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My new political suspicion...

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  • My new political suspicion...

    I'm not sure Bill wants Hillary to be President.

    Especially in light of this:

    And other things he's said. Call them gaffes, if you will.

    But I get a feeling that outwardly he supports her, inwardly he doesn't want her to be President.

  • #2
    Honestly, he's always been gaffe prone on the campaign trail. Both his own campaigns and everyone else's. He stumbled through Hillary's 2008 run as well. But he also stumbled through Gore's in 2000 too.

    He's about 50% Biden. -.-


    • #3
      Yea, Bill has always had a penchat for gaffes. The fundamental difference then and now is when he did it in the past, it was his charm and charisma he was selling. Hillary's admitted as much, but she's not a natural politician. So when he screws up while selling her, its more damaging because she doesn't roll with it as well.

      And looking into the update, it looks like he said exactly what I thought he was saying. He was talking about Republican obstructionism which frankly has been at record setting levels for the last 8 years. So...

      That actually is feeding into my new pet peeve which is, if a person doesn't overly specify the meaning, any meaning will be used. We then simultaneously kvetch that people aren't real with us and hide behind legal speak. Well, chicken... egg...


      • #4
        Originally posted by D_Yeti_Esquire View Post
        That actually is feeding into my new pet peeve which is, if a person doesn't overly specify the meaning, any meaning will be used. We then simultaneously kvetch that people aren't real with us and hide behind legal speak. Well, chicken... egg...
        similar to my pet peeve of "OMG they changed their stance with new information/evidence!"

        Sorry you want progress but demand politicians never change, how exactly does that work?
        Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride


        • #5
          especially since I would hope someone in charge of a nation would be able to admit they were wrong in the light of new evidence. People who can be described as "don't confuse me with the facts, my mind's made up" make extremely poor leaders. (the issue being that someone like that will be inherently blindly dogmatic. That is a problem if there are signs that the dogma is causing a serious problem.)

