I am sorry but I see eco-terrorists the same as rabid anti-abortionists. Neither is right, I am sorry. You can not justify killing someone because you think they are wrong. And by the by I am also against the death penalty, no I don't speed intentionally and when I find myself going to fast I will slow down.. much to the irritation of those behind me, don't fudge my taxes, return money when I get to much back, etc. I try to follow all the laws, even if I think some of them are down right stupid. I will admit that yes I have broken laws in the past and I am ashamed to admit that.
But what good are laws if we can arbitrarily ignore them because they are inconvenient? Just because you do not agree with the laws is no reason to violate them intentionally.
If I was in a Muslim country, yes I would cover my head and no I would not drink and if I was not allowed to drive then I wouldn't. When in Rome do as the romans do. It is not my place to question their laws or culture.
I have seen what happens to loggers when eco-nuts damage equipment, good people can't pay their bills. I have seen what happens when mills close down, houses burn down and more.
I am sorry people that damage other people's property or injure or kill because they don't agree with them or what they do are wrong.
Eco-terrorists and Anti-abortionist are the same. They justify what they do and the harm they cause because someone needs to speak for those that can't. So what if an abortion doctor dies.. it was for the babies that don't have a voice... so what if the eco-terrorists kill a ceo it is to save the animals that have no voice. Their reasons are they are in the right because of what they believe in not just because of moral reasoning.
I have a question.. do you eat meat? If so you are responsible in a way for the death of wolves, coyotes and other predators. Do you live in a house that is 100% wood free? If not you support loggers. There is nothing that we do in our daily lives that does not impact the world around us. Would it be grand if we could live in 100% harmony with the world.. yes but that isn't going to happen.
Everything has a season... animals, people, plants, all of it. Species come and go and I am a firm believer that one day humans wont be here. If I had my way I would live on a mountain living off what I could grow and hunt. I much prefer that then living in the city and I am not very much a people person.. I much prefer animals to people, but that doesn't mean that I would chose an animals life over a humans.
But what good are laws if we can arbitrarily ignore them because they are inconvenient? Just because you do not agree with the laws is no reason to violate them intentionally.
If I was in a Muslim country, yes I would cover my head and no I would not drink and if I was not allowed to drive then I wouldn't. When in Rome do as the romans do. It is not my place to question their laws or culture.
I have seen what happens to loggers when eco-nuts damage equipment, good people can't pay their bills. I have seen what happens when mills close down, houses burn down and more.
I am sorry people that damage other people's property or injure or kill because they don't agree with them or what they do are wrong.
While the general argument seems to be similar, it is in fact very very different, to the point of being irrelevant. You're trying here to attach significance only on the moral aspect of my argument, rather than the reason for it. And also make it a lot more black and white in moralistic terms... I've never indicated that!
Eco-terrorists and Anti-abortionist are the same. They justify what they do and the harm they cause because someone needs to speak for those that can't. So what if an abortion doctor dies.. it was for the babies that don't have a voice... so what if the eco-terrorists kill a ceo it is to save the animals that have no voice. Their reasons are they are in the right because of what they believe in not just because of moral reasoning.
I have a question.. do you eat meat? If so you are responsible in a way for the death of wolves, coyotes and other predators. Do you live in a house that is 100% wood free? If not you support loggers. There is nothing that we do in our daily lives that does not impact the world around us. Would it be grand if we could live in 100% harmony with the world.. yes but that isn't going to happen.
Everything has a season... animals, people, plants, all of it. Species come and go and I am a firm believer that one day humans wont be here. If I had my way I would live on a mountain living off what I could grow and hunt. I much prefer that then living in the city and I am not very much a people person.. I much prefer animals to people, but that doesn't mean that I would chose an animals life over a humans.