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Are you Liberal or Conservative or somewhere in between?

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  • #31
    My political compass says I'm on the Libertarian side. Honestly, I consider myself more moderate.
    There are no stupid questions, just stupid people...


    • #32
      Originally posted by DrFaroohk View Post
      Which leads into entitlement. "YOu're not entitled to anything! If you can't afford your internet or cigarettes or popsicles you should never have them! Don't make me buy them!" Yeah well guess what pal, you're not entitled to anything either. Just because you went to college doesn't mean your entitled to be rich. It doesn't mean you're entitled to make 1 million a year and gouge the shit out of everything you sell and then pay your employees, you know, the people who MADE YOU RICH, next to NOTHING.
      That's why I lean left on economic issues. I just can't have a problem with people feeling entitled to basic things (like health care, food, shelter, and a chance to make a good living). So many conservatives want to take that away (or at least make it harder to get). The way I see it, it's much suckier to want to take something away than to want something.


      • #33
        Originally posted by victory sabre View Post
        In 2012 I'd vote Republican for President if one of 2 people are nominated: Ron Paul, or Michelle Bachman.

        Bachmann scares the ever-living shit out of me. I personally find her to be such a whack job, and I can't tell if she's just bat-shit crazy or a supremely good actress. I'm leaning toward bat-shit crazy. I think that if she makes it to the Oval Office, I'm not leaving Korea -.-

        I honestly can see why people agree with some of her views. A very small amount of her views. They're not my views, but whatever. But there are other candidates out there who hold those same views...who also don't have a long track record for saying blatantly false statements about things they know absolutely nothing about, and seeming to genuinely believe it >.> I have to wonder...out of all the potential candidates...why her?


        • #34
          Originally posted by AdminAssistant View Post
          I honestly do not understand why people oppose our involvement with the UN. A worldwide organization to bring countries together isn't a bad thing, is it?
          My problem with the UN is that it is about as feckless as the League of Nations it replaced. I mean take the Kyoto Protocol, it forces the countries of Europe and North America to crutail their greenhouse emissions but does nothing for China or India, so where do you think all the factories are going to go? Or take Russia, it is supposed to go back to 1990 levels of greenhouse emissions....Well guess what, their emissions were higher then. So like any of a number of measures from our Congress, it feels good but doesn't really address the problem at hand.
          And then there are some of the committees...I mean Sudan on the Human Rights Committees...I guess that is almost like hiring a hacker for your computer security because they are familiar with ways to exploit it.
          That being said, I don't think US disengagement would do anything to fix those problems.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Rageaholic View Post
            That's why I lean left on economic issues. I just can't have a problem with people feeling entitled to basic things (like health care, food, shelter, and a chance to make a good living). So many conservatives want to take that away (or at least make it harder to get). The way I see it, it's much suckier to want to take something away than to want something.
            They are just against people being entitled to those things. They are against people being entitled to tons of free stuff without ever having to lift a finger in an attempt to earn any of it.
            Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


            • #36
              Yes, I would vote for Rep. Bachmann. Yes I'm informed on the issues, and have been voting for her for Congress since her first election. I've been proud to vote for her, because I know where she stands, and I think she's close to me on the issues.

              Actually I live in the loony part of the district (which won't be in the 6th after redistricting), which elected Rep. Bachmann's 2010 opponent to the State Senate twice. You want to talk about loonie, rude, and nasty, that's Tarrell Clark in a nutshell. I can say that because I've had personal dealings with her, and so have friends of mine. She blatently lied to me when I asked her if the Democrats would raise taxes to balance the budget. She said no in the interview. There were massive increases in their budget. She had to know it because she was a member of the Democratic leadership in the State Senate.

              I may not be involved in a party anymore, but I do stay informed on politics, and I've been a analyst on the local talk station's election night coverage.


              • #37
                So that's personal involvement and trust. That makes sense, then.

                But from my perspective, I don't trust her. She's often said things which are factually false, or are so easily proven false that I don't trust her to have done due diligence to find out if what she's been told is true.

                So I, personally, don't trust her.
                "Nam castum esse decet pium poetam
                ipsum, versiculos nihil necessest"


                • #38
                  Originally posted by victory sabre View Post
                  Yes, I would vote for Rep. Bachmann. Yes I'm informed on the issues, and have been voting for her for Congress since her first election. I've been proud to vote for her, because I know where she stands, and I think she's close to me on the issues.
                  That reflects horribly on you if she's close to you on issues. Seeing as she wants prayer in schools, intelligent design taught in classrooms ( and has blatantly lied trying to support that position ), doesn't believe in climate change, opposes any increase in minimum wage, wants to get rid of social security and Medicare, isn't above nuking Iran, wants the US out of the global economy ( Hahahaha, how? ), she wants a federal ban on gay marriage and any legal equivilent, she thinks being gay is a dysfunction that you can pray away, she opposes abortion even for rape/incest and finally she's proven she's willing to blatantly lie to support her arguments. Without a shred of reservation.

                  She's also flat out lied about raising taxes herself after she said she opposed a state tax on wholesale cigarettes, then turned around and voted for it.

