Summary: A university student named Sandra Fluke testified before congress the other day about the high cost of birth control, saying she and other students are having difficulty paying for it.
Rush Limbaugh (and some other notable right wing commentators) for some reason interpreted this as: "OMG! This woman is having so much sex she's going broke buying birth control and now she wants TAXPAYERS to pay so she can keep having sex!"
Limbaugh dialed up the rhetoric further by openly calling Fluke a prostitute and a slut on his show.
Fluke responded to Limbaugh and basically said he's a piece of trash.
Two advertisers today pulled their ads for Limbaugh's radio show. More may follow.
President Obama called Fluke yesterday and thanked her for standing up for women's rights.
On top of that, here's the real kicker: Aside from the fact Rush Limbaugh apparently has no damn clue how birth control works, Fluke was actually appearing before congress to speak on behalf of a friend who uses birth control to manage a medical issue.
Rush Limbaugh (and some other notable right wing commentators) for some reason interpreted this as: "OMG! This woman is having so much sex she's going broke buying birth control and now she wants TAXPAYERS to pay so she can keep having sex!"
Limbaugh dialed up the rhetoric further by openly calling Fluke a prostitute and a slut on his show.
Fluke responded to Limbaugh and basically said he's a piece of trash.
Two advertisers today pulled their ads for Limbaugh's radio show. More may follow.
President Obama called Fluke yesterday and thanked her for standing up for women's rights.
On top of that, here's the real kicker: Aside from the fact Rush Limbaugh apparently has no damn clue how birth control works, Fluke was actually appearing before congress to speak on behalf of a friend who uses birth control to manage a medical issue.