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Geez, the election's over already!

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  • Geez, the election's over already!

    Ran into some suck at Golden Corral today, and decided it was too dicey for CS, so I'm posting it here.

    I went to the GC today for an executive board meeting of a professional association I belong to (because I'm an officer); we decided to reserve a room and eat while we discussed business.

    So I get in line at the cashier to pay for lunch. There's this old guy (OG) ahead of me. He looks at the logo on my jacket, which is the logo for my martial arts school. You really couldn't see it that well from the way my jacket was hanging open. It has a lot of red, white and blue (and some yellow) in it, and I guess he mistook it for a Romney button.

    OG: So, we almost got Romney in there.

    Me: (not wanting an argument). I suppose. But I voted for Obama.

    OG: (not taking the hint) Well, you know they tried to bring the voting machines down in Ohio so our guy wouldn't win, just like they did to Bush in '04. They tried to hack it 50,000 times but they couldn't get in.

    Me: I don't believe that happened. No one tried to rig the election.

    OG: it's only going to get worse.

    Thankfully, I'd paid by then, and I just walked away. I didn't have time to get into a big political argument in public. But really. What is it with these old geezers who think they can just start shoving their opinions in a younger person's face just because they're old. I can't convey the emotion, but I definitely got the impression he was playing the senior citizien you shouldn't disagree with me card.
    Good news! Your insurance company says they'll cover you. Unfortunately, they also say it will be with dirt.

  • #2
    Honestly, that guy sounded like he was in his own echo chamber - he didn't seem to be hearing a thing you said.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      Not to mention, Romney would have needed more than one more state to win. he was 64 electors short, while the state with the most electors, California, would only have given him 55 electors. Ohio elects 20 electors, so even had Romney taken Ohio, Obama would still have won.

      In short, even if one state was rigged, it wouldn't affect the result.


      • #4
        Even if what he said was true, so what? Obama won Ohio anyway. And even if Romney had taken Ohio, that wouldn't have changed the final outcome at all.

        As far as the general claim, I do expect that there are some factions on both sides who try dirty tricks to win elections - I most certainly do not think that the Republicans are above it, given the skeezy shit that Breitbart and others have been exposed on. And I think that most would-be hackers will tend to either fall Liberal, or Casheral (work for whoever pays them). =^_^=


        • #5
          I'm sick of hearing all the "Boo-hoo Obama's back in office, omg" whining as well. It's ridiculous. What's even more annoying is now we get to hear all the "OMG IF ROMNEY HAD BEEN VOTED IN OUR TAXES WOULDN'T HAVE GONE UP. GOOD JOB BRAINWASHED LIBERALS."

          All I can do is sit there boggling at them. It hurts my brain. So I at this point I just cut in with a curt, "Elections over. Move on."

