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Are you Liberal or Conservative or somewhere in between?

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  • #16
    According to that, I am as Libertarian as Mandela, and as Liberal as Pope Benedict.
    "Nam castum esse decet pium poetam
    ipsum, versiculos nihil necessest"


    • #17
      Originally posted by Andara Bledin View Post
      Take the test Gravekeeper linked. It actually has questions for most of your concerns.

      I seem to have drifted rather a bit leftward in my fiscal views, so that I'm now notably further over than I used to be, putting me on the same fiscal footing as Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, and Gravekeeper, but with the social views closer to the Dalai Lama.

      As did I. I used to be a Reagan Republican. Then I realized even Reagan wasn't a Reagan Republican , at least not in the sense that modern conservatives try to portray him and imitate him . . . which is why they fail and why I no longer identify myself as a Republican.

      I fit in where you and Gravekeeper seem to fall now.

      To me, fiscal conservatism has the wrong definition. It should include investing in ideas that prevent waste in other sectors, a "stitch in time saves nine" kind of approach. If we were just willing to work on problems that are very costly down the road, like health care, then government spending might be better controlled.
      Good news! Your insurance company says they'll cover you. Unfortunately, they also say it will be with dirt.


      • #18
        I used to be involved in politics as a Republican, back when I was younger (in the 1990's).

        I was delegate to numerous local and State conventions during that time period. I knocked doors for candidates, was a College Republican (and the Chair of the CR's in 1994-5), voted Republican, and worked on campaigns.

        I, really, started leaving the Republican party back in 1992. I was totally pissed off at President Bush for singing the tax increase, and wanted to support Pat Buchanan for President. In the end I didn't. I voted to re-elect President Bush, but i didn't like it.

        In 1994 I was working on a congressional campaign, and got to meet Rep. Newt Gingrich. I was not impressed, to say the least. I was far more impressed with Rep. Ernest Istook, and former Rep. Arlan Stangland (whom I also met in person), because they seemed more real, and honest. I lost what limited respect I had for Speaker Gingrich when he was complaining about "the perfectionist caucus", who wanted real cuts from the budget. Also him not defending Rep. Dornan in the vote fraud that cost him his seat didn't help, ether.

        I voted for, and worked on Arne Carlson's re-election campaign. I had so many qualms about him, but did it anyway to be a "good Republican", even though we had little in common when it came to political beliefs. In all honesty, the only reason I was on board was because my friend Joanne Benson was his Lt. Governor candidate. My qualms about him were confirmed in 1998 when he stabbed his Lt. Governor in the back, and endorsed party switcher, Norm Coleman for Governor. More on that subject later.

        Further cracks appeared in 1996 when Bob Dole was running for President. I highly respect him for his war service, but we are very far apart politically. I didn't support him in caucuses, or at the State convention. I really wanted another choice for President. In the end I voted for him, but didn't support him.

        Also in 96' we had a US Senate election. I was firmly behind Rudy Boschwitz to reclaim his Senate seat from Paul Welstone. Oh, my. He ran such a horse-shit campaign, and undercut other Republican candidates in Minnesota. I was working on a congressional campaign in 96', on staff. We were supposed to have a fund raiser with Speaker Gingrich, to raise much needed cash for the campaign. The son of a bitch ordered us to cancel the fund raiser, because Gingrich was "too toxic" in his opinion. That just made my blood boil, and also, everyone working on the campaign. This was right before the election. We threw out every piece of campaign lit. supporting Boschwitz. I voted for the SOB, but only because I couldn't stand Sen. Welstone. I also wasn't able to get paid because of that prick canceling the fundraiser.

        Going to 2000, I was a Alan Keyes supporter for President. When Gov. Bush got the nomination, I knew there was no way I could support him for President. I decided to research other candidates. I discovered the Constitution Party. I voted for Howard Phillips for President. This was the first vote for President I felt proud of. I did the same thing in 2004, and 08'.

        Going on toward the future: could I ever support a Republican for president again? Maybe. In 2012 I'd vote Republican for President if one of 2 people are nominated: Ron Paul, or Michelle Bachman. They both, in my opinion, believe in the same general things I do. I'd be proud to vote for them. Any of the other candidates, I won't vote for, and would vote for the Constitution Party again. No way in hell would I vote for President Obama.

        I'm opposed to abortion, because it's murder. Pure and simple.
        I'm for limited government, and limited government spending.
        I believe that we should get out of the U.N, and get the U.N out of the US.
        I'm pro Second Amendment. The government will NEVER take my guns away from me, at least not alive.

        So there's me in a nut shell, and where I stand.


        • #19
          Originally posted by victory sabre View Post
          In 2012 I'd vote Republican for President if one of 2 people are nominated: Ron Paul, or Michelle Bachmann. They both, in my opinion, believe in the same general things I do.
          Ow, that was actually a fairly interesting read till you hit that part and threw it alllll away. >.>

          Proud to vote for Bachmann? No offence, I'm not sure if you're crazy or just terribly uninformed. I might have given you just Ron Paul, as he has a few decent positions once you strip away his more fanciful ideas and at least he is what he presents himself to be. But Bachmann? Dear Lord. I have no idea how you can look at her and take her seriously. The lunancy there is unsettling at best. Nevermind her blatant disregard for things like, you know, honesty and integrity.


          • #20
            I'd say I'm pretty moderate. I believe in social equality which automatically makes me far left to a lot of people. I'm against drugs, pro-weapon ownership, pro-law enforcement. I'm for education funding, pro-choice, pro-environment.

            Pretty sure that leaves me somewhere towards the middle.

            Political Compass says I'm kinda left and very slightly libertarian.
            Last edited by Greenday; 10-09-2011, 09:11 PM.
            Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


            • #21
              Why would you vote for Bachmann?

