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Naming Stuff After Obama

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  • Naming Stuff After Obama


    He hasn't done a damn thing yet. Also, he's been in office, what, a month? Yep, he's getting all of this glory just because he's part African-American (black/colored/whatever the term is today). There is no denying that. If Obama had been Caucasian, none of this would be happening.

    Now, can anyone honestly say he was elected for anything other than the color of his skin? Any democrat would have won the election this time.

  • #2
    Moved to "Politics".

    Many things have been named after many Presidents either very shortly after their inauguration, or even before. George W Bush had a aircraft carrier named after him. It was christened in 2006, but was commissioned in 2001, merely a year after his inauguration.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Boozy View Post
      Moved to "Politics".

      Many things have been named after many Presidents either very shortly after their inauguration, or even before. George W Bush had a aircraft carrier named after him. It was christened in 2006, but was commissioned in 2001, merely a year after his inauguration.
      At least Bush had a political career before the presidency (Governor of Texas). Obama barely was even a Senator.


      • #4
        Originally posted by daleduke17 View Post
        He hasn't done a damn thing yet. Also, he's been in office, what, a month?

        yup and he can't even fill his cabinet-maybe he should use it to store knick-knacks

        But hey he can give more taxpayer money away(to companies and people facing foreclosure because they spent well beyond their means to buy a house they could never afford)-YAY! Pretty soon all we'll be left with is "change"

        one of my friends has a 1" button that says "I'll give your president the same respect you gave mine" You wouldn't believe the flack she gets for it-yet this girl said nothing when her coworkers were putting up huge anti-Bush posters-calling him "chimpy" and worse, but OMG how dare she not worship at the altar of St Obama.........One actually tried to get her fired for having it as "she was obviously racist"
        Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride


        • #5
          Originally posted by BlaqueKatt View Post
          yup and he can't even fill his cabinet-maybe he should use it to store knick-knacks

          But hey he can give more taxpayer money away(to companies and people facing foreclosure because they spent well beyond their means to buy a house they could never afford)-YAY! Pretty soon all we'll be left with is "change"
          And that "change" will be given away to people who don't want to work or don't want to come into the country via the correct channels.


          • #6
            Originally posted by daleduke17 View Post
            Why? He hasn't done a damn thing yet.
            Um, Lilly Ledbetter? Repealing the global gag rule? I wouldn't exactly call those "not a damn thing."

            And as Boozy said, lots of presidents get stuff named after them at any point in their careers - whether they deserve it or not. (Personally I would burn anything with the Shrub's name on it, because that's desecration to the object in question)

            Now, can anyone honestly say he was elected for anything other than the color of his skin? Any democrat would have won the election this time.
            Not necessarily. McCain, as much of an ass as he is, still could have taken it because he is regarded (falsely) as a 'moderate' by many, especially since he had that asshole Palin on board who apparently appealed to so many women (only because she had a vagina - which is pretty insulting to voters, and pretty clear that's the only reason she was picked as VP running mate; that and her religious nuttery made her the darling of the hardcore rightwingers).

            I think all the carping about Obama is mostly just sour grapes. He hasn't yet done anything to prove to me that he's unfit to lead or an untrustworthy person (despite his being a politician). And I'm torn between amusement and irritation at the so-called "conservatives'" pissing and moaning over every little thing Obama. He won, fair and square (unlike his predecessor), and he did it on the basis of his message, not his skin color. Sure, some people probably did vote for him based on skin color, but if that were the majority case, then how do you explain the people who voted Republican?

            America just got fed up with rightwing bullshit and said so.
            ~ The American way is to barge in with a bunch of weapons, kill indiscriminately, and satisfy the pure blood lust for revenge. All in the name of Freedom, Apple Pie, and Jesus. - AdminAssistant ~


            • #7
              Ok, Amethyst, why is it whenever Obama is talked about in the media, his name is almost always preceded or proceeded by "America's first black President"?


              • #8
                Originally posted by daleduke17 View Post
                Ok, Amethyst, why is it whenever Obama is talked about in the media, his name is almost always preceded or proceeded by "America's first black President"?
                That still doesn't prove that he was elected because he was black. I know I didn't set out to vote for a black man. I set out to vote for who I felt was the better person for the job. And it just happened that that person was black.
                --- I want the republicans out of my bedroom, the democrats out of my wallet, and both out of my first and second amendment rights. Whether you are part of the anal-retentive overly politically-correct left, or the bible-thumping bellowing right, get out of the thought control business --- Alan Nathan


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BlaqueKatt View Post
                  one of my friends has a 1" button that says "I'll give your president the same respect you gave mine"
                  I've been seeing statements like that on blogs, message boards, etc. In all honesty, I think it's pretty silly. First of all, it shows how politically immature those people are. Basically, they are saying that they don't care about any of the problems that this country is facing, just trying to outdo everyone else with the political party game. Second, it's actually quite ignorant, because President Bush was fairly popular during his first few years in office. He even had a 90% approval rating at one point. Third, they are acting as though they have always respected the office of the presidency, which they haven't. Back in the 1990s, the Republicans excoriated the hell out of Bill Clinton (even before the Lewinsky thing happened). For them to act like people who aren't Republicans are the only ones who have ever blasted the man in the oval office is ludicrous.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by guywithashovel View Post
                    Second, it's actually quite ignorant, because President Bush was fairly popular during his first few years in office.

