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A Suggestion for Writers of Horror Movies

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  • #61
    I know I'll be pilloried for this, but Blair Witch Project scared the crap out of me. But then, I've spent the night in the woods, been lost in the woods, and have no sense of direction. So believe you me when I say the thought that that could happen went through my mind more than once.

    I also thought Signs was pretty damn scary. They were pretty stingy about showing you the monster, which helped ramp up the scariness. When they finally did show you a brief, fuzzy glimpse of it, in that one scene with Joaquin Phoenix freaking out in front of the television, I damn near wet my pants watching that.

    I not too long ago wrote a scary scene in my story where nothing really happened. I wanted it to be very creepy, not show anything, and never give a reason for it to be really scary. But the plan was going to be scary anyways. It's a bout someone going into a dark kitchen at night to basically set up a prank, and ending up running out of the kitchen in terror. But nothing at all happens while he's in the kitchen. It took place inside his head. I'd say it worked pretty well. Like someone said, never really show what's scary and what's inside the reader's (or viewer's) head will fill in something far scarier than you can write.
    Last edited by RecoveringKinkoid; 12-18-2011, 08:21 PM.


    • #62
      From what I understand, Blair Witch depended a lot on how the audience was. I know people who went to see it more than once, and the first time the crowd sucked, and they thought the movie sucked, and the second time the crowd was into it and they were scared, despite having seen it once already.

      It was Hitchcock who understood that the reader/viewer could come up with far more frightful things than he could ever write/show.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #63
        Nah, I won't judge you for Blair Witch. I've always been afraid of the woods at night because of that movie.

        And damned if in 6 months I won't be living near the woods


        • #64
          Being lost is never a fun thing, and yes it can be really scary. I think I was in one of those situations where it was a bit predictable for me, and the crowd seemed not to like the movie so the movie stunk..or something. Still I've liked some very odd movies, so I will not judge a person by what movies they like lol.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Iseeyouthere View Post
            In my opinion... a horror movie that relies on blood and gore for its horror is doing it the cheap way.
            Yeah, yeah... girl/guy falls into woodchipper... horrifying...
            Watch "Tucker & Dale vs. Evil".

            Awesome woodchipper death scene. Also, best skewering of the 'college kids vs. evil rednecks' horror film ever.

            (Plus, Wash from "Firefly"!)


            • #66
              Originally posted by blas87 View Post
              Nah, I won't judge you for Blair Witch. I've always been afraid of the woods at night because of that movie.

              And damned if in 6 months I won't be living near the woods
              You'd love West Virginia. Here's a poorly-stitched-together panorama view from my porch.
              "The hero is the person who can act mindfully, out of conscience, when others are all conforming, or who can take the moral high road when others are standing by silently, allowing evil deeds to go unchallenged." — Philip Zimbardo
              TUA Games & Fiction // Ponies


              • #67
                Yeah, see, that doesn't look too different from where grew up. I grew up in deep woods, where you could walk for literally hours and not see anything but more woods.

                And sometimes, things could get a little creepy out there.

                I wasn't afraid of the woods. Usually. I could go out there at night. Even alone, sometimes.


                But there were times when I wouldn't.

                I been scared out there at times. Had the animal flight instinct triggered one time so severe I came back injured and didn't even know it till I saw the blood on the floor.

                I've spent the night out there. But there are places out there I wouldn't. It was an unspoken thing that some places were not places you wanted to be after dark. Some of those places were creepy in broad daylight. And it wasn't because of chainsaw wielding hillbilies, either. It just...was.

                So yeah. Blair Witch. Practically left me standing in a little yellow puddle.

