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Paintballs or BB's?

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  • #16
    If you've had to do any repairs because of these dogs, keep a bill on hand. If an owner comes by to complain about the paintball splatters, tell them that they owe you for the repairs. And if you've done the repairs yourself, write up a bill at a reasonable rate and present that.

    Hopefully after they have to clean paint out of their pets' fur a few times, they'll get it through their thick skulls that maybe they should keep them in their own freaking yards.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #17
      That you KNOW who the owner is and have spoken to him makes all the difference: it means they'll know what the paint means

      That just leaves the possibility that, instead of taking care of things, they'll retaliate. Good luck!
      Last edited by HYHYBT; 06-01-2011, 01:20 AM.
      "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


      • #18
        Well, he can try that if he wants to. However, you know what lives up at corner of our street? The police chief.

        Who happens to be a woman.

        So, yeah. He's welcome to bring it if he thinks it won't get him buried.

        I could just go up there and file a formal complaint, but honestly, I would consider that a bigger escalation than firing a few paintballs.


        • #19
          If only we could have pictures of the dogs after you've pinged them

          I hear ya on this Kink....I got bitten by a dog when I was really little....and while I don't remember a lot from that period I remember that!!! And I am scared shitless of dogs I don't know. IF they are at all agressive I have a panic attack. If I had a weapon of some kind and one was coming at me, and I could get my senses together enough to do something, I can't promise the dog would live.

          Great YouTube channel check it out!


          • #20
            I've been bitten, scratched, rushed, surrounded, you name it. I grew up in a very rural area and I have borne the brunt of what this sort of irresponsibility has bred. It makes me see red. No lie.

            I'm not afraid of dogs. I'm probably not afraid to the point of being stupid. I have rushed attacking dogs and I rushed this one on two separate occasions. And you know what? He turns tail and runs, but he doesn't do it it readily enough to suit me. I have to get almost up on him before he considers retreating, and then he comes right back immediately. I had to go after his ass with a stick last night.

            Well. We gonna adjust his respect level a little and see how that works out.

            Now that I've laid down fifty bucks watch him not come back...


            • #21
              Plus you're all set to go paintballing on the weekends.
              I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
              Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.


              • #22
                My sister found out I bought a paintball gun and now she's over on the Dick's site looking at them herself. I think next time she comes to town everything on my parent's property, including me and her and probably my father, will be covered in paint splotches.

                I got this one.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                  Now that I've laid down fifty bucks watch him not come back...
                  Hey, even if you didn't have an active hand in it, that's still the result you want, so I'd put that in the win column either way.

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                  • #24
                    You might have to worry about animal cruelty laws but luckily we have very friendly animal control officers out here. They pointed out what section makes it completely legal to kill the neighbors pitbulls if they come on my property and come near me, my family or my dog.

                    I rarely move around my yard without a 9mm, depending how far back im going I got a 12ga loaded with 3 inch 00BK (16pellets). It is interesting i can straight up shoot a menacing dog but around here, using a paintball gun to warn off the dog can be animal cruelty. Granted, i guess the defense of wanting to scare away the dog rather than kill it is completely different than teenagers being bored.

                    As far as fences go, I shouldn't have had to build 1000ft a fence to keep the neighbors dogs out, actually in a few spots they have cut the fence and made openings for them and their dogs to get on the back of my property, with those actions I really won't feel bad when those dogs cross my path. Almost been attacked way to many times for my comfort. Of course, oddly they started locking their dogs up once I started carrying a shotgun back and forth to my barn on a regular basis, I think they understood the message.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by insertNameHere View Post

                      As far as fences go, I shouldn't have had to build 1000ft a fence to keep the neighbors dogs out, actually in a few spots they have cut the fence and made openings for them and their dogs to get on the back of my property, with those actions I really won't feel bad when those dogs cross my path. Almost been attacked way to many times for my comfort. Of course, oddly they started locking their dogs up once I started carrying a shotgun back and forth to my barn on a regular basis, I think they understood the message.
                      ok back up here....they cut a hole in YOUR fence? To let the dogs through that you were trying to keep out? wtf??? I am not a suing kind of person but if that's the case I would sue the hell out of them and get them to replace the fence. And then leave it the fuck alone.
                      Great YouTube channel check it out!


                      • #26
                        I missed that. Deliberate vandalism. Aren't the cops interested in this?

                        Proud to be a W.A.N.K.E.R. - Womanless And No Kids - Exciting Rubbing!
                        Reclaiming words is fun!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Rapscallion View Post
                          I missed that. Deliberate vandalism. Aren't the cops interested in this?

