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NAACP Calls Hallmark Graduation Card Racist

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  • NAACP Calls Hallmark Graduation Card Racist

    Here is the story

    This story makes my blood boil. It makes me SEETHE with rage towards the NAACP. First, it was a police commissioner who thought the term black hole is racist in an of itself. Now the NAACP is maliciously distorting the pronunciation of "black hole" as "black whore". I don't know what's worse: the fact that the NAACP seems to be RRREEEEAAAALLLLYYY reaching in an effort to remain legitimate, or the fact that Hallmark bowed to the asswipes and removed the card from shelves AFTER THREE FUCKING YEARS! Seriously, the card was for sale for three years before the NAACP decided to raise a stink about it.

    The NAACP is doing more harm than good. The group needs to be disbanded. NOW.

  • #2
    Really!? REALLY? Seriously what is WRONG with people!


    • #3
      Omfg *facepalm* *head desk*

      ok I am now all the more stupider for watching the second part of the black hole thing

      Look... I am sorry ... racism exists in part because we wont let go and i am sorry but i giggle at the NAACP... I got in trouble for refering to a black child as a little colored boy.. when I was 6... If it is sooooooo wrong why haven't they updated their name? I mean heck we all have color... but if you made a group that just served whites of say European background... zomg racist..

      I really hate the racist card... really... really do... I coming from a multi-cultural background... and my rule is be polite,... play nice... and realize everyone bleeds if you stab them...

      Isn't there enough hate in the world without finding it where it was not.


      • #4
        Well there obviously wasn't enough hate in the world before we created an industry whose apparent function is to dig up every morsel of misery and tragedy before spoon-feeding it to us while we eat our TOP Ramen. I guess making it up is just the next logical step.

        For me, though, the NAACP just lost any and all respect I ad for it in the same way as PETA and basically all of the hardcore feminist and green movements. If they're so important, how the fuck does this petty shit happen?
        All units: IRENE
        HK MP5-N: Solving 800 problems a minute since 1986


        • #5
          Oh, good grief. Seriously? With all the actual racism and other discrimination in this country, and they're going to make something up to be upset about? Why aren't they protesting the possibility of racial profiling down in Arizona? Oh, wait. Those people are the wrong shade of colored people.
          Do not lead, for I may not follow. Do not follow, for I may not lead. Just go over there somewhere.


          • #6
            I loved the movie A Time to Kill and part of the movie that had me cheering is when Samuel Jackson's character bitched out his preacher for not giving the money collected "for the family" to his family and then blasted the NAACP for only being willing to pay his legal fund if he would drop the lawyer he trusted because the guy was Caucasian.

            I have seen this a lot in the last ten years where most things called racist couldn't be further from it and really just seem to be desperate attempts for groups to remain relevant even though they are teaching people how to be racist at this point rather than trying to stop racism.
            Jack Faire


            • #7
              We've had a few copies of one Hallmark card in our office at work for, I actually took a closer look at it, and as it turns it, it is the card in question!

              I listened to it...three times. Without any doubt at all, I distinctly heard H-O-L-E-S. The L was VERY obviously there, and to me, there was absolutely no question that it could be anything else. Even if it didn't sound exactly like that due to crappy recording/playback quality, the whole card's dialogue is rather long and there is no question of the context; there are several references to the universe/solar system.

              Someone better call a proctologist stat, since someone has a massive bug up their ass.


              • #8
                And this is why no one even shrugs when racism is screamed all over a store or a community. Boy who cried wolf, anyone?


                • #9
                  Why shouldn't NAACP not do this? Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have been extorting money from organizations and businesses for years and no one from the left side will call them on this.
                  Cry Havoc and let slip the marsupials of war!!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Tanasi View Post
                    Why shouldn't NAACP not do this? Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have been extorting money from organizations and businesses for years and no one from the left side will call them on this.
                    That's because anyone that does (regardless of political leaning) immediately gets called a (let's see if I can get the term right) "racist whitey cracker" by them or their supporters, when said mud-slingers are more racist than most of the people in the country.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by lordlundar View Post
                      That's because anyone that does (regardless of political leaning) immediately gets called a (let's see if I can get the term right) "racist whitey cracker" by them or their supporters, when said mud-slingers are more racist than most of the people in the country.
                      I'd love to test this theory.
                      How about if someone starts the NAAWP and see how quickly they get called racist.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by draggar View Post
                        I'd love to test this theory.
                        How about if someone starts the NAAWP and see how quickly they get called racist.
                        You first. If I start it, people like Jackson and Sharpton declaring it an act of war.


                        • #13
                          While you can't just start a whites only group, if you were to start something to help a certain nationality or ethnicity you probably won't have many issues. I've seen things like The Swedish Hall, or groups founded to help Irish immigrants. Granted most of these were started a long time ago when their was more distinction between white people but I don't see how anybody would object as long as the process was fair.


                          • #14
                            Anyone recall a couple years ago when a black professor at Howard University in Washington, DC publicly stated the only way blacks can succeed is by killing every white person alive?

                            The only news sources that carried the story at first were Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, and it was only after it became widely viewed online that more 'legitmate' news media even made mention of it.

                            Wanna bet if the dean of Yale had said the same thing about african americans it would have made the front page?

                            Point of fact, a month earlier a professor at Harvard cited a study stating that men tend to do better on tests than women. Not only was it very big news, it very nearly cost him his job and career.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Red Panda View Post
                              While you can't just start a whites only group, if you were to start something to help a certain nationality or ethnicity you probably won't have many issues. I've seen things like The Swedish Hall, or groups founded to help Irish immigrants. Granted most of these were started a long time ago when their was more distinction between white people but I don't see how anybody would object as long as the process was fair.
                              So why don't these "black groups" have to rename themselves into something like the Hutsi organization or the Massai Foundation? Why are all blacks simply lumped together?

