It is looking like a new bill is about to be passed in this waste of a state of mine. It will allow the state legislature to declare "financial emergencies" in municipalities and school districts as they see fit. In doing so, they will be allowed to remove the governing bodies for said municipalities and school districts and replace them with "emergency managers" selected by the legislature. Basically, they are able to remove our elected officials without the permission of those who elected them.
The governor says an emergency manager will only be put in place as a last resort, but I don't trust the guy in the least to keep his promises. I don't trust any politician to do that, especially when large amounts of power are involved like in this situation.
A couple of other gems from the article:
So, he's basically taking from the poor and giving to the rich. Gee, how unusual 
Things are not looking good for Michigan residents if this goes as it sounds. Our state is in shambles enough without all of this added bullshit.
It is looking like a new bill is about to be passed in this waste of a state of mine. It will allow the state legislature to declare "financial emergencies" in municipalities and school districts as they see fit. In doing so, they will be allowed to remove the governing bodies for said municipalities and school districts and replace them with "emergency managers" selected by the legislature. Basically, they are able to remove our elected officials without the permission of those who elected them.
Under the legislation, the Michigan Messenger reports, the governor could declare a "financial emergency" in towns or school districts. He could then appoint a manager to fire local elected officials, break contracts, seize and sell assets, eliminate services - and even eliminate whole cities or school districts without any public input.
A couple of other gems from the article:
As the "emergency manager" bill nears final passage, state lawmakers are also considering Snyder's proposed budget, which would cut spending on schools, universities, prisons and communities, according to the Detroit Free Press.
Snyder has also proposed eliminating $1.7 billion in tax breaks for individuals while cutting $1.8 billion in taxes for businesses to spur job growth. Much of the $1.7 billion in new tax revenue would be "coming from retirees, senior citizens and the working poor," the Free Press wrote in an editorial.

Things are not looking good for Michigan residents if this goes as it sounds. Our state is in shambles enough without all of this added bullshit.