                    Um how quickly we forget-OMG Bush stole the electionz!!!!eleventy for the first year of his presidency. The lies about how people were being told not to vote, or threatened about voting. The allegations of voter I need to go on?

                    And look-lost ballots in this election not being counted and wow no lawsuits
                    Last edited by BlaqueKatt; 02-21-2009, 03:03 AM.
                    Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BlaqueKatt View Post
                      Um how quickly we forget-OMG Bush stole the electionz!!!!eleventy for the first year of his presidency. The lies about how people were being told not to vote, or threatened about voting. The allegations of voter I need to go on?

                      And look-lost ballots in this election not being counted and wow no lawsuits
                      Actually, I do remember that, just like I remember people saying that Obama was elected just because he was black.

                      I didn't say Bush didn't have critics starting at Day One. He did, as has virtually every president in history. When Bill Clinton was elected in 1992, people in my hometown had bumper stickers that said "Don't blame me. I voted for Bush." I was just saying that not everyone who despised him at the end of his term had done so ever since he was elected. Look at his past approval ratings and you'll see what I mean.

                      Also, remember how mad so many people got when the Dixie Chicks first blasted Bush?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by daleduke17 View Post
                        Ok, Amethyst, why is it whenever Obama is talked about in the media, his name is almost always preceded or proceeded by "America's first black President"?
                        Don't know what media you've been keeping company with, but I haven't heard that phrase all that much since the elections. (Except maybe on CNN, but then they're just a drama queen channel) Like I said, it's a honeymoon phase and they'll grow out of it sooner or later. And, let's face it, he IS America's first black president (though technically that'd be half-black because his father was black and his mother was white). But as MadMike pointed out, it still doesn't prove that his race was the sole factor behind his being elected.

                        Here's one for you. If race was the defining factor, do you think someone like Jesse Jackson would have been elected, if he were the one running? Or how about Dennis Rodman? Or OJ Simpson? All of those guys are black, but somehow I can't see any of them getting elected just because some people want that novelty factor.
                        Last edited by Amethyst Hunter; 02-21-2009, 07:26 AM. Reason: added stuff
                        ~ The American way is to barge in with a bunch of weapons, kill indiscriminately, and satisfy the pure blood lust for revenge. All in the name of Freedom, Apple Pie, and Jesus. - AdminAssistant ~


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by BlaqueKatt View Post
                          Um how quickly we forget-OMG Bush stole the electionz!!!!eleventy for the first year of his presidency. The lies about how people were being told not to vote, or threatened about voting. The allegations of voter I need to go on?

                          And look-lost ballots in this election not being counted and wow no lawsuits
                          This article is a little outdated. In the 2 and a half months since this article was published quite a few things happened.

                          Franken won the state mandated recount
                          Coleman filed a law suit in Minnesota courts to resolve the issue
                          Franken asked governor Pawlenty and secretary of state Ritchie to temporarily certify him as the winner
                          Ritchie and Pawlenty denied this request in accordance with Minnesota law
                          Franken asked the MN supreme court to intervene on his behalf, and they refused

                          The one major thing that did not happen is neither Coleman nor Franken got seated in the 111th congress, as the lawsuit has not been concluded.

                          That being said, I think Minnesota officials are doing a great job to ensure that the proper man is seated in the Senate, which is something that Florida did not do in 2000. Kathleen Harris, in charge of counting the votes was the chair of Bush's Florida campaign, and Bush filed a lawsuit in federal court to stop a state court ordered recount.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Amethyst Hunter View Post

                            Here's one for you. If race was the defining factor, do you think someone like Jesse Jackson would have been elected, if he were the one running? Or how about Dennis Rodman? Or OJ Simpson? All of those guys are black, but somehow I can't see any of them getting elected just because some people want that novelty factor.
                            Jesse Jackson couldn't win the election if it was a one man election. Black people don't even like him. Plus, he's nuts. OJ Simpson would have been vilified in the media (even though he was found innocent in the murders) to the point of where he would have had to drop out. Rodman would have actually been interesting to have seen in the election since he's a celebrity and OMG! CELEBRITY! The masses would have voted for him based on that.


                            • #15
                              Whether or not Bush stole the 2000 election is moot at this time. The last 8 years are over. Nothing we gripe about is going to change that. (although I love to razz my CW from Florida about it )

                              If anything, Obama has a hell of a lot harder job than Bush ever had. He's taking over an economy turned to shit, a reputation turned sour and a war most people see as bullshit, along with the legitimate conflict in Afghanistan. Four years seems short when you see the depth of the problems this guy gets to try and untangle. He's got a lot riding on his shoulders. I will frankly be impressed if he gets a fraction of what we all hope for started. And that's why I voted for him. I have hope that he can get this country set back on the right track. He represents something different. I think if you ask most people why they voted for him, this will be their answer. He's DIFFERENT.
                              "Children are our future" -LaceNeilSinger
                              "And that future is fucked...with a capital F" -AmethystHunter

