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What Type of Presidency Would You Prefer

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  • What Type of Presidency Would You Prefer

    Let's say you were elected president. Now, I know that not all of you are from the United States, and if you're one of the people who isn't from here, just assume that you have been elected to your country's equivalent of the U.S. Presidency.

    Anyway, which of these three scenarios would you prefer to unfold for you and why? And yes, I know they're all kind of unpleasant, so this is kind of like a question of which evil you think is the least evil. I just thought of this earlier this evening, and I thought it would be interesting.

    1. You are voted into office by a vast majority of the country. When you take office, you are very popular and very well-liked throughout the country. For the most part, the country has a lot of confidence in you and thinks you are on the road to be the best leader your country has seen---and, in fact, they are right. You get a lot of great things accomplished during your first term and manage to fix a lot of the problems that you inherited from the previous president. You easily win re-election, and for the most part, the country maintains it's rosy view of you. However, during your last year in office, you are assassinated. Nonetheless, your assassination ends up only increasing your popularity, and as the years go on, you are eventually revered as one of the greatest presidents the country has ever had.

    2. Just as in number 1, you are voted into office by a considerable majority of the country, and you are initially very popular with everyone. The country, for the most part, has tremendous faith on you and firmly believes that you can lead the country in a better direction. However, you make many mistakes as president, and you end up exacerbating several of the serious problems that you inherited from the previous president, problems that you promised to fix during your campaign. As a result, your popularity plummets greatly, and you are voted out of office in a massive landslide after your first term.

    3. As in the previous two, you are elected into office easily, and most of the country likes you and has great faith in you. You remain popular throughout your presidency and manage to get easily re-elected. Your popularity remains high throughout your second term, and you leave office with a lot of dignity, and many of the people are sad that you cannot stay on as president. However, during the years after your presidency is over, many of the decisions that you made while in office, and many of the laws that you helped get passed, turn out to have negative consequences for the country. As the years dwindle on, the economy collapses and a major foreign policy crisis occurs, and it's very obvious that your policies while president are to blame for both of them, for the most part. As a result, you are quickly seen as a failed leader, and most of the country feels a sense of shame over having supported you so strongly while you were in office and in the public eye.
    Last edited by guywithashovel; 07-31-2010, 05:27 AM.

  • #2
    1 by far.

    Though I'd prefer the term Emperor myself.

    I'd be an awesome Emperor. (In my eyes towards me though . Other's would hate me).

    I'd do whatever it takes to put in alot of laws that take away some freedoms. Sorry, life sucks enough for most that it's ging to be harsh peneaties for hate crimes. Even worst penaties for those that fail to enforce them. (Gives them inceptive to you know, DO their job rather then go "well, your gay, your X race, your this gender, get over person that shares my views beating you/killing your friend/lover whatever.

    Yeah. Harsh and unfair and I'm going to get alot of fellow people here screaming and yelling at me for daring to put a cork on their so called freedom of speech.

    I'm not stopping you from yelling and calling harsh words that shouldn't be stated. Do it all you want. Your just going to be given extact same punishment right back.

    In other words, if you can't handle the grief it'll cause you, then you should think better then going around screaming and hurting people.

    Plaidman: Firm beliver in putting people in same shoes as the people they harmed.
    Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
    I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


    • #3
      1 by far. I'd rather be a problem fixer an have my life shortened, than have the nation crumble.


      • #4
        Why do I feel that these three people are actual people in history?

        The first one would be like Hitler or Hussein.

        Not sure who the second one would be. Maybe Obama?

        The third one could easily be GW Bush or Bill Clinton.


        • #5
          Originally posted by draggar View Post
          Why do I feel that these three people are actual people in history?
          First one would equate to McKinley (except he was assassinated in his second year of the 2nd term, not the last), second one is Carter, third one is (believe it or not) Reagan. Despite having a popularity cult, nearly all of Reagan's decisions and economics are currently derided.
          The Exiled, V.2.0

          "The world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind."
          - H. P. Lovecraft


          • #6
            Honestly, I didn't have any particular presidents in mind when writing any of the three options, though I'm sure it would be easy to apply certain presidents to each one. Though it's probably too early to apply Obama to any one of them, since his presidency is still very young and it's hard to tell how history will judge him. I guess we can speculate, though.


            • #7
              I was thinking one was Lincoln.

              And I'd have to go with one as my choice anyway.
              I has a blog!


              • #8
                The first 1 by far. Getting assassinated early would suck, but at least I would have accomplished something as president instead of making things worse than they are.


                • #9
                  1. We all gotta go sometime, and I'd rather go out like any red-blooded, hairy-chested male would: as violently as possible.
                  "All I know is that I don't know" - Operation Ivy


                  • #10
                    If plaidman becomes emperor, I would certainly like to at least be a high ranking member in his empire.