              I'm not going to insult you over it, but I don't see the appeal. Maybe you can explain more?
              "Nam castum esse decet pium poetam
              ipsum, versiculos nihil necessest"


              • #22
                I honestly do not understand why people oppose our involvement with the UN. A worldwide organization to bring countries together isn't a bad thing, is it?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by AdminAssistant View Post
                  I honestly do not understand why people oppose our involvement with the UN. A worldwide organization to bring countries together isn't a bad thing, is it?
                  Especially when you consider the UN was OUR idea . . . .
                  Good news! Your insurance company says they'll cover you. Unfortunately, they also say it will be with dirt.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by AdminAssistant View Post
                    I honestly do not understand why people oppose our involvement with the UN. A worldwide organization to bring countries together isn't a bad thing, is it?
                    Some people see the UN as a precursor to a one world government. Some of those think that that will result in the antichrist.

                    Some people think strange things.
                    "Nam castum esse decet pium poetam
                    ipsum, versiculos nihil necessest"


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by AdminAssistant View Post
                      I honestly do not understand why people oppose our involvement with the UN. A worldwide organization to bring countries together isn't a bad thing, is it?
                      According to many Christians the Bible says it is. This is why you'll find a lot of religious conservatives oppose the U.N., any U.S. involvement in the U.N, the EU, NAFTA and so on. To elaborate on what Hyena said:

                      These beliefs stem from verses in the Book of Revelation, which deals heavily in End Times prophecy, describing the coming of the Anti-christ, the war between Heaven and Hell and the eventual return and victory of Christ and formation of the New Heaven and the New Earth.

                      Here are the relevant scriptures:

                      From Revelation 13

                      "And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy."

                      And from Revelation 17:

                      And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

                      These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.

                      These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.

                      A widely accepted interpretation of this prophecy is that the Ten horns/Ten Kings who have received no kingdom yet are individuals or groups working to create a one world government or one world currency (that's why a lot of Christians freaked out about the Euro, it's not exactly one world but it's a step in that direction).

                      The Beast is of course, the Antichrist, who has yet to come to earth and begin his reign of terror before Christ returns.

                      Of course interpretations of Revelation vary widely. The book is filled with metaphor and symbolism and there is no universally agreed upon meaning. Some feel it describes events that have already happened, others believe it tells of things yet to come.
                      Last edited by Crazedclerkthe2nd; 10-10-2011, 12:07 AM.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by AdminAssistant View Post
                        I honestly do not understand why people oppose our involvement with the UN. A worldwide organization to bring countries together isn't a bad thing, is it?
                        Cause. Merica! Fuck yea! God bless America, and no place else!

                        Or some stupid shit like that.

                        Originally posted by victory sabre View Post
                        In 2012 I'd vote Republican for President if one of 2 people are nominated: Ron Paul, or Michelle Bachman.
                        This is the first time I've EVER heard someone say they'd vote for Bachman. But that woman just plain scares the hell out of me.
                        Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                        • #27
                          That political compass pointed me to a libertarian/liberal, which is accurate.

                          I was suspicious of it because of the way some questions were worded, but it looks legit to me.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by AdminAssistant View Post
                            I honestly do not understand why people oppose our involvement with the UN. A worldwide organization to bring countries together isn't a bad thing, is it?
                            Originally posted by Hyena Dandy View Post
                            Some people see the UN as a precursor to a one world government. Some of those think that that will result in the antichrist.

                            Some people think strange things.
                            A lot of people also feel like the UN has become overtly anti-American over the last 20 years or so. Also, the UN's track record in terms of successfully addressing human rights and peacekeeping issues is spotty at best.

                            According to the political compass, I'm economically moderate and socially libertarian. I'm pretty sure I knew that.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Hyena Dandy View Post
                              Some people see the UN as a precursor to a one world government. Some of those think that that will result in the antichrist.

                              Some people think strange things.
                              They also overlook the fact that the UN is more dysfunctional than the US Congress when it comes to getting anything done.

                              Originally posted by phoenixv07 View Post
                              A lot of people also feel like the UN has become overtly anti-American over the last 20 years or so. Also, the UN's track record in terms of successfully addressing human rights and peacekeeping issues is spotty at best.
                              The people who say that are just whining because the UN doesn't always do what the US wants them to do. We Americans need to get over the fact that it's not always about us and what we want.

                              You're right about their track record though.
                              Good news! Your insurance company says they'll cover you. Unfortunately, they also say it will be with dirt.


                              • #30
                                I have a bunch of oddball views on stuff.

                                Some middle of the road, like gun control. Some people think you should be able to just have a gun at any time, any place, regardless of who you are or what you've done with your life. And other people think no one should ever have a gun. Both of those are shitty ideas. Middle of the road there.

                                Socially...if it doesn't really affect me in any way, I'm liberal. Like gay marriage. Have at it fellas! What do I care?

                       weird. It's one of those things where when the conservative makes his argument about how well he's done managing and earning his money and how unfair it is that the gov't takes X% of his tax dollars...yeah I can feel his pain. But when I see the numbers he's talking about (like the guy who "only" made 600K a year) I lose all sympathy. I just don't care.

                                Or the personal responsbility going with welfare. I don't think it's good for everyone to be on welfare, but I also don't think people should live in a cardboard box and eat ramen like some people want them to.

                                Which leads into entitlement. "YOu're not entitled to anything! If you can't afford your internet or cigarettes or popsicles you should never have them! Don't make me buy them!" Yeah well guess what pal, you're not entitled to anything either. Just because you went to college doesn't mean your entitled to be rich. It doesn't mean you're entitled to make 1 million a year and gouge the shit out of everything you sell and then pay your employees, you know, the people who MADE YOU RICH, next to NOTHING.

