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So let's talk about me. Basically my life story.

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  • So let's talk about me. Basically my life story.

    I've decided to need to write this, I don't know what this thread will be at the end.

    I grew up in a small town, now I didn't actually live in the town I lived on an old farm where my mom grew up a 5-10 minute drive outside of said town. I still currently live there. Now the school I went to for grades jk to 8 was pretty much for that town only and I think we only had a few hundred students. I'm honestly not sure. At some point it stopped having all grades at one school and split them between two schools, one at the top of the hill the other the bottom of the hill. Not far apart at all.

    I honestly don't remember when it started in earnest but I know it started early, some students decided I was their entertainment. It was mostly the older kids but it spread, almost like an infection and over time it became a lot of people older and younger. Based on how the teachers and my parents responded I learned that it wasn't going to stop because the people with the power weren't going to do a fucking thing to stop it. See the thing was they kept thinking I was the problem, which doesn't explain why my sister started to get it too. There is one good thing is shared background has led to me and my sister being very close, almost mind reading at points. Basically I was a pariah, when most people talk about bullying they talk about an individual or a group. I had about half the school in the end, at least that's how it felt.

    Sure there were a lot of people who just stayed out of it altogether and to be honest some probably did try to be nice but by then I learned it was just easier to push people away. It's funny it wasn't being beaten up that bugged me, it wasn't always the insults, it was the looks. The looks people gave me said one simple thing, you are not human and you are not wanted. People would follow me around commenting on everything I did, it was like I had my own personal narrator, a narrator that hated my guts.

    I learned not how to interact with people but how to limit my interactions with them. I wore track pants to school to avoid changing for gym because being alone in the change room with all the other boys for any time at all scared me. I would use any excuse to get out of going to school that I could and it drove my parents nuts but what was the point, I could never concentrate and I'd come home feeling like crap. I couldn't even read a book outside without a group of people harassing me.

    Like I said they thought I was the problem, they kept trying to make me socialize with the people treating me like crap. One teacher threatened me with detention if I didn't go play games at lunch, these days I'd tell her to go fuck herself. I was criticized if I didn't play tetherball with students she specifically told to ask me. In later grades it was decided that I would stay inside in the library for my own safety. Think about that for a minute. I didn't mind because it meant I finally got a bit of what I wanted, to just be left alone. I always noticed that if I misbehaved I got in more trouble than they did. I'm not going to list off all of the times I was beat up or attacked or stalked. I had to wear clothing with no labels whatsoever, the one time I wore a gatorade shirt I heard about it endlessly, though I started wearing it more as a protest. I remember in grade six being pulled behind the shed and having older kids shove ice down my pants. I remember being whipped in the face with a skipping rope and he was made to apologize and I was forced to "accept" the apology. I remember someone four years older than me throwing me in a river and then beating up me twice more later that same day.

    I was friends with anyone who would give me the time of day really which was basically all of two people. A few more in highschool but not many. Eventually I left that school and entered the wonderful realm of highschool. Where now I had to put up with even more assholes. Honestly half of highschool is just memories of me being angry constantly, a red haze. A lot of the people from my school went to the same highschool I did in the bigger town twenty minutes away. The pattern of they can do whatever and I'm told to just ignore it WHICH NEVER FUCKING WORKS, but heaven forbid I do anything. I mean they were allowed to throw half eaten apples at me from the bus window when it pulled away but the one day I threw something back (a pen) I got kicked off the bus for three days, it probably had something to do with my parents calling the driver's supervisor. Or the person who signed me up for the school's talent show to eat an elephant's dick. I missed out on a trip to greece thanks to these assholes. None of the teachers were willing to endorse me as someone who could handle being in groups because they would see me telling the bullies to go away.

    See I didn't learn social skills I learned defense mechanisms. I learned that while ignoring never stopped them it would at least not give them any more ammo. I learned to never ever go into the cafeteria during lunch where half the school was. I learned just make it through the day and go home and try to have some peace and quiet from a family that would never leave me alone. My mom would pester me with questions about my day when I just wanted to tune out and finally I had to tell her no more questions. My sister was a teenage girl, sometimes great sometimes a bitch.

