This was another Men are from Mars Women are from Venus article that excuses assholes for being assholes cuz "They are just being Men" I couldn't comment on the article because my response was double the allowed limit so I commented on my Facebook instead a comment I will re-post here so we can let the debating fun begin. I apologize there was some polite swearing.
I always find it disheartening to see "Myths about men" and have it be more sexist drivel that basically paints us as shallow assholes.
If I am jealous about you with other guys it is because at some point you made it clear you could just as easily be dating that other guy and I care too much about you to just let you go so yeah it hurts when your excited about something he did unless I know it didn't mean anything that could hurt our relationship or your commitment to us.
My friends and I my guy friends all straight can and do spend a lot of time discussing what a girl meant when she said "x". If she writes a letter we are dissecting it wondering what she really meant. The thought that we are just like meh whatever ascribes to us the level of advancement of an emotionally stunted 12 year old.
Just because a guy isn't rushing over to your house every time you post a cute picture to let you know in person how much he likes it doesn't mean he doesn't like you. Yes if all he ever does is comment on your photos and your attempts to make it go forward do not yield any results then yeah move on. However if the guy is becoming more interested liking pics on Facebook are a good first step.
Guys do like an aggressive woman and it is sexy as hell and is my cue to chase her back. The only way sitting back and letting her do all the work means your not going to spend Saturday alone is that her chasing you isn't really her being aggressive so much as her panicking that you might slip away before she lets you know she likes you and is based more on her insecurities than any sense of empowerment.
Women often refuse to discuss their emotions with guys which can be frustrating to guys because again unless we are stuck at age 12 we talk about our emotions to each other and aren't seeking immediate resolutions to problems that don't have one. Even more frustrating when we share our own emotions and the women offer an immediate solution instead of being a source of comfort.
The stereotypes you see on this blog need to die out for a very important reason. Asshole immature emotionally retarded guys will use these things as excuses for why they treat women like shit and it's okay. They will use it as "See it's okay that we are nothing alike and have very little in common let's fuck baby" then "shockingly" a divorce happens around age 40 when the sex is no longer as hot and you both realize you really can't stand each other.
Stop accepting the bullshit excuses and tell the men to call you when they have grown the fuck up.
This was another Men are from Mars Women are from Venus article that excuses assholes for being assholes cuz "They are just being Men" I couldn't comment on the article because my response was double the allowed limit so I commented on my Facebook instead a comment I will re-post here so we can let the debating fun begin. I apologize there was some polite swearing.
I always find it disheartening to see "Myths about men" and have it be more sexist drivel that basically paints us as shallow assholes.
If I am jealous about you with other guys it is because at some point you made it clear you could just as easily be dating that other guy and I care too much about you to just let you go so yeah it hurts when your excited about something he did unless I know it didn't mean anything that could hurt our relationship or your commitment to us.
My friends and I my guy friends all straight can and do spend a lot of time discussing what a girl meant when she said "x". If she writes a letter we are dissecting it wondering what she really meant. The thought that we are just like meh whatever ascribes to us the level of advancement of an emotionally stunted 12 year old.
Just because a guy isn't rushing over to your house every time you post a cute picture to let you know in person how much he likes it doesn't mean he doesn't like you. Yes if all he ever does is comment on your photos and your attempts to make it go forward do not yield any results then yeah move on. However if the guy is becoming more interested liking pics on Facebook are a good first step.
Guys do like an aggressive woman and it is sexy as hell and is my cue to chase her back. The only way sitting back and letting her do all the work means your not going to spend Saturday alone is that her chasing you isn't really her being aggressive so much as her panicking that you might slip away before she lets you know she likes you and is based more on her insecurities than any sense of empowerment.
Women often refuse to discuss their emotions with guys which can be frustrating to guys because again unless we are stuck at age 12 we talk about our emotions to each other and aren't seeking immediate resolutions to problems that don't have one. Even more frustrating when we share our own emotions and the women offer an immediate solution instead of being a source of comfort.
The stereotypes you see on this blog need to die out for a very important reason. Asshole immature emotionally retarded guys will use these things as excuses for why they treat women like shit and it's okay. They will use it as "See it's okay that we are nothing alike and have very little in common let's fuck baby" then "shockingly" a divorce happens around age 40 when the sex is no longer as hot and you both realize you really can't stand each other.
Stop accepting the bullshit excuses and tell the men to call you when they have grown the fuck up.