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Paintballs or BB's?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by ExRetailDrone View Post
    I don't know, I consider those animals a threat to Kink and her family (which includes a young daughter) because they keep getting into her fenced in backyard. Her daughter could have easily gone out there to play and come face-to-face with a pack of strange dogs. Who knows what they would have done? It's not safe to assume that they are friendly and would have trounced up and started wagging their tails. If I saw a pack of strange dogs on my property, I would treat them as threats...because they are. They could very well be aggressive, or rabid.

    And a paintball is not a lethal weapon, and I think it could help to control some of these animals, and hopefully maybe their idiot owners. If one of my cats accidentally got loose and came home with a paintball bruise, I would be more careful to make sure it didn't happen again. And my cat would probably learn that the outside might not be quite as fun as first thought.

    I'm an avid animal lover, but I see nothing wrong with the way Kink has handled this given how long she has had to deal with this bullshit, and the fact that all these unknown animals pose a very real threat to her daughter.
    and I disagree, I don't feel its right to harm an animal like that, I am sorry but nothing else I can say will make it any clearer

    I have tried to point out different ways to control the animals, why I think its wrong and even point out I understand the situation, but I JUST CAN'T AGREE! the very idea makes me sick ok, just plain sick!
    I'm a happy, well adjusted emotinally disturbed person, who can't spell


    • #47
      As an FYI, paintballs can be toxic.

      They've sent a decent number of dogs to veterinary emergency rooms over the years. I suspect they're responsible for the deaths of other animals as well, but in the places most people shoot, it'd likely go largely unnoticed for wild animals, and cats would probably hide and either recover or just never be found.

      Michigan Veterinary Page on paintball toxicity in dogs

      ASPCA report on Paintball Toxicosis in Dogs (pdf file)

      This has the potential to pose a deadly hazard to wildlife and pets alike, so be sure to collect any loose paintballs that don't hit their mark just to stay on the safe side.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #48
        And cats are just as much of a threat as dogs, especially to a young child. Rabies, cat scratch fever (yes, it's a real thing), you name it. The fact that this cat has made multiple trips to the yard suggests to me that it's stray/feral, in which case a quick pop to the butt is actually a kindness. You know what happens to stray/feral cats who are caught and taken to the pound? Exactly.

        ETA: LadyMage, what other options to 'control the animal' are there that don't end in euthanasia? To me, it looks like RK has done due diligence to protect her family and property without hurting the animal. This is a (relatively) non-lethal deterrent. Which is pretty generous, given the situation.
        Last edited by AdminAssistant; 07-15-2011, 05:15 AM.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Andara Bledin View Post
          As an FYI, paintballs can be toxic.

          Hey, thanks for this. I'll make absolutely certain none of my ammo ends up on anyone else's property. I didn't know they were toxic, so good to know. My next door neighbors on either side have large dogs (that are not problems for anyone, I'm happy to say) and I certainly would not want to do anything to harm any of them. I looked up the paintball thing because I wanted to know HOW toxic...evidently it varies, and the newer paintballs are probably safer than ones from a couple years ago. One or two stay balls is unlikely to harm a large dog, or so I'm seeing, but still don't want to risk it. So I'm really glad you gave me a heads up on this.
          Last edited by RecoveringKinkoid; 07-15-2011, 05:37 AM.


          • #50
            Originally posted by RecoveringKinkoid View Post
            Hey, thanks for this. I'll make absolutely certain none of my ammo ends up on anyone else's property. I didn't know they were toxic, so good to know.
            keep in mind cats do lick themselves to clean themselves too *yes I am hung up on that kitty, sorry its emotional*
            I'm a happy, well adjusted emotinally disturbed person, who can't spell


            • #51
              Originally posted by AdminAssistant View Post
              And cats are just as much of a threat as dogs, especially to a young child. Rabies, cat scratch fever (yes, it's a real thing), you name it. The fact that this cat has made multiple trips to the yard suggests to me that it's stray/feral, in which case a quick pop to the butt is actually a kindness. You know what happens to stray/feral cats who are caught and taken to the pound? Exactly.

              ETA: LadyMage, what other options to 'control the animal' are there that don't end in euthanasia? To me, it looks like RK has done due diligence to protect her family and property without hurting the animal. This is a (relatively) non-lethal deterrent. Which is pretty generous, given the situation.
              SOUND, fuck I gave a few ideas for other things that repel *headesks*

              btw I don't like euthanasia that much either! and I did point out cats can be dangerous like ten posts ago!

              what because I am the lone pure NO voice I suddenly don't know what the hell I am talking about? I really feel this way right now

              sorry just getting emotional again, I shouldn't over a forum but it happens.
              I'm a happy, well adjusted emotinally disturbed person, who can't spell


              • #52
                LadyMage, I might suggest not getting involved in a debate if you get so emotional that it affects you to this extent. There are far worse things being done to animals every day than what Kink is doing in her back yard. I don't think it's worth getting emotionally invested in a situation where someone is trying to do the right thing when there is a lot of intentional, wanton cruelty done for the specific purpose of torture and sick jollies. Kink is trying to protect her family.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by the_std View Post
                  LadyMage, I might suggest not getting involved in a debate if you get so emotional that it affects you to this extent. There are far worse things being done to animals every day than what Kink is doing in her back yard. I don't think it's worth getting emotionally invested in a situation where someone is trying to do the right thing when there is a lot of intentional, wanton cruelty done for the specific purpose of torture and sick jollies. Kink is trying to protect her family.
                  I understand that, geez, but right now it feels like everyone is saying I have to agree with kink, and yes I know there is intentional wanton cruelty, and it makes me just as angry, but even more is done for less evil but still just as painful reasons, or due to ignorance

                  and I have a strong reflex to defend myself when I feel people are telling me that I am wrong and I don't know something, which has happened a lot this thread and I really think is all because I just can not bring myself to say its ok for someone to shoot a paintball at an animal! I know this is an over reaction more likely than not *is it then or than for this?* but that doesn't change what I perceive

                  but if that is the way everyone feels fine, I am gone *no not flouncing, geez not that sensitive, just not replying to the thread is all*

                  guess I am too nice and sensitive for my own good
                  Last edited by LadyMage; 07-15-2011, 05:49 AM.
                  I'm a happy, well adjusted emotinally disturbed person, who can't spell