    These defense mechanisms helped but didn't stop it, it didn't stop a girl older than me sitting next to me on the bus refusing to let me move to another seat, grabbing at my hair and pulling on my pants continuously while someone from behind me kept throwing food at me. Basically this is what I mean when I say I was nonsexually molested. It may not sound like much but you're trapped with someone older than you, stronger than you who won't stop touching you while making fun of you while everyone else around does absolutely nothing and you tell me how fucking minor it is. I'm not even listing a tenth of what happened to me or how many of these people were my friend in kindergarten.

    The only thing that saved me was I learned how to play Magic the Gathering and started going to the local cardshop. I made friends, got out of the house and started to take some of the edges of my habits but honestly all I really learned was the biggest loudest jerk was the most popular. People made fun of me for playing it at school but honestly it gave me something to focus on, it gave me something in common with some people and it was somethign to do. However it was not easy to find a place to play at school "if we let you use the room we have to let everyone use the room" "you can't play cards in the library because the other people who play cards make a mess" bullshit.

    Eventually I managed to graduate, I had decent grades but it was just I didn't do something crazy and get expelled. I chose the school I went to for college based mainly off the fact that noone else I knew was going. I had to get away, there was no two ways about it. It was a private school that cost shitloads and has saddled me with a lot of debt that I will have to pay back and honestly what I took was not what I wanted in the end. I'm still in school when I graduated highschool 10 years ago. I'm a grad student now for programming but I had to get away and it cost a lot of money but through that I made some friends, once again through magic, and filtered a lot of crap from my soul.

    To be honest part of still being in school the first school I went to was crap, 40 hours of class a week plus homework so I didn't realize until after I burned out.

    I went to the local college back here for programming, timed it to graduate with the recession and ended up needing a degree not a diploma so I went to a university that had an agreement with the college to skip half the credits, but there were some small breaks where i did try to job hunt but failed. I went to grad school because my grades were good enough to get some good scholarships to the points I get to keep most of TA salary as well as work part time without adding or needing to pay my student loan yet.

    The end result is I'm 27, I'm still in school because honestly I wasn't allowed to grow up until after highschool because any attempt to be myself got me harassed to no end. I'm saddled with a large student debt (bigger than most mortgages) and honestly Is till really don't know how to deal with people nor do I like to. I've learned to be on my own, I've learned to enjoy playing video games, reading and watching tv because it's just easier. When I'm around people except for a select few I;m still on the defensive, I'm always wondering when the insults are going to start or in my bosses case when he's going to yell for no reason. I don't mind being on m own most of the time but I wich people would leave it the hell alone, my family keeps pushing me to make friends or asking me about it but honestly I really don't care, I still usually just want to be left alone. I'm a hermit and I'm fine with it because first off I tend to put my foot in mouth as I don't always know when to stop. It takes me time to process things and I don't always get the joke and I've found that people not only don't like to explain the joke but won't altogether leaving me confused while they look at me like I'm an idiot. Even my own family does this, I do something a different way or don't like to do something and the look at me like I'm nuts, I see it in their eyes. I've given up trying to explain things to people because they usually will roll they eyes at me like I'm a lunatic. I don't like dealing with people because people are fucking nuts. I'm supposed to accept everything they do but nothing I do is acceptable. I've learned that basically I'm better off just doing my best to get through the day until I can go home and just be by myself.

    I do have some friends, but I really only see a few them at all regularly, I follow a routine, in highschool I would go to teh magic tournament every friday, almost never missed any because that's what friday was, period. I gamed with my friend on sundays because that's what sunday was period. I am not one that tends to initiate the hang out, months go by when I don't see some friends. If you invite me out to something I will probably say yes but the urge to cancel and stay home is gigantic as is the anxiety too. The worst part is, people just don't get it. They refuse to get it.

