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This is about sex. You have been warned.

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  • This is about sex. You have been warned.

    I like making love and yes it starts out gently touching each other pleasing each other but always always by the end it's about two bodies slamming into each other trying to come to a conclusion as it were.

    It's messy, sweaty and takes the romanticism right out of the act.

    Why then does every writer skip from "softly touching each other" to "bliss" skipping them messy middle parts where your body is reaching for pleasure.

    Why do we have people convinced that unless the whole thing is softly touching and caressing then it's sick and wrong. Thus having a bunch of people wondering why they can't get off when their body want's more than what they are giving it?
    Jack Faire

  • #2
    Have you been talking to one of my coworkers? Apparently, her husband is not giving her what she wants, and she's gone crazy. Everyone at work has heard about it now. She was asking me the other day about the male perspective since I'm the only guy at work. I'm not easily embarassed, so it doesn't bother me. It's just a mixture of odd and amusing because she's nutty anyway. It's fun being the only guy at work. Good thing I'm not easily embarassed.


    • #3
      I think a lot of the stories skip from "gentle caress's" to "bliss" because otherwise it becomes a bit too pornographic for the author or intended audiences taste. Sometimes when someone writes about sex, they don't want to get into the sweaty details because the story as a whole isn't about that.

      Not much excuse for people thinking sex should be all airy and light and all that though. Thats just silly.


      • #4
        I think it comes down to the difference between "making love" and "fucking."

        "Making Love" is the soft caressing, the gentle nibbling, etc. "Fucking" is the hard slamming, hair pulling, throwing crap off the desk to make room for each other kind of sex. I've had the combinations of the two as well as them each individually.

        Most writers want to write about the sensual aspects of it all and that's the sessions they stick with. Some write about the carnal aspects of it. I guess it's how they want it to factor into their story.
        Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.


        • #5
          The examples I've come across in the wild are either written by people who aren't imaginative enough to actually write a coherent sex scene or who don't have the experience necessary to write a coherent sex scene.

          If the issue is that sex is pornographic, then there needs to be a fade to black not a blackout; otherwise it's just clumsy and awkward.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #6
            The job of a writer is to create a mood. If the mood is tender romance, it's a lot harder to do an in-depth sex scene. Sex is, as you say, messy and dirty. And while it's not BAD, it's not tender and sweet if what you want to do is tender

            Also, I fully believe one should only write a sex scene if it adds to the character. I have a lot of RPs that are sexual. I also have some that are nonsexual. Frequently the nonsexual ones fade to black, simply because SHOWING the characters having sex doesn't add anything to it. If all you need to get across is that they had sex... You can do it offscreen. If you need to establish something about how they interact, how they behave sexually... Deeper personality traits... Anything, reallly, then that's worth doing. Otherwise, a sex scene is like any other scene. If it doesn't add something, don't put it in.
            "Nam castum esse decet pium poetam
            ipsum, versiculos nihil necessest"


            • #7
              caressing is nice foreplay to get the juices flowing.

              But really, we have a carnal instinctual evolutionary need to fuck.


              • #8
                I always fade to black in my sex scenes- well, most of the time. I think sex is just not really the most interesting thing people can do, so I skip most of it.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by anakhouri View Post
                  I always fade to black in my sex scenes- well, most of the time. I think sex is just not really the most interesting thing people can do, so I skip most of it.
                  I say show a sex scene if you feel it adds something. Sex scenes can make things really interesting - But only if it tells the person something new, or enforces something old, about the story.
                  "Nam castum esse decet pium poetam
                  ipsum, versiculos nihil necessest"


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by anakhouri View Post
                    I always fade to black in my sex scenes- well, most of the time. I think sex is just not really the most interesting thing people can do, so I skip most of it.
                    See and that would be fine but the thing is they don't skip the part your body actually needs to get off they write like it doesn't exist.

                    Some people I talk to in one second will talk about how sex is never fucking and is always sweet caresses and slow easy going and then the next second with a total logical disconnect comment that they can never seem to have an orgasm.

                    To me it's like catching a bus. You're walking towards the bus stop the bus arrives there before you're there and rather than run to catch it you keep walking because no one should ever have to run and then you wonder why you missed the bus.

                    Not the greatest analogy but the thing is your body needs to speed up and go a little faster to reach that point. I have never met anyone that can go slow the whole time and actually get off.
                    Jack Faire


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by jackfaire View Post

                      Why then does every writer skip from "softly touching each other" to "bliss" skipping them messy middle parts where your body is reaching for pleasure.
                      Which writers are you reading?

                      Because this is quite simply not true for most writers I read.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by jackfaire View Post
                        I have never met anyone that can go slow the whole time and actually get off.
                        Eh, it can happen. Obviously not *every* time, but every now and then.

                        Originally posted by SkullKing View Post
                        Which writers are you reading?

                        Because this is quite simply not true for most writers I read.
                        This. Have you trolled around There are some well-written, very detailed pieces out there.


                        • #13
                          I'm not a very good writer, yet, but I'd actually like to write a down-and-dirty, in-depth sex scene that sounds "soft" and "romantic" in tone; just because it's pure, carnal lust doesn't mean it can't also be sensual in some way, right? I mean you can caress and pound at the same time, right? Multi-tasking!

                          Eh, I figure as I long as I send a good shiver down the reader's spine, I think I've succeeded.
                          "I take it your health insurance doesn't cover acts of pussy."


                          • #14
                            I stole a few books from my mom's secret shelf back in my school days.

                            There were authors that were true to the girly core in their writing and every sex scene in the book was delicate loving touch oh so slowly did their hips embrace, and there was one that wrote a book I actually read twice because I liked her way of describing the sex better. She didn't write "The sweat was pouring between her large breasts and their stomachs were slapping together in a manner that sounded like a men's bathroom" or anything that raunchy, but whomever she was, she wrote it as if it were happening like a sex scene on...say, True Blood or some other show where there's more than just mushy kissing oh so slowly we take the clothes off and gently carry the lady to bed.


                            • #15
                              I wrote a fanfic that actually had a pretty good sex scene, like Bloodsoul said if it's done right you can make a scene that has serious hardcore fucking romantic and sensual. My mistake was I let a friend borrow my flash drive so he could read it when I went on vacation, when I came back he edited it to make it look like a trashy porn novel.
                              "I like him aunt Sarah, he's got a pretty shield. It's got a star on it!"

                              - my niece Lauren talking about Captain America

