Originally posted by BroomJockey
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Answered Questions Re: Miss California
Originally posted by the_std View PostSo it's basically come down to this: you consider homosexuality harmful, no ifs ands or buts. Simply being gay harms both the gay person and the community at large. By calling them perverse, deviant and sinful, you've made this abundantly clear. And yet you have no method of proving this. And you want the law to reflect this groundless belief (groundless because religion has no place in the law) by not allowing gays to marry.
It is impossible to debate against your belief that homosexuality is harmful. So essentially, that's the argument ended right there. There is no way to convince you that homosexuality is not harmful. And there is no way to convince you that, by the government not allowing gays to marry, that it is a bigoted and unequal advocacy.
I'm not here to change anyone's mind. I was here to provide a debate partner because everyone was on the same side of the issue here.
Originally posted by Rubystars View PostI've already addressed this "proof of harm" thing in several posts. What else do you want me to say about it?
Originally posted by Rubystars View PostI'm not here to change anyone's mind. I was here to provide a debate partner because everyone was on the same side of the issue here.
Meh, I'm a libertarian, always have been. Maybe it's just my schools but there were as many conservatives are liberals and not one of them altered the curriculum to show their views, itself not being particularly liberal.
The only instance in which morality was ever broached was with personal questions asked of the teachers about their opinions. Most refused to talk politics during class time and the rest kept it to 'I think this'.
Let me reiterate something I fear you may not be getting from what I've been saying that I've meant to be there. I'm not talking about "Hey being gay is great it's the greatest thing in the world" I'm saying that outside the morality of the issue that religions or social perspectives create there is NOTHING WRONG with being gay, it's just something you ARE.
If you want to teach people that being gay is immoral, that's fine. But to teach anything other than the fact that there's nothing wrong with you if you are gay in public schools is nothing short of the worst type of bigotry. It's basically reinforcing the belief that there is something wrong with gays that makes them evil, diseased, inferior human beings.
Let me put it this way, there are 4 options:
1: Don't mention homosexuality ever, which is just plain impossible because the subject is important.
2: Teach that being gay is inherently good which would infringe on your morals, something I don't want
3: Teach that being gay is inherently bad something which is not only dangerous, but infringing on my and many other people's morals
4: Teach that homosexuality is just another thing that people are. Not better or worse than being heterosexual, it just is.
Which one would you choose, Ruby?
I do believe that people are born the way they are when it comes to sexual orientation. That sort of thing is wired into our brains in a way that modern science has yet to grasp or even really look into successfully. My point is that gay people don't have 12% smaller brains, 8% smaller cheeks etc.All units: IRENE
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Originally posted by the_std View PostI just don't understand how you could justify basing legislature (or lack thereof) on something that is not provable. That's why I keep bringing it up. And you haven't explained how you can do this well enough for it not to still be a valid point.
Yes, I realize that, but it has gotten to the point where you are repeating yourself and that hardly makes for a good debate. I'm not blaming you, I'm just wondering if we've reached the end of this road.
Originally posted by Wingates_Hellsing View PostMeh, I'm a libertarian, always have been. Maybe it's just my schools but there were as many conservatives are liberals and not one of them altered the curriculum to show their views, itself not being particularly liberal.
The only instance in which morality was ever broached was with personal questions asked of the teachers about their opinions. Most refused to talk politics during class time and the rest kept it to 'I think this'.
Let me reiterate something I fear you may not be getting from what I've been saying that I've meant to be there. I'm not talking about "Hey being gay is great it's the greatest thing in the world" I'm saying that outside the morality of the issue that religions or social perspectives create there is NOTHING WRONG with being gay, it's just something you ARE.
If you want to teach people that being gay is immoral, that's fine. But to teach anything other than the fact that there's nothing wrong with you if you are gay in public schools is nothing short of the worst type of bigotry. It's basically reinforcing the belief that there is something wrong with gays that makes them evil, diseased, inferior human beings.
Let me put it this way, there are 4 options:
1: Don't mention homosexuality ever, which is just plain impossible because the subject is important.
2: Teach that being gay is inherently good which would infringe on your morals, something I don't want
3: Teach that being gay is inherently bad something which is not only dangerous, but infringing on my and many other people's morals
4: Teach that homosexuality is just another thing that people are. Not better or worse than being heterosexual, it just is.