    I'm an abuse victim, and honestly I am different, maybe not genetically, maybe not chemically but I am different from most people. I don't process things the same, I've learned to be by myself jsut out of simplicity and I honestly really don't know how to handle people without it being exhausting.

    I can handle being around people, I've learned how to fake it. I'm good at selling stuff at work becuse I know my tech and the sales conversation is so formulaic that I know what to expect. The thing about faking it is that it never stops being fake. people give the fake it until you mean advice never realizing the fake it part never actually stops.

    The funny things is, social issues aside, anger issues aside I really do like myself. I'm not perfect but I'm ok with that. sure I get lonely sometimes but not often. Honestly its fine, but thats the part people really don't get, I'm fine with how things are. Stop pushing me to go out more, stop pushing me to make friends stop bothering me. All you do is make me want to hide in my room more. If I want to go I'll do it in my own time. If I do go out don't ask me 500 questions or act surprised or make jokes, that all just gets me frustrated and again makes me want to go back upstairs and forget the whole thing.

    By the way the reason I was bullied? I am fat. That's really it, that's what made my life a living hell. Of course the stress eating didn't really help with that.

  • #2
    I'm really sorry you've been through all that. I went through something very similar and was ostracized in school and never learned how to socialize. I also prefer to be alone to read or watch tv. I can also fake it for a short while when I need to but then I HAVE to be alone to recover.

    I was at a social thing last night and due to the death of the organizer there were a lot more people there than usual, that I had never met. I was about to lose it due to the number of strangers.

    I feel for you, and I don't know how you, I or anyone else can escape it.
    Great YouTube channel check it out!


    • #3
      I took a *lot* of shit from people when I was in school. You know how every group has the kid that everyone makes fun of? Yep, I was that kid. Didn't help that I was into things like sports cars, trains, and was usually reading a magazine devoted to either when not in class. Throw in the socially awkwardness, lack of any athletic ability, and I was truly fucked. So naturally I got picked on because those things weren't "cool." Not helping either, is that some of my teachers actually encouraged the practice or looked the other way. No wonder then that I really didn't have many friends, and usually kept to myself. Even now, I really don't enjoy being around most people. Didn't stop certain relatives from insisting that I needed to attend school events and hang out with people. Uh, no. Sorry, but fuck that. I'd rather build models or anything else that doesn't require interaction. After being treated so poorly over the years, it's no wonder I really don't get attached to people. I keep thinking that I'm going to get either hurt or screwed over...and unfortunately I get proved right.


      • #4
        That happened to me. It started in grade school, but amplified up to eleven in high school.

        If it wasn't for my awesome guidance counselor, the few friends I made, the non-existence of YouTube and Facebook, afterschool activities and my high IQ (causing teachers to stand up for me), I would not have made it out.

        The reason why I was bullied? I was diagnosed with Autistic tendencies and therefore, acted differently from them. My crowning moment of awesome, as mentioned by my Mom, was when I punched a student for calling me a gross name, and my high school math teacher applauded me for standing up for myself.


        • #5
          I had similar, but short lived, experiences with being the victim. Being a military brat, I was often the victim for being "the new kid." I say they were short lived experiences because I never let them get away with it. I fought back. Yeah, it got me in trouble but it got it to stop.

          In school and other group bullying situations, the victim is marked and like a pack of vultures, they all start adding on until there's nothing left. Sadly, most of these victims end up killing themselves. People like Amanda Todd, Erin Gallagher, and Megan Meier are just a few of the unfortunate victims.

          Most victims are victims because they allow themselves to be. They're identified as an easy target and the notion is verified after the first few attacks. This might've been what the problem was for you. It might not. I don't know. For many, it is though. Most attackers don't go after people they think can or will fight back. It's why women and "wimpy" or smaller males are more often victims than others.

          It's been proven time and time again that reporting a bully doesn't work. Even outside of school, Police can't do anything about a restraining order unless they actually catch the attacker with you, or have concrete evidence to support it.

