Originally posted by Andara Bledin
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Anti-abortion group seeks to outlaw contraceptives by redefining personhood
Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers
Originally posted by Andara Bledin View PostIf that were the case, abortion would be legal and it wouldn't even be in question.
Wait...if these loons are using the argument that any prevention of fertilization is murder, what about the women who for whatever reason are infertile?
A cell or clump of cells is not a "person". We don't go calling amoebas people do we?"Any state, any entity, any ideology which fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man...that state is obsolete."
Originally posted by Nyoibo View PostHey now, if prevention of fertilization becomes illegal, does that mean every money shot in porn is an act of murder?Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers
More stupidity from the "Right to Life" people, who, if they really believed in truth in advertising, would call themselves the "Right to Control Other People's Lives" movement.
I know I go to George Carlin a lot, but the thing is, the man was right a lot. One thing he pointed out that most of the "Right to Life" people are in favor of the death penalty, are okay with killing abortion doctors, and generally favor war, and sending (other people's) children off to die in a foreign land. To quote George, "When they say "right to life," they're talking about THEIR right to decide which people should live or die."
Originally posted by AdminAssistant View PostI'm getting an IUD next month. If something like this happens, what're they going to do? Hold me down and rip it out? HELL NO.
Originally posted by blas87 View PostSo now we have to try to save fetuses that are part of an ectopic pregnancy?
Originally posted by Gravekeeper View PostSo when can we get around to tabling the "Would You Just Stay The Fuck Out Of Other People's Business Already" bill? -.-
Originally posted by Dreamstalker View PostWait...if these loons are using the argument that any prevention of fertilization is murder, what about the women who for whatever reason are infertile?
Originally posted by Dreamstalker View PostWe don't go calling amoebas people do we?
Originally posted by Nyoibo View PostHey now, if prevention of fertilization becomes illegal, does that mean every money shot in porn is an act of murder?Originally posted by Greenday View PostDoes this mean I can't pull out?Originally posted by ExRetailDrone View PostWouldn't that mean that any man masturbating would be committing murder as well?
In the eyes of the "Right to Life" people, the woman's role is to act as a brood mare for the State. Well, more likely for the Church, but they can't really say that yet, due to all the pesky non-Christians out there.
I know a local family that has five kids, and number six is imminent. This is their choice. But not all families can afford, financially, emotionally, or parentally, that many children. My own parents were happy after two, and when the third came along as a major surprise (my little sister is only 16 months younger than me), my father had a vasectomy to keep the count down. I have no doubt in my mind that many of these people would find his actions to be morally repugnant and irresponsible, and would, if they could, make such things illegal, as it is not "Christian."
Well, neither my father, nor my family, nor myself, is or ever has been Christian, in word or deed. And I would like to point out that, for many years, the "Christian thing to do" was to slaughter and massacre anyone who didn't believe the same way the Christians in power did. Mind you, I have nothing against Christians or their respective Churches. But the nutball Christians responsible for this ridiculousness are not representative of Christianity as a whole. So to these people I raise my voice in a mighty "Fuck you!" Get your version of the Bible out of my face and your laws off of our bodies, you hypocritical fucks.
I'm against abortion myself, but some of these so-called pro-life people are bat-shit crazy. I would think that they'd be glad people are preventing unwanted pregnancies, and in turn, reducing abortions.
Originally posted by AdminAssistant View PostI'm getting an IUD next month. If something like this happens, what're they going to do? Hold me down and rip it out? HELL NO.
Originally posted by ExRetailDrone View PostWouldn't that mean that any man masturbating would be committing murder as well?
Some people are just plain stupid.--- I want the republicans out of my bedroom, the democrats out of my wallet, and both out of my first and second amendment rights. Whether you are part of the anal-retentive overly politically-correct left, or the bible-thumping bellowing right, get out of the thought control business --- Alan Nathan
Originally posted by MadMike View PostI'm against abortion myself, but some of these so-called pro-life people are bat-shit crazy. I would think that they'd be glad people are preventing unwanted pregnancies, and in turn, reducing abortions.
It's about power and money. Which is also why priests are supposed to be celebate - that way, when they die, the only people they have to leave their money and effects to is the church.
^-.-^Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden
So in time and interpretation of this fuckfest, Aunt Flo visiting could land you up for a fine?
I guess renaming tampons baby coffins wouldn't seem too far out of place.
Years ago a commedian joked that a man ejaculating and a woman menstraiting were arrested on conspiracy to commit murder.
Will they go after Nun's too, they have womb's that should be filled with babies too.
Originally posted by MadMike View PostWhich brings me to another question -- what do they call it when a man and a woman have sex, and it's not during that window where pregnancy can occur?
Originally posted by MadMike View PostOr where one or both participants is sterile?
Originally posted by MadMike View PostOr if people aren't having sex at all?
Originally posted by MadMike View PostAnd even if pregnancy does occur, all the sperm except for one still die.
For now.
Originally posted by MadMike View PostSome people are just plain stupid.Last edited by Jester; 07-04-2011, 09:05 AM.
I get so riled up whenever these anti-abortion group nutjobs try to force women into having babies like it's the medieval times! I like my birth control, I like being able to have the freedom of pleasure and constant worry of an unwanted pregnancy. Those people should stop trying to dictate women's reproductive organs!Last edited by tropicsgoddess; 07-04-2011, 03:28 PM.There are no stupid questions, just stupid people...
but it's a religious belief....and religion cannot be questioned or mocked in any manner....it's unAmerican to do so, someone may be offended.....this is what happens when religion is placed on a pedestal, and not allowed to be questioned, because someone may be offended.
Originally posted by Jester View PostMarriage.
--- I want the republicans out of my bedroom, the democrats out of my wallet, and both out of my first and second amendment rights. Whether you are part of the anal-retentive overly politically-correct left, or the bible-thumping bellowing right, get out of the thought control business --- Alan Nathan