Originally posted by mjr
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I'm a little curious as to your intentions. I'm not sure how you force anyone to respond to a letter, really. I don't think there's a way to guarantee that, if for no other reason than members of Congress receive LEGENDARY amounts of mail, and more than you could possibly believe comes from total cranks out to expose the conspiracy of the lizard people and the Bilderbergs.
In addition, I'm assuming that the response you're seeking is one that's going to satisfy you. Judging from your remarks in this thread, I have my doubts that that's going to happen. You'd have to be receptive to a trenchant argument from your political opposition and accept it without deflection. If your goal is just to put your elected official on the spot and give him the abba-dabbas to make yourself feel better or smarter, save your postage. He'll just send you a standard boilerplate position letter.