Which one would you choose, Ruby?
I do believe that people are born the way they are when it comes to sexual orientation. That sort of thing is wired into our brains in a way that modern science has yet to grasp or even really look into successfully. My point is that gay people don't have 12% smaller brains, 8% smaller cheeks etc.
Originally posted by Rubystars View PostI don't have a problem with what Paul taught and I don't consider it to be negative.
1: Re-read what I stated for the experiment (quoted here for your convenience):
Originally posted by Pedersen View PostYou're right. However, here's something for you to try as an experiment. Categorize what you have been taught. Put it all into two categories: Came from Paul, and Did not come from Paul.
You're going to find some major disparities there. And in a number of ways, you're going to find Paul as the source of many of the negative teachings in the New Testament.
2. I'm surprised you have no problem with his teachings. I assume, then, that you are in agreement with these verses from Paul?
Originally posted by Romans 8:298:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
Originally posted by Romans 10:4For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.
Originally posted by Matthew 5:17-1917 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Originally posted by 1 Corinthians 14:34-3534 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.
35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
And those quotes only took me a few minutes. I can find lots more for you. Shall I? Or will you now actually look at what Paul teaches, and ask if maybe Paul wasn't quite as wonderful as he's made out to be?
Originally posted by Rubystars View PostI just don't see the basis for a conspiracy theory here. It's possible that more was written down but lost.
I dunno, sounds pretty preposterous to me. Especially since this, ya know, the word of God, you'd think that maybe he'd try to make sure we had a copy of it for more than a few decades after Jesus left. Guess we just pissed him off or something.
Originally posted by Rubystars View PostI think the books we have now were actually written a good deal after Jesus had died. I forget how many years.
Originally posted by Rubystars View PostI don't see any indication that Jesus ever condoned immoral behavior.
Originally posted by Luke 7:2-102 A centurion there had a slave who was ill and about to die, and he was valuable to him.
3 When he heard about Jesus, he sent elders of the Jews to him, asking him to come and save the life of his slave.
4 They approached Jesus and strongly urged him to come, saying, "He deserves to have you do this for him,
5 for he loves our nation and he built the synagogue for us."
6 And Jesus went with them, but when he was only a short distance from the house, the centurion sent friends to tell him, "Lord, do not trouble yourself, for I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof.
7 Therefore, I did not consider myself worthy to come to you; but say the word and let my servant be healed.
8 For I too am a person subject to authority, with soldiers subject to me. And I say to one, 'Go,' and he goes; and to another, 'Come here,' and he comes; and to my slave, 'Do this,' and he does it."
9 When Jesus heard this he was amazed at him and, turning, said to the crowd following him, "I tell you, not even in Israel have I found such faith."
10 When the messengers returned to the house, they found the slave in good health.
Originally posted by Colossians 3:22-2322 Slaves, obey in everything those who are your earthly masters, not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but in singleness of heart, fearing the Lord.
23Whatever your task, work heartily
Originally posted by Titus 2:9-109 Bid slaves to be submissive to their masters and to give satisfaction in every respect; they are not to be refractory,
10 nor to pilfer, but to show entire and true fidelity.
I've got multiple examples of Paul being a particularly negative influence within the NT, and I didn't even have to look hard. Are you absolutely certain you want to continue spouting a religious basis as the source of your belief that the homosexual lifestyle is "immoral" or "deviant"? I've barely gotten started. I can start taking apart the Bible for you in a lot more detail, if you like.
Originally posted by Rubystars View PostI was clarifying my position not trying to start a new debate.Any comment I make should not be taken as an absolute, unless I say it should be. Even this one.
Originally posted by Rubystars View PostI'm probably not completely innocent of it, but I try to be consistent for the most part. I don't think that Gentiles are under the restrictions of halacha (Jewish law). I explained some of this in another reply I did on this thread with a scripture. I think it was my reply to Rapscallion.
Originally posted by Rubystars View PostIt does say to honor your mother and father, not your mother and mother, or father and father. However you're right that it doesn't mention homosexuals in those 10 in any direct fashion.
Originally posted by Rubystars View PostI believe homosexuality is immoral, or sinful. Of course I don't want to grant them official acknowledgement or approval for engaging in it.
I can tolerate them but that doesn't mean I think the government should officially recognize their behaviors.I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.
