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A Taxing Situation

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  • A Taxing Situation

    So this might be related to my insurance issue... if this was intentional.

    So I posted in here about the pressure to lie on a federal form. When i made it clear to my employer that what they were asking me to do was falsify government documents with screenshots of the question and of the information that said the answer was no, they wanted me to say yes.

    Follow on to that situation is two parts. The first is that this year they tried to fight me again on my getting the tax credit only this year they filed an appeal with the state. Throughout the lead up to the hearing they reached out to me and tried to convince me that I was wrong and didn't qualify for the tax credit.

    They kept citing documents that said I was right as proof of why I was wrong.

    "Does this plan meet Minimum Value Standards? NO" "If plan doesn't meet minimum value standards then person is eligible for tax credit"

    They kept sending that to me along while being all "see so you should withdraw YOUR appeal"

    It wasn't my appeal it was theirs they wanted me to stop asking for the tax credit.

    At the hearing the judge ruled in my favor. They've been oddly quiet about that.

    I am not too bothered either way as I quit at the end of the last month as I start a new job at the end of this one and am working some temp gigs in the meantime. They've done too much for me to want to stay.

    TLDR Employer tried to screw me on health insurance got smacked down by a judge

    Now the part that's more the debatey part is the fact that yesterday not having anything to do until my temp gig on Monday I decided to use my last pay check and get a jump on my Tax return. Each paycheck I glance at my paystubs file them and move on.

    I wish I'd looked closer. What I found is that in the entire year I only paid taxes once for 1.72 not million but dollars. I now owe over 500 for my taxes for the year because my employer didn't take out my Income taxes for all of 2018.

    My question is this. Do you think this was malicious? Me not toeing the company line.

    I found out recently that all part time employees had been told "You do not qualify for a Tax Credit from the state do not go seeking one our shitty non-insurance rip off insurance is your only choice"

    From everything that's happened the people in HR I have been speaking to are either horribly stupid or willfully lying to employees. Is it possible it was a subtle form of hurting me hoping that it would teach me a lesson or am I reading too much into the timing of it all?
    Jack Faire