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Laws that you don't follow

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  • #16
    Originally posted by NightAngel View Post
    There is a law in my city that you cannot smoke within 25 feet of any building...

    Yeah... sure.

    Guess how many people obey that law?
    Wanna know what I have to say on that one?

    *lights up cigarette and blows puff of smoke into direction of NA's town*

    Frankly, I think these smoking laws are rather hypocritical.

    Look at it this way: tobacco is legal, our government gets so much money from taxes every year, our elected officials get money from special interest groups (one of which I'm sure has to do with tobacco) yet they want to restrict where people smoke.

    Give me a break and a light
    If life hands you lemons . . . find someone whose life is handing them vodka . . . and have a party - Ron "Tater Salad" White


    • #17
      Well, I consume alcohol even though I'm under 21. Always thought that law sucked.

      I too download music for nothing.

      I pour hazardous chemicals down the sink without properly neutralizing them.
      Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


      • #18
        I probably do more than I know about...but the one I have the biggest beef with is the seatbelt law.

        I don't understand WHY this has to be a law. It saves lives......maybe. I've seen a good amount of people die from wearing their seatbelt too and someone saying, "had they not been wearing it, they probably would have lived."

        I just think it's stupid. To me it's more of personal choice than a reason to be a law. I never wear my seat belt, and I've got 9 violations that support that. lol.

        All of the reasons I was pulled over are bullcrap too. We saw your car and it matches the description of a car thats wanted in this area.......sure. Oh by the way, I noticed you're not wearing your seatbelt. writes up ticket

        Did you know your plates are expired? (you saw that from sitting at your speed trap did ya?) Oh, and you're not wearing your seatbelt. writes up ticket


        • #19
          Nightwolf, just be glad you don't live in NJ then. You can actually be pulled over for not wearing your seatbelt. It's now a primary offense.
          Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


          • #20
            I'll agree that it should be personal choice to wear or not wear a seatbelt or any life saving device. Of course that also waves societies responsibility for helping pick your butt up off the pavement too. Taking responsibility for your own life is all fine and good but you have to be willing to take ALL the remification of it.

            That said I gotta say ticketing someone for it is just another way for the govt to take money from people.


            • #21
              Originally posted by rahmota View Post
              That said I gotta say ticketing someone for it is just another way for the govt to take money from people.
              I suppose they could raise taxes a lil bit to make up all the money they'd lose if they stopped ticketing for that offense.

              Is it really that hard to buckle up though? I mean, it only takes a couple seconds. You are more likely to survive a car crash if you are wearing one.

              As rahmota also pointed out in his post, someone has to clean up the mess. That's one person who has to deal with it. The other person involved in the accident will forever have it on their mind. Any family of the deceased will have to deal with the pain from the loss of the deceased. Starting to add up on those affected.

              Honestly, not buckling up just goes under laziness in my book.
              Last edited by Greenday; 08-20-2007, 07:13 PM.
              Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


              • #22
                I just find it baffling that people need to be told to wear a device that can save your life in the event the several tons of steel you're traveling 30-70 MPH in might come to a sudden and unexpected stop.

                Same thing with helmet laws. I can't figure out why someone would NOT wear one unless they want to be a rebel and don't want the man telling them what to do.

                Also, I always hear it mentioned by anti-seatbelt people but I've never heard of someone dying in an accident where it would have saved their life not to wear one. I mean, I'm sure it's happened, but I don't think it happens at the rate where it becomes a good argument to repeal laws.


                • #23
                  As rahmota also pointed out in her post
                  *sigh* Not on the web too now? Nothign upsetting or personal I just want to point out that the last time I checked I was male. Sorry for any confusion there. And the not the net too comment is because I have a feminine sounding voice over the radio or so I've been told before. Especially when using the CB and lonely truckers hit on me....

                  Now as to the helmet/belt laws. I never said it was a stupid idea not to follow them just a person's choice and right to do with their body as they wish to do with it. Just if they are goig to do something stupid like that or free climb el capitain or try and ski down a cliff during an avalanche they should be prepared to accept all the results of that. Physically, emotionally, financially and worldly.

                  Physically the pain of smacking into somethign at several hundred psi, emotionally of going from hale and hearty to innjured and possibly crippled for life, financially well we dont even need to talk about that one, and worldly as in the effect they will have on others.

                  As for not wearing a helmet I must admit I'm rather guilty of that as I wear glasses and its hard to find a good fitting helmet that doesnt scrunch or mess with my glasses. Most of the time when I have to wear a helmet on a dirt bike I wear my old steel pot army helmet. If I do get to get my own motorcycle (instead of bumming rides on others) I plan on getting an open face which is a nice compromise at least. But then I am fully and totally prepared to accept the consequences of my actions too.

                  And as for the not wearing seatbelts save lives stories I can think of three right off the top of my head. I can also think of about triple digits of seat belts saved lives stories. So yeah that ratio is not really strong enough to be the cause to repeal the belt laws and such. Personal freedom/liberty/responsibility is a much firmer (if that can be said in regards to this) basis to discus it on.

                  And the three stories 1 involved an individual who rolled a convertable and got thrown clear and lived. 1 Involved a person who got ejected from the vehicle which hit an abutment and sheared the roof off including the top of the seat. 1 involved a person who was riding in the back of a jeep that got t-boned by a speeding semi. the person in the back got thrown clear while the front two died.
                  Last edited by rahmota; 08-20-2007, 07:40 AM.


                  • #24
                    My Shoei full face is comfy to wear with sunglasses, it doesn't ride down on them at all.

                    I'm of the opinion that if you choose not to wear a seatbelt or a helmet and get plastered across the highway, that the general populace should not be required to pay for your hospital stay in the event that you don't have insurance.

                    We should not have to pay for other people's stupidity.


                    • #25
                      Damnit, sorry about that rahmota. I blame my Spanish classes. In Spanish, it seems like everything that is the feminine version ends with an a. My bad. Fixed it.
                      Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Greenday View Post
                        Damnit, sorry about that rahmota. I blame my Spanish classes. In Spanish, it seems like everything that is the feminine version ends with an a. My bad. Fixed it.
                        Hey, don't feel so bad. rahmota mistook me for a guy.


                        • #27
                          Sorry about that everyone. Oh well you live you learn... At least it didnt happen at a swing party like that. That could have been a bit embarressing

                          AFP: I've tried several shoei and some other brands and full faces all ride my prescription galsses into my nose or bend the temples in so that I get blurred vision and have to bend the glasses back into place afterwards. And this is from just trying them on in the store or riding with them at a friend's place.


                          • #28

                            How about one of the HJC flip front ones? My brother has one, it's really light, too, and you can flip the whole front of the helmet up so it's easier to snack



                            • #29
                              AFP: Hmm no I havent tried one of those. Mainly for a couple reasons. 1 The local dirt bike shop doesnt carry any in stock and since I'm not in the market (because I'm too broke to afforda bike or gear of my own) in depth yet I've not looked overly hard. But the ones I hav etried in several sizes dont fit right, maybe its my head or something but I'll definately try and find one that works good for me when I get the money ahead to get my own bike....Assuming the dock dont rot before that boat comes in...


                              • #30
                                Maybe you just have a weird head

                                I prefer the full face helmets because I hate getting road dirt embedded in my skin. And bugs freaking HURT when they hit your face at freeway speeds.

                                Well....that and not having my face ground off in the event I have an unplanned dismount is a plus, too

