Since we're no longer permitted to voice disagreement with the SC stories on CS, I'm just wondering if there are any particular types of stories that you read and think "What's the problem with that?" or "Sorry, but I'm with the customer on this one." And by the way, this is NOT a swipe at the FTSTS rule. We've argued that in other threads, and I think we all know who supports it and who doesn't.
It's just that since this is the place for debates, I thought it would be a good opportunity to air out some of those things.
When I was active on CS, people would sometimes post rants about customers coming through their checkout lines, buying twenty or thirty (or more) dollars of stuff, and paying for it with small bills. Personally, when I was a cashier, I actually appreciated getting paid with ten or twenty ones or a few dollars in change, mainly because on busy days and nights it was sometimes hard to keep those things in my drawer, and having a customer give me a good supply of them meant that I didn't have to pester the CSMs for change. However, I do see the suck in paying for a large order entirely in change or in holding up a line to count out a large amount of change or small bills.
Sometimes people would also complain about customers calling to ask the store or restaurant's hours, and their rant would be "They are posted right there on the door!" Yes, they are, but you can't see it if you aren't standing in front of the building. Of course, the annoyance may really be having to answer the same question over and over again.
When I was active on CS, people would sometimes post rants about customers coming through their checkout lines, buying twenty or thirty (or more) dollars of stuff, and paying for it with small bills. Personally, when I was a cashier, I actually appreciated getting paid with ten or twenty ones or a few dollars in change, mainly because on busy days and nights it was sometimes hard to keep those things in my drawer, and having a customer give me a good supply of them meant that I didn't have to pester the CSMs for change. However, I do see the suck in paying for a large order entirely in change or in holding up a line to count out a large amount of change or small bills.
Sometimes people would also complain about customers calling to ask the store or restaurant's hours, and their rant would be "They are posted right there on the door!" Yes, they are, but you can't see it if you aren't standing in front of the building. Of course, the annoyance may really be having to answer the same question over and over again.