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Super (stupid?) Tuesday aftermath

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  • #46
    So it was YOU in the audience waving that Hillary sign

    LOL, I watched the debate and live blogged about it. We were all joking about what Hillary must be writing on the notepad she kept turning to while she wasn't talking- we decided she was writing her grocery list and seeing how "Mrs. Hillary Obama" would look as a signature :P

    (That last being based off the moment in the beginning where they shook hands and Barack is leaning down to make eye contact, being so much taller, and it looked for a second on TV like he was going to kiss her on the cheek)


    • #47
      That was me waiving the Hillary signs!

      Seriously, it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be there. I was in the rotunda waiving signs and chanting "Hill-A-Ry!!!" It was awesome. It was great to see so many people there for both Clinton, Obama and all the other candidates. I got into a really great conversation with the guy holding the lone Ron Paul sign. It was interesting.

      I had one funny exchange with an Obama supporter that really made me roll my eyes. I realize that this one guy DOES NOT represent the majority of intelligent, well-spoken Obama supporters. This guy? An idiot. I was standing behind him when the Obama supporters did their "Fire it up! Ready to go!" chant. It was cool. It was loud. As a Clinton supporter we just chanted them over it with "Fire it up! Hill-A-Ry!" Their "ready to go" part was drowned out. Eh, it was a political rally. After a few times doing this, the Obama-supporter guy laughed at me, "Hey, you guys don't even have a chant! How can you guys come out here without a chant??" Even his fellow supporters/buddies gave him dirty looks. I just kind looked at him, "We're here at a political debate and you're mocking at us because we don't have a chant?? This isn't about a chant! Just vote ok?" I think I was literally the first person that day to talk back to him. For the most part everyone was passionate for their candidate. This guy just didn't get it.


      • #48
        What a jerk! Half of political rallies is silly stuff like chants and signs- but when I went to my caucus, despite my waving a huge "YES WE CAN" sign with Obama's picture plastered all over it, I had several intelligent conversations with Hillary supporters and undecideds.

        When it gets to the general election, we can mock the opposing candidate's supporters to our respective hearts' content, but in the primaries? We're all Democrats, mmmmkay? Remember that whole "same party" thing?

        Though my caucus was quite amusing- it was 27 to 8 in favor of Obama in my precinct, with ONE undecided voter. So the 27 Obama supporters and 8 Hillary supporters were trying to woo the single undecided, who ended up over on the Obama side. She looked very overwhelmed.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Melxb View Post
          After a few times doing this, the Obama-supporter guy laughed at me, "Hey, you guys don't even have a chant! How can you guys come out here without a chant??"
          Obama doesn't have a support-base so much as a fan-base.


          • #50
            Obama has an incredible support base. However, like all popular candidates, he also has idiots who support him. You think JFK didn't have morons voting for him?

