I attended a training class where people from different backgrounds attended, it was interesting.
I always strive for courtesy and respect wherever I go, hence I must have made a favorable impression to this young african american female. Due to said impression I was offered a pearl of wisdom.
In a low voice, almost a whisper I was told that you can tell which people are racist by their dogs. If the dogs bark only at African Americans as they go by the house then you can be sure the people that live there are racist. That pearl was affirmed by another person in the group of African American descent. Now, based on the tone and seriousness it was conveyed I was 100% she really believed this to be an ultimate litmus test.
I just blinked, not sure how to proceed, Now; I have dogs and they do bark at African Americans mainly, but this group 90% of the time are young kids who taunt the dogs by kicking the fence, being loud, and generally being confrontational to the pets. 90% of the other race kids just ignore the pets and walk to their destination, many times not even acknowledging the pets. So, I know now for a fact that now the dogs equate certain behaviors confrontational; that in addition to dogs being colorblind; and will instinctively react to certain tones, voices, and body movements.
I knew, any reasoning will get me nowhere but in the racist category, which is not a place to be when the class is 1/2 African American and there were 3 more days to go.
I always strive for courtesy and respect wherever I go, hence I must have made a favorable impression to this young african american female. Due to said impression I was offered a pearl of wisdom.
In a low voice, almost a whisper I was told that you can tell which people are racist by their dogs. If the dogs bark only at African Americans as they go by the house then you can be sure the people that live there are racist. That pearl was affirmed by another person in the group of African American descent. Now, based on the tone and seriousness it was conveyed I was 100% she really believed this to be an ultimate litmus test.
I just blinked, not sure how to proceed, Now; I have dogs and they do bark at African Americans mainly, but this group 90% of the time are young kids who taunt the dogs by kicking the fence, being loud, and generally being confrontational to the pets. 90% of the other race kids just ignore the pets and walk to their destination, many times not even acknowledging the pets. So, I know now for a fact that now the dogs equate certain behaviors confrontational; that in addition to dogs being colorblind; and will instinctively react to certain tones, voices, and body movements.
I knew, any reasoning will get me nowhere but in the racist category, which is not a place to be when the class is 1/2 African American and there were 3 more days to go.