So, the SCOTUS was on a roll (In my opinion anyway) until today. The case of McCullen v Coakley was a case about whether or not Massachusetts' law preventing anyone from protesting within 30 feet of an abortion clinic violated protesters' First Amendment rights. In a unanimous 9-0 decision, the Supreme Court said that buffers like this are a violation of the First Amendment.
And to that, I said "You fucked up." and I believe the SCOTUS disgraced themselves today. I firmly believe in the right to protest and the right to free speech. I do NOT believe in the right to try to physically and verbally intimidate people. I believe any protester who gets close enough to do such a thing deserves to be knocked the hell out. I know there are laws that prevent protesters from actually touching people going in or forcing anything on them, but if you are close enough to actually intimidate someone, you are too close.
As with all law stuff, I asked my fiance who is in law school of her opinion. She's not shocked at all considering how conservative the Court is. To be honest, backwards rulings like this makes me surprised women and minorities have rights at all.
And to that, I said "You fucked up." and I believe the SCOTUS disgraced themselves today. I firmly believe in the right to protest and the right to free speech. I do NOT believe in the right to try to physically and verbally intimidate people. I believe any protester who gets close enough to do such a thing deserves to be knocked the hell out. I know there are laws that prevent protesters from actually touching people going in or forcing anything on them, but if you are close enough to actually intimidate someone, you are too close.
As with all law stuff, I asked my fiance who is in law school of her opinion. She's not shocked at all considering how conservative the Court is. To be honest, backwards rulings like this makes me surprised women and minorities have rights at all.