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Weird Dreams

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  • #16
    Heh, I just dreamed that I was part of an American team that had built an awesome robot. So we challenged the Japanese to a robot contest, and they absolutely kicked our asses.

    Maybe I've been watching too much Gurren Lagan lately. (Only 10 episodes left!)


    • #17
      I have very vivid, very strange dreams.

      A lot of them recently seem to involve velociraptors.
      "And I won't say "Woe is me"/As I disappear into the sea/'Cause I'm in good company/As we're all going together"


      • #18
        I believe somebody once asked on the main board if pain in a dream is real.

        Dunno, but I do know the sensation of having my ass grabbed by some cute blonde in the dream I had last night was real.


        • #19
          Pain is a concept picked up by nerve endings and translated by the brain. Considering that your brain has to cut off control of the body during REM state so you don't actually act out whatever is happening in the dream, I have no doubt that the pain is as real as any other pain, should the brain choose to interpret it as such.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #20
            My dreams typically come in three flavors: Boring, 'I have got to stop watching/reading/listening to <insert movie/tv show/book/music here> before bed', and 'What the hell, Subconscious?' With the third one, there's always (it never fails) some kind of deeper meaning to it.

            Also, with that third one, I always seem to remember the most random-ass details. Like this dream I had the other day that scared me so freakin' badly that the first thing I did when I woke up was hug onto my mom and start bawling like a baby.

            In this dream, I was in a room that was apparently mine, but looked nothing like my room. The whole mood of the dream, even with me talking on AIM with a friend of mine, was really tense. I knew right away that something was off. The friend I was talking to IMed me something about needing to go because something had happened to her dad. I went away from the computer and into what looked like a big auditorium. People were gathered there, freaking out, and this guy at the front of the room was saying that there was no more power at all in the US. Everything had suddenly just gone 'poof', and that extended to cars, planes, flashlights, phones, etc.

            I don't remember the faces of anyone in the dream, except for one specifically. There was a little girl standing next to me, about 8 or 9 years old, with curly hair (couldn't tell the color), holding a cellphone that was either bright orange or bright pink. She was the only one who was surprisingly calm about the scenario. I remember her cellphone because she showed it to me to demonstrate its non-working status.

            Yeah, I do not understand what it means. Anyone on this board good at dream interp? Because I have a few others that I wouldn't mind asking for help trying to figure out what the hell they mean (one of which causes me to think that there are way too many forces that I can't see that have an interest in me)


            • #21
              I frequently have vivid dreams, but I usually don't remember them for more than a few minutes after I wake up. A lot of them play out like movies - sometimes I'm in the movie, and sometimes I'm watching it (like, sitting in a theater watching it).

              About the time I bought my current house (5 years ago now), I started having dreams about buying and/or remodeling houses. They always involved touring the house, usually showing friends or family what remodeling I had planned. One that I had two or three times involved an old Victorian-style house with a huge nursery. Vaulted ceilings and huge, ornate windows. Big enough that it had several pieces of playground equipment in it. In this dream, the ghost of a nanny dressed in Victorian-era clothing showed up to tell me that I'd better not change anything in her nursery.

              I have, on ocassion, had lucid dreams, where I knew I was dreaming and could control the dream. It happened more often when I was a teenager than it does now. I can still wake myself up from nightmares, though.

              I have never had a flying dream, that I remember. I wish I did. They sound awesome.
              "The future is always born in pain... If we are wise what is born of that pain matures into the promise of a better world." --G'Kar, "Babylon 5"


              • #22
                Flying dreams can be incredible.

                I used to have a lot of them, however, that involvee me having to dodge a restricting maze of power lines and buildings, and those always left me on edge. And when it wasn't flying, it was this incredibly tall unicycle with the same issue - dodging power lines.

                Thankfully, my life is a lot less out of my control these days, so my dreams have been a lot less irritating.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #23
                  Stopped taking my doxycyclene while on the night shift. Just started the day shift again yesterday and started taking the doxycyclene. It's gonna be a fun ride...
                  Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                  • #24
                    I just woke up from a weird dream, and I'd better write it down before I forget about it.

                    In my dream, I was watching one of Jennie Breeden's video blogs on youtube. (I assume everybody here knows who Jennie Breeden is.) She was at somebody's house who had a huge ballroom, like 3 stories high. Along one wall was one of those chair lifts (like in the movie Gremlins), only it spiraled around. Except, in my dream, it was defying the laws of physics. As it spiraled, I could only see the 1/4 of it against the wall opposite the camera. The other 3/4 disappeared into thin air.

                    So Jennie's friend helped strap her into the chair and set it in motion. Apparently, he had souped up the motor so that it went really fast, like an amusement park ride. As she was flung around, I could hear the chair making the full circles, but again, I could only see the 1/4 of it against the wall. She got to the top, giggling and screaming, and her friend helped her get unstrapped from the chair. As soon as she stepped off of the chair onto the landing, the entire rail crashed down into the ballroom. The camera shook. The ballroom shook, causing the chandelier to crash down in the middle of the ballroom, right in front of the camera.

                    As the dust began to settle, Jennie was calling out to people to ask if they were all right, and got back a chorus of "Yeahs".
                    "The future is always born in pain... If we are wise what is born of that pain matures into the promise of a better world." --G'Kar, "Babylon 5"

