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Gay Marriage is as bad as...

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  • Gay Marriage is as bad as...

    You know how some people compare gay marriage to people marrying animals and inanimate objects?

    Those have ALREADY HAPPENED!

    Yeah, those are pretty ridiculous. Very ridiculous. I question the sanity in some of those "couples", even.

    So, any other arguments? Or can we finally get the fuck over it and treat everyone the same finally?
    I have a drawing of an orange, which proves I am a semi-tangible collection of pixels forming a somewhat coherent image manifested from the intoxicated mind of a madman. Naturally.

  • #2
    Ugh I should never have clicked on that link.....
    Great YouTube channel check it out!


    • #3
      I don't believe in "Gay" marriage, personally I believe that 2 adults that want to enter into a contractual relationship should be able to do so. I believe that marriage is a contract between 2 consenting adults. It is like saying I support Families.. not just straight families... but families that are loving and a unit that cares for one another.

      Personally I don't see anything wrong with polygamy either.. just another agreement as long as it is with consenting adults that are over 18.

      Now marrying objects, that is just silly cause they can not consent... neither can animals. All that really needs to be changed is

      A marriage is a consensual contract between two persons that are of legal age, where they reside and barring any reason that could invalidate a contract, who wish to be married.


      • #4
        I'm not sure how this is suppose to help gay marriage.


        • #5
          RP, it shows that the ridicules arguments that people make about how it will lead to people wanting to marry animals and inanimate are bullshit because that stuff already happens independent of what two consenting adults are or are not allowed to do.
          And I agree with Kimmik, saying that you support gay marriage is doing nothing to help the cause, because it implies that it is something different. I much prefer to say that I support equal marriage, a contract open to any two consenting adults.
          "I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand


          • #6
            Originally posted by Red Panda View Post
            I'm not sure how this is suppose to help gay marriage.
            I believe that the OP is talking about how people that are afraid of what will happen if gay couples are allowed to wed... I have heard it all even some that made me almost smack someone.

            If people who are gay get married THEN
            Pedophiles will want to marry kids
            People will marry dead people
            People will marry animals
            It will make a mockery out of the meaning of marriage
            It will ruin the solemnness of marriage.. (sorry I have to laugh at this one as we "straight" people have already went and screwed that Idea lol)


            It is the same view I hold on "Gay" rights... it should just be EQUAL rights, Just as the Civil Rights march, while yes it was for Black Rights, once you put a descriptive term on something then the opposing team can turn that into if we let "Gay, Blacks, Women etc" Do it then "X" will want to as well.
            Last edited by Kimmik; 08-26-2010, 05:17 PM. Reason: To respond to Smiley


            • #7
              Because something happens it doesn't mean it can't happen more. These examples could lead people to believe the sanctity of marriage must be defended even harder because it is under attack


              • #8
                ...having to tongue-kiss another guy.

                Oh, wait...this isn't a complete-the-statement things, is it?

                I just roll my eyes when people say that allowing gay marriage will somehow allow people to marry animals. Last time I checked, gay men/women were still human.


                • #9
                  RP, heterosexuals have done enough to destroy the sanctity of marriage in the past couple decades.
                  Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                  • #10
                    There is NO sanctity in marriage. It's a legal contract which may, or may not, be proclaimed in the eyes of your god. It's changed forms at least a dozen times since the rise of human civilization, and people just don't want to admit that it's time for it to change again. Either marriage should be available to all people, or the government should get out of marriage altogether, call everyone a "civil union" and eliminate the benefits for marriage.

                    The pedophile argument is pointless. You can't marry under the age of consent, except in rare cases where parents and judges agree. And if you really want to marry a pillow, or wall, or whatever, more power to you. Brings to mind the child taunt of "if you love it so much, why don't you marry it".


                    • #11
                      Red Panda, I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but the sanctity of marriage has been under attack since marriage was introduced. Adultry, abuse, and divorce have been around since the beginning (Okay, so in the beginning the husband just killed his wife rather than divorce her, so I guess that there is some progress).
                      As Sean Connery says in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen as a retort to the plea that the Empire is in peril, "my young man, you are too young to know this, but the Empire is always in peril"
                      Marriage has always been in "peril" and always will (at least by at least some people's standards).
                      And Red, there is a valid point that people might not go to such efforts to hide it, but it is unlikely there will be a huge spike in the number of people who partake in "deviant" lifestyles. There have been freaks since the beginning too and making laws won't change that. We can do our best to protect the innocent from the people who would do them harm, but we'll never master the art of changing someone. There are the same number of gay people now as there were before 27 states made homosexuals second class citizens in their constitutions, denying legal rights doesn't change people... granting legal rights won't change them either.
                      "I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Kimmik View Post
                        People will marry dead people
                        actually there is a law providing for this in france-was passed in 1959 and is still in effect-
                        Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by BlaqueKatt View Post
                          actually there is a law providing for this in france-was passed in 1959 and is still in effect-
                          Yeah, well they also honor a latrine.


                          • #14
                            Okay. I'm straight as a laser, but I'm a LGBT-rights supporter. Why? Because I've got about as much right to tell people who they can date, marry and do other activities with as I've got to tell them what to eat, where to apply for work and what kind of overpriced coffee 'treat' to pick up from Starbucks. (I'll save that rant for another day.)

                            The whole argument that allowing gay marriage is like allowing marriage to animals is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. I know the argument's been going around for a while, and to be honest, I think the ones actually using this as their point aren't exactly on the side of the sane and rational. I fail to see how legalizing gay marriage is going to lead to the possibility of a crazy cat lady actually entering a covenant with her fifty Sylvesters, Toms and Snookumses. Besides, what few gays I have in my circle of friends take the concept of marriage more seriously than a large percentage of my straight friends do.

                            Okay, enough rambling outta me. Marriage should be between two people who love each other no matter what the gender pairing is. End. Of. Line.
                            This space for rent.


                            • #15
                              The Sanctity of Marriage is not under attack. Because, quite frankly, I (and I don't speak for anyone else) am not campaigning to get the church to legalize gay marriage. I can think about that later. What I want is to get equal legal protection, like the Constitution guarantees.

                              I want marriage as a legal right, not a spiritual rite.
                              "Nam castum esse decet pium poetam
                              ipsum, versiculos nihil necessest"

