Originally posted by gremcint
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I also have a ruger 6 shot .38 caliber handgun that I had to buy when I was a security guard, my husband has his sidearm, that he used while hunting and for target practice to maintain his weapons proficiency for the military since the Navy in it's infinite wisdom really doesn't manage any sort of range time to practice shooting. I prefer the WW2 vintage Sauer 38H my father brought back from Germany - sentimental value and it fits my hand better than the ruger and uses the same ammo my husbands uses. Saves on buying ammo. And he also has some little oddball thing his greatgrandmother had to protect herself and home from looters in San Francisco right after the big earthquake. It takes some seriously strange antique ammo that is more or less impossible to find [or costs an arm and a leg] so it is a display piece.
[Apparently she had some pretty sharp opinions about Amadeo Gianini the founder of the bank that ended up as Bank of America, which would explain why so many customers are still dissatisfied with it