Originally posted by DrFaroohk
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There are plenty of people out there saying this, "Well I didn't think there was really anything wrong with Gay Marriage but my party says it will hurt me so okay I am against it"
The problem with parties is that it isn't about saying, "My ideals are this"
I personally do not belong to a party because there is no Jack Faire Party there is no "We agree with everything you believe and thus when you tell people you belong to us they won't think your against things your really for"
If someone identifies as Republican but believes in Gay Marriage being a right and thinks it should be so then identifying as Republican doesn't say that to people.
You remember high school? That's what Parties are.
If you identified as Jock but were in theater productions it confused people because jocks aren't drama geeks.
People hear the label and your ideals no longer matter because now your party's ideals are your ideals. Also by affiliating yourself with a Party your agreeing that what they say is what you say. So if they tell the American people to screw off you just told the American people to screw off regardless if that's how you really believe.
In the immortal words of Groucho Marx, " I don't want to belong to any club that would have me as a member"