                  So if you're A) As informed as you say and B) Still proud to vote for her, then you sir, are at best an idiot. -.-


                  • #39
                    Did someone let Bachmann's husband know it's National Coming Out Day? Because that closet door's wide open and he isn't fooling anyone, except her, apparently.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by victory sabre View Post
                      Yes, I would vote for Rep. Bachmann. Yes I'm informed on the issues, and have been voting for her for Congress since her first election. I've been proud to vote for her, because I know where she stands, and I think she's close to me on the issues.

                      Actually I live in the loony part of the district (which won't be in the 6th after redistricting), which elected Rep. Bachmann's 2010 opponent to the State Senate twice. You want to talk about loonie, rude, and nasty, that's Tarrell Clark in a nutshell. I can say that because I've had personal dealings with her, and so have friends of mine. She blatently lied to me when I asked her if the Democrats would raise taxes to balance the budget. She said no in the interview. There were massive increases in their budget. She had to know it because she was a member of the Democratic leadership in the State Senate.
                      And there lies our problems in a nutshell. People don't wnat to hear that taxes are going to go up, so our politicians tell them what they want to hear. Take the Federal Budget, roughly 1/3 of it is deficit. To think that we are going to make that up with strictly spending cuts is folly. Basically that would mean that we would cut everything that isn't SS, Medicare or Defense.


                      • #41
                        Didn't you know? She can pray him straight.

                        I don't really care if he is or isn't. What I care about is that he cares about whether other people are. That's what matters.

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by mikoyan29 View Post
                          And there lies our problems in a nutshell. People don't wnat to hear that taxes are going to go up, so our politicians tell them what they want to hear. Take the Federal Budget, roughly 1/3 of it is deficit. To think that we are going to make that up with strictly spending cuts is folly. Basically that would mean that we would cut everything that isn't SS, Medicare or Defense.
                          Which we're already doing.

                          The Bowles Simpson Commission came up with some good ideas for fixing the deficit. Those recommendations were universally ignored because they:

                          1) Recommended tax increases along with fixing the tax code (which is by itself seen as a tax increase by right wing extremists)
                          2) Recommended changes to Medicare and Social Security.

                          There was something there for everyone to hate . . . which means it was probably a good plan.

                          Originally posted by Andara Bledin View Post
                          Didn't you know? She can pray him straight
                          Assuming she didn't turn him gay in the first place . . . .

                          (with apologies to our LGBT members)
                          Good news! Your insurance company says they'll cover you. Unfortunately, they also say it will be with dirt.


                          • #43
                            I will support a tax increase (even though I don't think we need it). I say tax those who have publicly stated that their taxes are too low, at 75%. This includes Warren Buffet, and others. They can put their money where their mouths are.

                            I totally believe that we should phase out Medicare, Social Security, and the welfare state. They have proven disastrous for this nation, and these programs are bankrupting us. I don't think we should do it right away, but slowly phase them out. This nonsense didn't happen overnight, and it can't be fixed overnight.

                            I think we should pull out of the UN, though if you think it's because of "The Rapture" you're sadly mistaken. The only rapture I care about is from a pretty woman. I'm not religious (I'm sure that will send shockwaves through you all). I just don't think the UN is in our best interest. I believe in getting out of Iraq, and Afghanistan. We've done what we need to do over there. Nation building shouldn't be part of our agenda (and some of my best friends have served over there). I believe that we shouldn't use military force, unless it's in our national interest. Libya is a perfect example - there's no reason we're over there, except to try to make President Obama look good. It was a civil war and we should have let them take care of themselves, just like the US did in the Civil War/War between the States.

                            So there's a few more things for you.


                            • #44
                              So basically, you want small government, except when it comes to a woman's uterus, right? Let me ask you this question. Since you support forcing a woman to carry a pregnancy to term, regardless if it's a result of rape or incest, or will kill the mother, why do you also want to eliminate the programs that will allow her to support the child? Because I'm also going to assume here you're against any kind of sex education or Planned Parenthood services that provide contraception.

                              When we've torn apart a nation, we're obligated to re-build it. A Democratic Libya would most definitely be in our interest. If nothing else, we, as part of the world, should have the duty to cooperate with other nations to find and prosecute a war criminal.

                              But, y'know what? If you want to live in your happy, isolationist, libertarian utopia where the poor and disabled are left to starve and we build a giant fence around our country..then by all means.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by victory sabre View Post
                                Yes, I would vote for Rep. Bachmann. Yes I'm informed on the issues, and have been voting for her for Congress since her first election. I've been proud to vote for her, because I know where she stands, and I think she's close to me on the issues.
                                Just to check, so you agree with her that:
                                - that where life should begins should be extended to conception, making abortion for ANY reason, including rape or incest, illegal
                                - on creating a Balanced Budget Amendment
                                - re-instituting DADT
                                - on creating a Federal Marriage Amendment defining marriage as solely being between a man and a woman
                                - not prosecuting anti-gay hate crimes
                                - no paid parental leave for any government employee, regardless of reason
                                - refusing to protect whistleblowers from employer discrimination
                                - declare English as the official language of the USA and ban all other languages from official documents
                                - eliminate SS and Medicare entirely; recipients of those programs need to rely entirely on family or charity
                                - reinforcing 3 Strikes and Zero Tolerance at all levels nationwide; expand the War on Drugs

                                I'm just asking to clarify.

