Personally, I think they're entirely fair, and I'm rather tired of hearing people throwing around terms like "fascist" and acting like it's the end of the world. It's basically an assault rifle ban and limiting gun purchases to guns with 10-round magazines, max. Why would any civilian ever need an assault rifle? Forget that - why would you even want an assault rifle?
Assault rifles are made for killing people. Not animals - people. They're not made for defense, they're made for attack. Hence the term ASSAULT RIFLE. Now, it's true, putting measures like this in place will not stop tragedy. Mental illness drove the guy who shot up Sandy Hook to do what he did, not guns. Fair enough. However, if I recall he was using a legally obtained assault rifle. LEt's say these measures were already in place. True, he could've illegally obtained an assault rifle, but let's face it, he almost certainly wouldn't have gone through the trouble, especially since the gun wasn't his, if I recall. So he most likely would've been using a handgun. It would have been tragic and horrible, but maybe 16 - 20 people could still have their lives today.
Supposition may not be the best argument, but that's my line of thinking. Yes, I understand that criminals could still get assault weapons, but it would be so much more difficult, and that could make all the difference.
And the whole thing about having guns to rebel against a tyrannical government? Neat idea. Two problems: it's a threat that you've totally invented. I don't buy crossbows that shoot wooden stakes because I don't anticipate a vampire uprising. Second, in the incredibly unlikely event that it's necessary, you'd be the fucking outlaws that you keep saying will get the guns regardless of the laws! GAAAAH!
This has been irritating me all day. My brother is posting shit on Facebook about how "America is choosing liberty over slavery," I'm being mocked for not seeing the big picture, but "of course, that's what they want," and I am just rather pissed off. Slavery? Are you serious? Do not compare your inability to buy an assault rifle with slavery. DO. NOT.
Assault rifles are made for killing people. Not animals - people. They're not made for defense, they're made for attack. Hence the term ASSAULT RIFLE. Now, it's true, putting measures like this in place will not stop tragedy. Mental illness drove the guy who shot up Sandy Hook to do what he did, not guns. Fair enough. However, if I recall he was using a legally obtained assault rifle. LEt's say these measures were already in place. True, he could've illegally obtained an assault rifle, but let's face it, he almost certainly wouldn't have gone through the trouble, especially since the gun wasn't his, if I recall. So he most likely would've been using a handgun. It would have been tragic and horrible, but maybe 16 - 20 people could still have their lives today.
Supposition may not be the best argument, but that's my line of thinking. Yes, I understand that criminals could still get assault weapons, but it would be so much more difficult, and that could make all the difference.
And the whole thing about having guns to rebel against a tyrannical government? Neat idea. Two problems: it's a threat that you've totally invented. I don't buy crossbows that shoot wooden stakes because I don't anticipate a vampire uprising. Second, in the incredibly unlikely event that it's necessary, you'd be the fucking outlaws that you keep saying will get the guns regardless of the laws! GAAAAH!
This has been irritating me all day. My brother is posting shit on Facebook about how "America is choosing liberty over slavery," I'm being mocked for not seeing the big picture, but "of course, that's what they want," and I am just rather pissed off. Slavery? Are you serious? Do not compare your inability to buy an assault rifle with slavery. DO. NOT.
