I don't care if he runs or not, I'm going to write him in if I have to. So far he's had the courage to repeatedly tell the LD$ Church to stay the hell out of state politics. He's succeeded in modernizing (to some extent) liquor laws in Utah... we finally have open bars... granted, still the only liquor not sold in state run stores is watered down beer, but considering the Church wanted bars to be even more restricted, I'll settle for open bars being a suitable F-U. He vetoed a law passed by the legislature that would have effectively censored video games in the state of Utah... once again at the protest of the church. And now the ultimate F-U to the LD$ church... he's trying to get civil unions legalized in Utah ( click here please )
Obama's stands against special interests don't hold a candle to a REPUBLICAN in Utah who is willing to stand up to the strongest special interest group in the state... after standing up to the LDS in Utah, the banking lobby, tobacco lobby, pharmaceutical lobby, and any other lobby in the country couldn't possibly intimidate him.
God bless you Governor Huntsman, may he grant you continued strength to stand up for what is right, even against a strong foe, and come 2012 if you decide to run for president you will have my and my family's support.
Obama's stands against special interests don't hold a candle to a REPUBLICAN in Utah who is willing to stand up to the strongest special interest group in the state... after standing up to the LDS in Utah, the banking lobby, tobacco lobby, pharmaceutical lobby, and any other lobby in the country couldn't possibly intimidate him.
God bless you Governor Huntsman, may he grant you continued strength to stand up for what is right, even against a strong foe, and come 2012 if you decide to run for president you will have my and my family's support.