sorry just getting frustrated after a fb friend commented on how "women are stupid for putting phones in their back pockets". Even after I explained that women's and men's pants are cut differently because women's pants don't have to account for "external plumbing", he posts a photo of women's jeans(tight, body hugging, women's jeans mind you) and says "look they have front pockets!" totally ignoring that the pocket space is filled by body and the pockets are two inches deep. I mentioned that the only choice due to the style of women's jeans is no front pocket *space* or wear ill fitting men's pants, because hips. That got "ill fitting is subjective"(yeah ok, you try wearing pants with a waist 10 inches bigger than yours is to accommodate hips and ass and tell me the fit is "subjective")
Seriously are males that oblivious to the fact that men's and women's clothing are drastically different? It's *not* the first time I've had this conversation, do they believe women's jeans have tardis qualities? I mean you can tell most are quite body hugging by design(unlike men's), yet you think *somehow* there's magic room for large pockets, large enough to hold a cell phone?
this is the photo in question he used to "prove" there's pockets, when the issue is pocket *space*.
grrr just grrrr.
Seriously are males that oblivious to the fact that men's and women's clothing are drastically different? It's *not* the first time I've had this conversation, do they believe women's jeans have tardis qualities? I mean you can tell most are quite body hugging by design(unlike men's), yet you think *somehow* there's magic room for large pockets, large enough to hold a cell phone?
this is the photo in question he used to "prove" there's pockets, when the issue is pocket *space*.
grrr just grrrr.