Starring Ted Cruz!
This is a real, actual thing currently featured on Brietbart from a guy that claims to be a "filmmaker" and have a "film studio" in Los Angeles named Highway 61 ( Because his other insane obsession is, inexplicably, Bob Dylan. ).
I will let him speak from his own fevered, diseased mind:
Other films* include: Obama Is a Communist, Obama Is A Communist II, Iran Is Going To Kill Us All Because Obama Is A Communist and Every Muslim Hates The Jews**
* May not be the actual titles.
** All music provided by a Bob Dylan tribute band. No, really. In addition to being a lunatic, this guy is the leader of a Bob Dylan tribute band. Which performs the films soundtracks.
This is a real, actual thing currently featured on Brietbart from a guy that claims to be a "filmmaker" and have a "film studio" in Los Angeles named Highway 61 ( Because his other insane obsession is, inexplicably, Bob Dylan. ).
I will let him speak from his own fevered, diseased mind:
It was also obvious to me, from the perspective of a film maker, that Senator Cruz had the “it factor.” Cruz had the charisma, the charm, the chops, and the energy that make up a rock star persona that could propel him to the White House. And above all, I saw Ted Cruz as a unifying figure, not a divisive one as portrayed by the leftist media.
* May not be the actual titles.
** All music provided by a Bob Dylan tribute band. No, really. In addition to being a lunatic, this guy is the leader of a Bob Dylan tribute band. Which performs the films soundtracks.