                          HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...... our particular area covers the "ghetto" area of the country, the one local township/city/beach whatever the fuck it is, has plenty of problems with the trialer park and what not. Actually, the majority if not all the deputies assigned to this area are on someones shit list and at this point most don't give a fuck. According to Ohio revised code the pitbulls are to be locked in a CAGE with a TOP, or on a chain secured with a muzzle.....

                          Deputy came out one day and WATCHED the dog walk UNDER and electric fence that about 3ft off the ground, turn to me an went "Um its in a fenced in area, what can i do?"
                          Actually he had more of a problem with me saying I was gonna shoot it if came over and tried to attack me. Until I quoted ORC section 955.28 that the dog warden pointed out that since it was a vicious breed and multiple reports about ti being lose and intimating us or preventing us from getting out of our car at the barn, or walking to the back of my property where it was at once. Yeah so the cops..... they don't give a flying fuck.

                          ALSO, with my dad being a cop he knows they gonna say "Prove it was them", I mean fuck the one time the grandson that was living there was trespassing with an ATV and got stuck and i was like WTF DID you see the no trespassing sign GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!!

                          The guy who used to own the house, didn't mind if they used the back of the property, but WE FUCKING DO. After I rolled a go-kart and cracked a rib because THIER ATV ruts in my yard, I defiantly didn't want them over here.

                          They actually got fucking lucky on the 4th of july, one of their dogs that a pit mix got INTO my house and laid on my dogs bed, I had to drag it out, luckily that is the "nice" one, of course I had a 9mm in my other hand for a head shot and I would hope no jury would convict a man for shooting his neighbors dog that got into his house and attacked him. My brother is about 6ft, this thing can jump up rest his paws on my brothers shoulders and lick his face. Then the full breed pitbull is just straight up mean and always runs at the fence if I'm in the back, Dog 2 got lucky I had 2 beers when I was closing the gate and I heard it rushing up so I was able to lock it before it crashed into it, I really didn't want to explain why I choose to shoot a charging dog with alcohol on my breath, but I'm sure if the dog managed to get ahold of me, they wouldn't question a man with bite marks of if it was necessary to discharge a firearm while intoxicated


                          • #28
                            Okay, here's an update. Don't mean to necropost, but the plot has thickened.

                            Came out of my back door a couple weeks ago, and went down into my kid's play area (which is a shady garden "room"), turned a corner, and found myself in a PACK OF FUCKING DOGS.

                            Inside my fenced yard.

                            Animal control is bringing me a large dog trap on Monday am. I dont' even fucking care anymore.

                            Two weeks ago, me, my mom, my kid (five) and my nephew (six) came home and guess what was in my yard? A fucking dead chewed up kitten. I had to make my senior citizen mother and two small children sit out in a hundred degree heat while I cleaned it up and hid it so the kids wouldn't see it. Had to dig a hole and bury a kitten in my backyard that afternoon before I was due to go to a wedding.

                            Up to this morning, me and my daughter were watching two cardinals raise babies in the big magnolia tree outside.

                            Today, I paintballed a fucking cat. Inside my fenced backyard. You can fill in the details if you are so inclined.

                            On my way out today, I'm stopping by Aces, who carries cat traps.

                            FUCK THIS SHIT. I just don't care anymore, some of these people who live around me can go straight to hell.

                            Tell you how badly my attitude has soured, I am starting to develop a serious dislike for pets in general. I have seen SO MUCH rampant obnoxiousness and irresponsibility on the parts of pet owners, up to and including my own friends and family, I see someone's dog approach me and I just cringe. I'm THAT SICK OF THIS SHIT.


                            • #29
                              Make certain to check your local laws regarding the movement of cats. In California, they have a certain freedom granted to them due to their natures.

                              Also, worth noting, is that cats hardly do any damage to birds. In fact, cats are actually very beneficial to bird populations because what they actually catch most are the vermin that do cause harm to local bird populations.

                              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                              • #30
                                The local laws are that people are obligated to keep their damn animals on their property.

                                I'm sorry, but the idea that domesticated and/or feral cats are "beneficial" to native bird populations is one I find ludicrous.

                                Unless rabbits, baby squirrels, and nestlings are now considered predators of local bird populations and I somehow missed that memo.

                                In other words, you got to be kidding me.

                                EDIT: Here's an article. Scroll down.
                                Last edited by RecoveringKinkoid; 07-14-2011, 04:31 PM.