          The only way to stop an Alpha is to fight back. To be Alpha. Just don't go the route that Freddie Blodgett, Eric Harris, or Dylan Klebold did.
          Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.


          • #6
            Well, since we're sharing...

            I was "that kid." One of the geeks, dorks, nerds, whatever. I had social issues stemming from having a broken household (parents divorced when I was 5 years old), and not having sufficient socialization in my formative years. I was bullied from a fairly young age (I can remember it happening as early as first grade), all the way through high school. Typically, if I complained or tried to seek justice for myself, I was either treated the same as my attackers, or blown off. A few memorable incidents:
            • Being given a split lip because I didn't want to give up the basketball that I had checked out. I went to the hospital; nothing was done to the kid who punched me.
            • A cute girl asked to see a small electronic toy that I had brought to school with me, so I let her see it. She took it over to her friends a few feet away, they distracted me to play a form of "keep-away," and ended up burying the toy in the playground sand, which resulted in it being stepped on and broken. The school administration's response was, "You shouldn't have brought it to school, anyway."
            • On several occasions, I was suspended for getting beat up. That is, both me and the guy who was beating me up were suspended for "fighting," even though it was completely one-sided. On one particular case, I went in to school the next day, and went straight to my Counselor's office to appeal the suspension, on the fact that I wasn't actually fighting, so much as getting beat up. I was told that it didn't matter, because of the district's "Zero Tolerance" policy on fighting.
            • Many, many betrayals by people who I thought I could trust. One example: A guy I knew online (during the days of Bulletin Board Systems, pre-Internet) chatted with me, and told me that he had a copy of Legend of the Red Dragon, and that he'd let me play it all I wanted. Encouraged by this, I logged onto his computer, played LORD for a bit, and then logged off. Half an hour later, I got a call from the SysOp of a major BBS in the area to tell me that someone had my password, and was trying to get into my account. It turned out that Friend had several other people over, and at least one of them (who I DIDN'T trust) was watching me play, and wrote down my password (at that time, I didn't have proper password security). The only reason he didn't get into my account on that BBS was that it had slightly tighter security than other boards in the area - it required the last four digits of your phone number, and he didn't know my number. I quickly changed my passwords on ALL of the BBSes that I visited.
            • Later, the same jerk got my phone number, and started making harrassing calls. Because phone systems at the time required both sides of a call to hang up before it cut the connection, he was able to prevent me from using BBSes for over an hour, simply by not hanging up his end of the call.
            • Post-high-school, I was in an arcade, minding my own business and practicing on Street Fighter, when this bantam kid - 15 or so, but short for his age - strolled up, dropped in a quarter, and challenged me without so much as asking, "You mind?" He then used cheap moves to beat me in the first round; I realized what he was doing, and cheaped him back for rounds 2 and 3. Over the next several months, he and his friends harrassed and threatened me over that - most of them had no idea why he had it in for me, and most of them didn't care.

            For the most part, things changed in my Junior year of high school, when a minor bully pushed me past my breaking point. I went into a berserker fugue (I don't remember the fight past the first punch), and pretty much laid him out. The bullying mostly stopped from everyone else, after that.


            • #7
              I got even with one of the bullies on my paper route. For whatever reason, this asshole would follow me around the neighborhood on his bike....and would call me nasty names and occasionally throw rocks. One afternoon, he started that shit, and I'd had enough. This time, I was riding my wagon down one of the hills...with him behind me. After getting beaned with a rock, I decided to get even. That is, I reached down, and yanked on the handbrake. (After some asshole sent the wagon rolling downhill and into a tree, I'd fitted a crude 'braking system.') His bike plowed into the back of my '78 Radio-Flyer, and he landed on the pavement. Bike was trashed, but I wanted to send a message. Kicked him in the stomach and never had that problem again.

              Probably not the best idea, but it got the message across. He, and his little buddies left me alone after that. I don't know if it was fear, or if they wondered what I'd do to them if they crossed me... Also, I never got into trouble for that. Probably because I knew most people in the area, and I was much smaller than the bully at the time.


