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Yoga vs. Pilates

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  • Yoga vs. Pilates

    Oh, yeah, I got another one for yah. What do you think about these two exercise systems and have you done one or both of them. Do you prefer one or the other or you haven't decided yet. I know both are very popular and have varied products surrounding them as well as different versions. Also have you ever done them together because I have seen Yoga & Pilates book. Also does anyone hate them both or doesn't get it.

    Anyway I have one both and well, I think I much prefer pilates because its more varied than yoga even through I like them both. I have at least one book on each of them and even have downloaded exercises from the Internet. I don't have any of the special equipment but just regular excercise stuff. Now I haven't tried them together but I think it would be an interesting workout.
    Last edited by rdp78; 04-28-2009, 01:49 AM. Reason: added something
    Yours truly, Robyn.

  • #2
    Yoga tends to be more about relaxation and meditating that pure 'exercise'. Actually, it's why I prefer yoga, it feeds the soul and the body.


    • #3
      I do both, pilates is more about excersise and toning. Yoga is more about flexibility and meditation.

      If you do one, you will find the other easyier.
      I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ - Gandhi


      • #4
        Originally posted by AdminAssistant View Post
        Yoga tends to be more about relaxation and meditating

        That is actually why I do yoga here and there. Yes, I will be doing it more everyday, after the weekend actually.