Originally posted by Pedersen View PostI have two issues with your statement here.
1: Re-read what I stated for the experiment (quoted here for your convenience):
I did not ask how you felt about Paul and his teachings. I did state that you would find major disparities between Paul's teachings and the rest of the NT. I also stated my feeling that many of the negative teachings in the NT came from Paul.
2. I'm surprised you have no problem with his teachings. I assume, then, that you are in agreement with these verses from Paul?
This verse claims that all people are predestined to Heaven or to Hell.
This verse claims that Christ is the end of the law. And yet, in Matthew 5:17-19, Jesus says:
Jesus is the fulfillment of the law. He didn't destroy it, he fulfilled it. I don't see how this is in contradiction to what Paul taught about salvation being based on faith and not on following all aspects of the law that applied to Jewish people.
And thus, we see Paul teaching the exact opposite of what Jesus said. Perhaps you get along very well with these verses:
I do hope that, since you agree with his teachings, you are silent on the occasions that you attend church, and only ask questions of your husband when you have gotten home.
Others believe it applies today. If it does apply today there are legitimate reasons for it. Men and women have different roles in a church setting, but that doesn't mean one sex is inferior to the other.
I'm not sure which way it's supposed to be viewed, personally. I'm not really a church type of person anyway.
And those quotes only took me a few minutes. I can find lots more for you. Shall I? Or will you now actually look at what Paul teaches, and ask if maybe Paul wasn't quite as wonderful as he's made out to be?
And now you're deciding to add unknown texts to the debate to uphold your position? That's pretty impressive. We've gone from "Jesus never said one word that was written down about homosexuality" to "No, somebody wrote them down, then left it in their grandmother's attic and the house burned down, so we have forever lost these notes that we should have had to tell us more details of how to live our lives."
I dunno, sounds pretty preposterous to me. Especially since this, ya know, the word of God, you'd think that maybe he'd try to make sure we had a copy of it for more than a few decades after Jesus left. Guess we just pissed him off or something.
Wait, I didn't think Jesus died? I thought he ascended to Heaven, to sit at the right hand of his father? Yes, a minor nitpick, but still had to be pointed out.
Oh, really? You must read more of the Bible then, I think. Even me, someone who has read very little of it, has found Jesus okay with immoral behavior. Here, let me show you:
Check it out: Jesus is okay with slavery!
Again, slavery, but this time it comes from Paul, someone else whose teachings are a good thing. Oh, look here, more slavery according to Paul:
I've got a clear example of Jesus being okay with slavery. Right there, we see Jesus condoning immoral behavior. If he condoned one, he might well have condoned others. Add in that so little of his life is actually chronicled, and we have no idea if he ever said anything (positive or negative) about homosexuality.
I've got multiple examples of Paul being a particularly negative influence within the NT, and I didn't even have to look hard. Are you absolutely certain you want to continue spouting a religious basis as the source of your belief that the homosexual lifestyle is "immoral" or "deviant"? I've barely gotten started. I can start taking apart the Bible for you in a lot more detail, if you like.
I can almost predict how you had this set up. You were going to throw out the slavery issue. If I said I was against it too, you were going to call me a pick n mix Christian, and/or a hypocrite, and say I should be pro-gay to be consistent.
If I said I was for it, I'm just curious, were you planning to call me a horrible, evil, pro-slavery person and go for all the shock value you could?
Were you going to say something like this: "Wait a minute, you didn't! Yes you did!How could you say that! You hater evil horrible person!"
Please... let's try to keep this logical.
Originally posted by BroomJockey View PostI didn't say you were trying to start a new debate. I said that by endorsing hetero marriages but not same-sex marriages, the government would be giving preference to one group over another, even if they never said a word about gay people. Actively promoting one IS actively disagreeing with the other, which you said you didn't want the government to do.Last edited by Rubystars; 06-27-2009, 02:50 PM.
Originally posted by Nyoibo View PostBut then why bring up that the Jewish bibll explicitly forbids homosexual behaviour, you could have chosen to believe in not eating pork, instead you chose the option to discriminate agains a group of people?
Yes, you honour the people who were responsible for your entrance into this world, which kinda has to be a man and a woman at the moment, although not necesarily any more. But does that mean that a child should honour the person who left him in a dumpster and not the people who raised him?
It's not the governments job or responsibility to say what is immoral or sinful.