Originally posted by Tanasi
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If they were "pro-murder", you'd first have to prove that an abortion is murder. You can't just say "THAT'S MURDER" and viola! It's now murder. If you argue that abortion is murder, then you'd also have to argue that someone pulling the plug on a person who is on life support/vegetable state is also murder.
The reason this side is called "pro-choice" is because they want women to have the option the choice. "Pro-Choice" people want women to have control and sovereignty over their own bodies, and to not immediately become enslaved to the pregnancy as soon as any of a myriad of methods of prevention fail.
If a woman feels that an abortion would be murder, Pro-Choice people say "Sure! That is your choice to carry that child to term, more strength to you."
If a woman feels that she could not handle/cope with a pregnancy (for any reason) Pro-choice people say, "Sure. That is your choice, your decision over your own body."
If a woman feels that she could not handle/cope with a pregnancy, Anti-Abotion people say, "WELL TOO FUCKING BAD. YOU'RE CARRYING THAT CHILD ANYWAY!"