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Flu Season --- Fratching version

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  • Flu Season --- Fratching version

    Flu season is here. Last week, I came down with a sore throat, and now it's evolved in to an intermittent cough and congestion in my nose. I drink lots of water and rest, so I hope I'll be well enough to get my flu shot soon.

    How about you? Are you feeling OK or under the weather, like myself?

    Also, did you get your flu shot? If so, when and how do you feel now? If not, are you planning to do it soon or get to it later? And if never, then why not?

  • #2
    Other than a cold, I've been fine so far this season.

    My insurance covers the flu shot so I just hopped on over to a local pharmacy and five minutes I was on my way with a piece of candy. My arm was sore for like two days but that was it. I had no other side effects.

    I've never had the flu in the first place, but once I was forced to get the shot to go to Afghanistan, I decided to just keep getting it. If enough people get the shot, we can lower it spreading and less people get sick and those who are allergic won't get sick from people around them.
    Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


    • #3
      Crap. I forgot about the flu shot. I need to do that for the family.
      I has a blog!


      • #4
        I did get my flu shot, mainly because my sister gave birth a few months ago to a one month premature little girl. I don't want to make her sick, I did give my nephew something last year and he went to the hospital! Not that getting the flu shot that year would've helped. That sister and her hubby both got the shot and got sick anyway.

        I'm hoping this year's flu shot is better. Other than that, though, I feel amazing.


        • #5
          the issue with the flu shot is that each year's vaccine is reliant on more-or-less predicting what strain of flu will be going around THIS year. ( or more specifically, figuring out how to point out to the immune system that THIS is what you need to fight- which is why it doesn't have to be perfect.) The closer they get to predicting the actual strain, the more reliable the vaccine is. Unfortunately, this means herd immunity for each year's flu outbreak is probably a pipe dream- herd immunity requires 90+% immunity, and even if everyone got vaccinated, it's pure luck what % will actually be immune to this season's flu strain.


          • #6
            I got the flu two christmasses in a row. It was hell. I had a boss who didn't believe how sick I was and made me come into work. I vomited everywhere and could barely stand. Less than an hour after I got there and was sick all over the place she tried to send me home. I refused. She dragged me out of bed and all the way downtown I was damn well earning the money for my shift.

            Every customer that commented on how sick I was got told that my manager had threatened my job unless I came in to work. She finally paid for a cab to take me home. Bitch.
            I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ - Gandhi


            • #7
              UPDATE: Now I have an intermittent hacking cough. I know it's not the flu, but for me, now is DEFINITELY NOT the time for me to get my flu shot.

              I'll get it when I get better.


              • #8
                Just got my shot this past Tuesday (had my annual physical w/the family doctor) and she made sure I had one in my arm before l left (as well as a visit to the lab to give up another couple of vials of blood.) I have 2 family menbers w/chronic health issues so I have to make sure I have my updated every year - especially since I'm out in a grocery store 5 days a week putting up w/folks coming in coughing, hacking and sniffling up snot all damn day long.

                I had a slight cold a couple of weeks back but nothing like the usual sinus mess I end up with between now and Christmas *knocks on wood.*
                If life hands you lemons . . . find someone whose life is handing them vodka . . . and have a party - Ron "Tater Salad" White


                • #9
                  I got mine as soon as they came in. It's mildly aggravating that the companies that make the stuff won't deliver it to independent doctors' offices until weeks after they've filled the orders of CVS and Walgreen's. By the time we can put out the "flu shots now available" sign, half the patients who otherwise would have got theirs here have gone somewhere else. But at least they're getting them.
                  "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."

