There have been several threads about the whole Diablo III thing...the DRM, the crashing servers, and so on.
Well, as you may know, Guild Wars II is in beta testing right now. (It's a MMO, but rather...different....than WoW or SW:TOR or Tera. Looks amazing.) They had one beta test weekend last month and then a one-day stress test a few weeks ago. People were expecting the next beta weekend would be this weekend, but ArenaNet decided, "Hey, our employees are working their asses off, how about we let them celebrate the holiday and we get the game into much better shape first?" Cue NERD OUTRAGE. How DARE they not give us a monthly beta test? How DARE they try to get the game into the best shape possible before the next test? WHY CAN'T I SPEND MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND PLAYING BETA RHALKSDJIEJLSJIE
Seriously guys? They have two entire races/starting zones (Asura and...the plant people) to add. The game isn't coming out for a while.* Relax, play Diablo III, play the Mists of Pandaria beta, hell, play freakin' Peggle and realize that they are trying to make sure that they release the best game possible.
*I imagine ArenaNet and Blizzard are also playing MMO chicken to see who releases their game first and when. Not that I think MoP is a big competitor for GW2, I've played the Beta a bit's nothing world-changing. The story's nice, the pandas (excuse me, pandaren) are cute, and they seem to have done a nice job streamlining talents and combat and such. But, it's still WoW, I still had to dodge Horde griefer nonsense, and I still had to run around grinding. "Our camp is under attack by the Horde and also monkeys! Can you gather some porcupine steaks?"
Well, as you may know, Guild Wars II is in beta testing right now. (It's a MMO, but rather...different....than WoW or SW:TOR or Tera. Looks amazing.) They had one beta test weekend last month and then a one-day stress test a few weeks ago. People were expecting the next beta weekend would be this weekend, but ArenaNet decided, "Hey, our employees are working their asses off, how about we let them celebrate the holiday and we get the game into much better shape first?" Cue NERD OUTRAGE. How DARE they not give us a monthly beta test? How DARE they try to get the game into the best shape possible before the next test? WHY CAN'T I SPEND MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND PLAYING BETA RHALKSDJIEJLSJIE
Seriously guys? They have two entire races/starting zones (Asura and...the plant people) to add. The game isn't coming out for a while.* Relax, play Diablo III, play the Mists of Pandaria beta, hell, play freakin' Peggle and realize that they are trying to make sure that they release the best game possible.
*I imagine ArenaNet and Blizzard are also playing MMO chicken to see who releases their game first and when. Not that I think MoP is a big competitor for GW2, I've played the Beta a bit's nothing world-changing. The story's nice, the pandas (excuse me, pandaren) are cute, and they seem to have done a nice job streamlining talents and combat and such. But, it's still WoW, I still had to dodge Horde griefer nonsense, and I still had to run around grinding. "Our camp is under attack by the Horde and also monkeys! Can you gather some porcupine steaks?"