              • #8
                That reminds me of an incident that I'd almost forgotten about. I was out riding my bike one day, around age 8, when a couple of the neighborhood bullies decided to start harrassing me. One of them thought it would be a good idea to try to ram my rear tire with his front tire, thinking he'd knock me down. Turned out that my bike was a lot sturdier than he expected, and he went down hard.


                • #9
                  You know, the advice that has been given since humans have been around and bullying has been around, is to ignore the bully and they will get bored and stop. I find it interesting that the common thread here is fighting back will get it to stop, not ignoring them. Yet that's what they tell you not to do. You'd think after hundreds of years at least people would get that.

                  My youngest daughter was a BRIEF victim of some bullying. A kid wanted her toys and wouldn't let her alone. Finally she had enough and beaned him in the head with a toy car. Made him bleed a little and he went running to his mommy. She showed up with him later and we explained that he'd been harassing her and that's why she did it. But we made appropriate noises of "don't do it again". After they left I told her she was good for doing that and never mind what I said in front of the parents She did NOT get in trouble for that at all, cause it was needed. Some people don't learn except when hit back.
                  Great YouTube channel check it out!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by telecom_goddess View Post
                    You know, the advice that has been given since humans have been around and bullying has been around, is to ignore the bully and they will get bored and stop. I find it interesting that the common thread here is fighting back will get it to stop, not ignoring them. Yet that's what they tell you not to do. You'd think after hundreds of years at least people would get that.
                    I think the reason is while there are many stories which show success, there are just as many stories that backfire. Either the punch wasn't strong enough or the victim gets punished for standing up for him/herself or both.

                    That said, ignoring hardly ever works. That's because bullies know they're getting under your skin, possibly because while you are trying your best to show your poker face, you're showing some indication that you find the bully's actions hurtful. Plus, if a bully's actions is not getting a response, I'd think they'd see that as a challenge, and will just keep upping the ante until they find out just what the snapping point is.


                    • #11
                      Thanks for your words, I realize I'm not alone in my experience, but I just had to get that out on paper somewhere. It's nice to explain to someone that gets it rather than being dismissed or being told that it's so long ago to just forget it.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by TheHuckster View Post
                        I think the reason is while there are many stories which show success, there are just as many stories that backfire. Either the punch wasn't strong enough or the victim gets punished for standing up for him/herself or both.
                        I can categorically say that, despite my eventual success in fighting back, it's not an automatic win. If you're not able to fight back effectively, it can be worse than simply enduring the bullying. I had several beatings early on that were far worse than they would have been BECAUSE I tried to fight back, ineffectively. What was a one-on-one-with-onlookers became a five-on-one, in one particular case.

                        There's no one-size-fits-all solution. Well, there is - catching and punishing the bullies - but that one's not likely to happen any time soon.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by gremcint View Post
                          Thanks for your words, I realize I'm not alone in my experience, but I just had to get that out on paper somewhere. It's nice to explain to someone that gets it rather than being dismissed or being told that it's so long ago to just forget it.
                          While our community here doesn't always agree with each other on any number of topics, we're still supportive of each other. I think that's what makes this board so successful.
                          Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by telecom_goddess View Post
                            Some people don't learn except when hit back.
                            Yep, some people have to learn the hard way. They'll continue to poke the hornet's nest, and then go screaming to Mommy when it hurts. My brother was like that when he was younger. He was more of an instigator rather than a bully. One time, I was down in the basement doing something on the computer. Rather than simply leave me alone, he insisted on blowing a whistle in my ear. First time, I told him to knock it off. Did the same the second time. Third time...I punched him in the face. Bleeding, he ran to our mother in the laundry room. She'd seen the whole thing, and told him that he had it coming. I mean, it's not like I didn't warn him...

                            Unfortunately, many bullies never learn. They enjoy pushing people around. Sooner or later, they'll mess with the wrong person, and find themselves splattered all over a sidewalk somewhere. For example, one of the bullies at my high school, got in the face of someone at the mall. That guy...beat him to a pulp.

