Originally posted by Andara Bledin
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Tribalism and salesmanship. Religion, or people claiming to be religious, has preyed upon those factors. Want to sell an idea or product? Create a problem and have the solution ready to sell - marketing 101. I'm sure we can think of many examples.
Give someone a common enemy, and they'll rally together. Pretty standard human nature. Whilst it's a mythical creature (talking snake, for example, and later a demon), that's fine.
When it turns to people? Sure, sometimes the claims may be right, such as an invading neighbour tribe, but the whole gay thing really doesn't do christianity many favours.
The point here for me is not that people are arseholes with or without religion - it's that many faiths bind their followers together by persuading them that there's an enemy, and that in turn teaches arseholery. It trains arseholes. If they don't get out of that way of life, they train more.
I should know. My grandparents were out and out racists. I broke my training in certain ways of thinking, and I'm much the better for it. I didn't know better, I learned, and I am not the same person as when I was in my early teens.
The militant religious zealots no more represent the masses than the militant anti-theists zealots represent the masses. That anyone listens to either side is depressing. Both sides are equally wrong. Just because one is more heavily represented does not give the other any greater legitimacy.
Most of the time it's bullshit and should be pointed out as such. But when a person is disallowed from wearing anything that displays their religious preference because it might offend someone who isn't religious, that's just as much bullshit as trying to make people pray when they don't believe there's a reason to.
It's worth noting that creed is already a protected status. It's just that usually, most people think it's a-ok to be bigoted against the majority. It's not.
It should mean protection of a person's inalienable right to believe whatever the fuck they choose to, without anyone else trying to dictate otherwise.
Faith doesn't have to defend itself. People might choose to defend their faith, but that's up to them, not the ones who want that justification.
And it's just as cherry-picked as ever. People are assholes. People have been assholes since the dawn of time. Even animals are assholes.
How can anyone take an argument like this seriously?
This statement is no more correct than the zealots on the other side of the spectrum claiming that science is corrupting us.
This statement is no more correct than the zealots on the other side of the spectrum claiming that science is corrupting us.

9/11 was justified using the teachings of islam. Many brutal massacres in the middle east have occurred as the result of religious teachings. Different branches of christianity in England took it in turns to burn each other at the stake for worshipping the same god in a different way.
And if you were to succeed in getting rid of religion, then you'd just get to fight whatever gets created to take it's place.
Because it's not religion that's at fault. It's people. And no matter what else you do, you'll still end up with people being assholes because that's how people are.
Because it's not religion that's at fault. It's people. And no matter what else you do, you'll still end up with people being assholes because that's how people are.
The base fact is that by going after religion, you're wasting your energy on some side quest and doing nothing at all to fix the overall issue.
Except that it doesn't. Sure, most people will assume that, but not everybody who celebrates a winter holiday, not even those who celebrate the most common one in the US, are even religious. Hell, one of the more notable atheist authors, Dawkins, quite happily celebrates many Christmas traditions.
And that's before you even get into the fact that many of those "Christmas traditions" are only a few centuries old to begin with and were only attached to Christmas due to timing.