, just giving them a reminder that we had noticed and weren't happy - we're sure the police told them "He can come back tonight to get his belongings" and that that was what tipped them off.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Lace Neil Singer View Post
                Not something I personally did; but I heard of this thru a workmate at my old job. This guy was at his office job during a really long, sweltering hot day in the middle of August. He came out afterwards to find the bonnet of his car was covered in yucky cheesy milk; his ex had poured full cream milk all over the bonnet of his car, and had written "Wanker" in fake snow on the doors. It cost him a fortune to get the car cleaned, and he also had to have it resprayed; when he took the fake snow off, it lifted off the paint. His crime? He'd left his wife for his secretary. Ex-wife didn't work at my old job, but her sister did.

                Before anyone asks; yes, the law got involved. Yes, she got arrested and charged with criminal damage, but she just got community service. No, I do not approve; I would not do anything similar. Just that the OP asked for revenge stories, so I gave one.
                A friend of mine considered writing "tool" on her ex-boyfriend's car in paint stripper after it was discovered that he was cheating on her (figuring he wouldn't find out until he washed the car and/or having the cost of repairing the paint). She'd been a wreck though, almost OD'ing on painkillers, so we found it easier and a bit more healthier for her, if she only came up with the ideas, but all of us (friends and family) managed to ensure that she wasn't going to do anything illegal. (basically, distractions, counselling etc.)

                She got her own small revenge though in the end...

                She was a member of her local archery club. She was quite a good shooter or so I heard and her ex came along for a few temporary shoots from time to time. On one of these shoots, she'd just finished shooting when he walks past with his new girlfriend. Rather than beat the living crap out of him, she instead put her hands to her mouth and yelled "TOOOOOL!" across the yard, in full view of about 100 odd people.

                Me? Only form of revenge I've considered is simple. Not illegal either.

                As some of you will know from my thread, I was sexually assaulted and psychologically abused by two guys from my uni last year. I'd only found out it was sexual assault just recently, so I did some research with a place my counsellor referred me to. They talked about possibly pressing charges. While I do doubt it'll work, my idea at the time was to make a statement but not request any formal investigation (which may not work given that I was under 18 at the time). As we're all applying for government jobs at the end of next year, all of these require background checks (especially the areas THEY're heading towards...) part of me hoped that having their names crop up on the statement would affect them. Really, more like karma's playing with them.

                A more recent version is actually pressing charges for stalking/harassment as I've had some messages being sent with the intent to harass, even though I've made it quite clear that I do not want any more communication.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by fireheart17 View Post
                  A more recent version is actually pressing charges for stalking/harassment as I've had some messages being sent with the intent to harass, even though I've made it quite clear that I do not want any more communication.
                  I'm having trouble parsing this sentence.
                  Do you mean to say that you are being harassed or that you have harassed someone else?

                  Also off topic I know, but how can you be psychologically injured and not realize you were assaulted?


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Flyndaran View Post
                    Also off topic I know, but how can you be psychologically injured and not realize you were assaulted?
                    She didn't realize until recently that her experience fit the legal definition of sexual assault, and that she could therefore press charges.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by fireheart17 View Post
                      she instead put her hands to her mouth and yelled "TOOOOOL!" across the yard, in full view of about 100 odd people.
                      Actually (if I was somewhere where someone did that) I'd be looking at her like she was the nutty tool and not the ones she was yelling at. JMO of course.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Flyndaran View Post
                        I'm having trouble parsing this sentence.
                        Do you mean to say that you are being harassed or that you have harassed someone else?

                        Also off topic I know, but how can you be psychologically injured and not realize you were assaulted?
                        Boozy's answered the second question, but the first one...

                        I made it quite clear that I didn't want any contact from them and in turn, I wasn't going to contact them. But around exam time at uni (mid and end of year exams), they send me messages trying to get back into my good books (supposedly), but then there's no more contact for the other 5-6 months of the year. Then there's the near-constant sightings of them at work. While I can't have them banned, one of them is friends with a coworker (she's still unaware of what's transpired) so he does have a semi-legit reason to be there, but something sort of struck home for me the other day.

                        They never came into my work, while I was still friends with them. Ever. They'd go to another store. (or if they did, it was for the purpose of embarassing me)

                        Now I'm no longer in contact with them, I see them in the store every weekend. I don't serve them, I have no reason to do so.

                        Originally posted by Boozy View Post
                        She didn't realize until recently that her experience fit the legal definition of sexual assault, and that she could therefore press charges.
                        That's pretty much it. I didn't quite consider it assault at the time as I'd thought of myself as giving consent, then just being used afterwards, but when she mentioned that because of the coercion element involved, it was sexual assault...


                        • #42
                          I'd tell the co-worker. You could save her some trouble.


                          • #43
                            So I looked over the thread on CS, and unless I was looking on the wrong thread, it I fail to see where the assault part comes in. Coercion, maybe, but every girl could say that. "He said I was beautiful and he'd love me forever...he...he...COERCED ME!!!!!"


                            • #44
                              Now we don't want to label somone wrong on something so serious without all the facts. I just don't think we deserve to hear all the gory details that might convince us. I think we should reserve judgement until and unless she wants to tell us exactly how it was illegal. She's probably omitting something embarrasing.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by DrFaroohk View Post
                                So I looked over the thread on CS, and unless I was looking on the wrong thread, it I fail to see where the assault part comes in. Coercion, maybe, but every girl could say that. "He said I was beautiful and he'd love me forever...he...he...COERCED ME!!!!!"
                                And that is why I posted the thread about Rape/sexual assault myths. Not to convince you guys, but more so you can see where I'm coming from.

                                Yeah, sure, every girl can say what you've said above...thing is though, how many of them would go from sweet and pretty to an absolute mess in six months? How many of those people would be constantly questioning day in, day out, about whether they were in the wrong or not? Girls like the above, from what I've seen, they don't question (think somewhat stupid i.e. "I smell funny down there, is that normal?"). How many of them would be able to look at their "attacker" and not start crying afterwards? (and believe me, it takes a lot to get me upset) How many of them went on anti-depressant medication for six months after what had happened?

