I have no problem with it, especially after seeing this line:
Wow. People actually getting to critique their lawmakers. Fucking compelling idea. Maybe it would make lawmakers a bit more responsive to their constituents.
And then this quote just to show Blagojevich's ever forming stupidity:
Obama needed NO extra help in Illinois. He could have done everything short of the Nazi salute and goosestep across the room and he would have won Illinois.
And there is one politician who deserves to get removed from office via an election. Flider, you're too stupid to representing your section of the state.
I have no problem with it, especially after seeing this line:
The proposed legislation, which has been defeated in the past, is touchy politically because it would give Illinoisans time to critique controversial votes made in the General Assembly, which generally meets from January until the end of May.
And then this quote just to show Blagojevich's ever forming stupidity:
Illinois’ primary was moved up to February from March two years ago to help Barack Obama seal up early support in the presidential primary season.
“I don’t see it makes a difference one way or the other,” said state Rep. Bob Flider, DMount Zion. “If we do it, we need to find a date and stick to it.”