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by LadyMage View Post
                    but if that is the way everyone feels fine, I am gone *no not flouncing, geez not that sensitive, just not replying to the thread is all*

                    guess I am too nice and sensitive for my own good
                    Just to let you know, self-pity does not become you. This debate isn't personal. I'm not on your side, nor am I on Kink's side. No one is trying to make this about you, they just disagree with your opinion. And this is why becoming emotionally involved in debates is a bad thing, as it stops being about the opinions, and becomes about you, or them, which is not the way it should go.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by the_std View Post
                      Just to let you know, self-pity does not become you. This debate isn't personal. I'm not on your side, nor am I on Kink's side. No one is trying to make this about you, they just disagree with your opinion. And this is why becoming emotionally involved in debates is a bad thing, as it stops being about the opinions, and becomes about you, or them, which is not the way it should go.
                      Sorry, I wasn't going for that *leaving after this though, was gonna edit the post for being too trollish* I was just saying it was my emotional feelings are why I am leaving, I am gonna just get mad and say something dumb is all if I stay on this thread

                      again I didn't mean to sound like a troll, I am just pissed and saddened is all, and I don't want to be rude and just stop posting, different thread but I hate that honestly
                      Last edited by LadyMage; 07-15-2011, 06:06 AM.
                      I'm a happy, well adjusted emotinally disturbed person, who can't spell


                      • #56
                        Just a random idea - how effective would icecubes be shot from a wrist-rocket and how well would they fly? It'd take a little longer to arm up, but it'd be cheaper in the long run, because then you don't need to worry about the lawnmower hitting stray marbles. Non-toxic too.


                        • #57
                          Kink, here's something else to think about. Suppose it was your child who was constantly getting into someone else's yard. Suppose that the landowner had told you many times to keep her out of their yard. Would it be OK if the landowner was to blast her with paint balls?


                          • #58
                            Ice cubes are not a bad idea, but the problem is that you really do need something close to round. I can aim pretty well with round pebbles, but they're harder to aim because they are irregularly shaped. The more irregular the shape, the less true the aim. Wrist rockets are dangerous weapons, and you can literally kill small game with them. I definitely need to be able to control my shots. I doubt I'd kill anything if I hit it with something like an ice cube, but still, don't want wild shots flying through the woods not knowing where they're going.

                            My shot is mostly white. They're easy to spot. I can even retrieve some of them.

                            As for my kid going into someone's fenced yard, well, if she was a toddler simply wandering in because she didn't know where the property line was and she got blasted, that would be overkill. However, if she was an older kid who kept climbing someone's fence, digging up their flower beds, shitting in their yard, and leaving the mutilated corpses of my wildlife and other neighbor's pets lying around the property, I'd probably loan my neighbor my paintball gun.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Mishi View Post
                              Just a random idea - how effective would icecubes be shot from a wrist-rocket and how well would they fly? It'd take a little longer to arm up, but it'd be cheaper in the long run, because then you don't need to worry about the lawnmower hitting stray marbles. Non-toxic too.
                              At that velocity and ice cube will hit with the same force as a marble, it'll kill just as easily.

                              In australia, at least in rural areas, you're legally allowed to shoot and kill and stray animal on your property, dog, cat and pretty much anything else.
                              I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
                              Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.


                              • #60
                                Comparing a dog or cat to a kid isn't a good comparison. Humans are more intelligent than animals and generally are faster learners. If you are going to compare an animal to a human, it SHOULD be a toddler-aged human, I don't think animals are much smarter than that. You say a toddler doesn't know any better; animals don't either. Their owners are irresponsible enough to let them run around where they want, they're not used to having limitations. That's not really their fault, it's their owners' fault.

                                Also keep in mind that cats, at least, are much smaller than dogs and humans and a cat getting hit with a paintball is probably a lot more damaging than a human or dog getting hit with the same paintball. For one, they're a smaller target so there's a better chance for a mis-fire. You're aiming for its torso and accidentally hit it in the head. Now it's got paint in its eye, its eye may be damaged if it was a direct hit, it's stunned because it was hit in the head, and it can't see straight. If it's a feral, are you going to be the one to catch it and take it to the vet? Or will you let it run off and hope the wound doesn't get infected or that the cat doesn't swallow some paint while cleaning itself off?

                                I'm not saying this to guilt you into not shooting the cat...or to try and catch it, especially if it is feral. But you gotta consider that those are possibilities, and are you okay with that? I wouldn't be. But I also don't have kids.

                                You gotta do what you gotta do to protect your kid. I understand that. I do think that shooting an animal with a paintball gun, a bb gun, or marbles is pretty cruel, but like I said, I don't have kids and I also don't have a bunch of scary animals running around my yard. With the cat, at least, if it comes down to either shooting it and possibly hurting it to the point that it's going to die anyway, or calling animal control and having them catch and euthanize it, I would just do the latter.

