A man is facing trial on 13 different counts of vandalism for writing anti-bank slogans on sidewalks outside Bank of America branches in San Diego in sidewalk chalk.
The additional kicker? BofA claims it cost them $6,000.00 to remove the water-washable chalk from the sidewalk of a single branch.
California Man Faces 13 Years In Prison For Offending Bank of America With Kiddie Chalk
Various articles state that the VP of Global Security for BofA, who happens to be a former cop, harassed both the San Diego PD Gang Division and the District Attorney's office into filing charges.
I don't know enough about California's vandalism laws to say if they've ever been argued for or against the 1st Amendment or if this even qualifies as vandalism as it didn't produce any lasting damage.
Judge Howard Shore, who is presiding over the case, granting Deputy City Attorney Paige Hazard's motion to prohibit attorney Tom Tosdal from mentioning the United States' fundamental First Amendment rights.
California Man Faces 13 Years In Prison For Offending Bank of America With Kiddie Chalk
Various articles state that the VP of Global Security for BofA, who happens to be a former cop, harassed both the San Diego PD Gang Division and the District Attorney's office into filing charges.
I don't know enough about California's vandalism laws to say if they've ever been argued for or against the 1st Amendment or if this even qualifies as vandalism as it didn't produce any lasting damage.