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DVD vs. the cineplex

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  • DVD vs. the cineplex

    Okay, here is another one. When you watch a movie do you much prefer going to the cineplex or renting/buying a DVD (or video if you still have a player). I much prefer watching a DVD because you can control it (stopping, rewind) and you don't have to deal with other people you don't know. Also going out to watch movie now a days can be very expensive with a ticket being closed to 10 dollars (sometimes more) and snacks costing twice as much as you would in a store. Plus you never know who is going to be in that theatre. Now I might go to see movie in the theater if it's something I really want to see and I can't wait till it comes out on DVD. I also have found some good deals on DVDs recently and I now since I have a new TV I want to rewatch some old DVDs that I haven't seen in years.

    Also does anyone prefer watching movies other ways like paid-preview or on a TV channel. Which to me seems a lot like watching them in cineplex because you can't control it with the exception of dealing with the public.
    Last edited by rdp78; 04-28-2009, 01:54 AM. Reason: added something
    Yours truly, Robyn.

  • #2
    I only have a 20some inch TV, no HD or anything fancy, no surround sound.....definetly prefer going to the movies. I always go to later movies, in attempt to avoid children and babies. Of course, there's always a retard or two every once in a while who brings their babies to R rated horror movies.

    Although if I want to be alone or with my bf, we just deal with my crapola TV and rent movies.


    • #3
      Because my hubs & I have a child and it's hard to get babysitting, we either make plans (Okay, you see the matinee showing on this day and I'll see it the next day) or we buy the DVD.

      Now, if it's a children's movie, and it's playing during the time of the "special showing" i.e., for those with autism, then we go.

      Otherwise, we watch, snuggled on the couch and eating our popcorn.
      Oh Holy Trinity, the Goddess Caffeine'Na, the Great Cowthulhu, & The Doctor, Who Art in Tardis, give me strength. Moo. Moo. Java. Timey Wimey

      Avatar says: DAVID TENNANT More Evidence God is a Woman


      • #4
        If I can watch it with BT (we're no longer an exclusive couple, but still hang out), I'd rather watch it at his place. He's got a big screen, surround sound set up with a blue-ray player. Watch it there, eat some popcorn, and have a few drinks!


        • #5
          I have stopped going to the cinema for one reason and one alone

          CELL PHONES

          or more to the point the fucking maroons who think that they can text and do whatever on their phone during the movie so all I can see in my peripheral vision is their goddamn screens lighting up and their thumbs moving around

          I prefer watching DVD's at home anyway because I can pick the time, make tasty popcorn that much cheaper and fresher and if its a stoner movie... well I can do what I need to do to um... "enhance" the movie
          I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ - Gandhi


          • #6
            It just depends. Most of the time, I will just wait to watch it on HBO. Or they are times when I will just go watch it. Past couple of times, it has been with my ghost hunting group.


            • #7
              I really do prefer going to the cinema... higher quality picture, higher quality sound, higher volume sound... I know it is probably damaging my hearing, but there is nothing I love more than going to the imax theater and having the soundtrack wash over me with such power that I can feel my belt buckle vibrate... and that screen with more square footage than my condo... oh... if I was told that heaven was one giant imax theatre and the only way to get in would be to stop drinking, turn straight, and go to Mormon church every sunday... you'd have to start calling me Elder because I would be the most faithful straight mormon on the planet for that.
              "I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand


              • #8
                As much as I would like to go to the cinema I live 1.5 hours away from any urban area. When I go to town I need to get everything for the week. Time for a movie really doesn't happen. That and the cell phones, bad behavior, and the prices. I have satellite and a DVD player so I have no issues with watching movies. I enjoy these more due to the fact that I can lounge in my PJs after a bad day at work.
                "Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe" -H. G. Wells

                "Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed" -Sir Francis Bacon


                • #9
                  I love the theatre, but I also like curling up at home with a DVD. I have a scene card (you earn points for free movies when making purchases on your credit & debit cards) that I have a ton of points on, so I haven't actually paid to see a movie in the theatre for a year or more now.

                  I don't like popcorn, so it's a moot point :P , but I could get that for free too if I wanted to use my points for that.

                  I only really like to see certain types of movies at the theatre though, action/comic booky, and horror movies. I don't find comedies worth the money to see in the theatre, but I'm on a bit of a horror kick lately. Horror and comics :P haha


                  • #10
                    Another reason I like DVDs is when I'm on-call for work I can pause it and comeback later. I do have to hide the chips from the cats when I'm gone.
                    "Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe" -H. G. Wells

                    "Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed" -Sir Francis Bacon


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by powerboy View Post
                      It just depends. Most of the time, I will just wait to watch it on HBO. Or they are times when I will just go watch it. Past couple of times, it has been with my ghost hunting group.
                      Ghost hunting group? Sounds interesting...find anything good?

                      ON topic...I like to watch movies in a theater once in a while....I"m still glad I got the chance to the Exorcist in the theater in 2000 since I was too young when it first came out. I also got to see Dirty Dancing when it was on a limited release a couple of years ago. After seeing them on tv screens my whole life it was cool.

                      However I mostly end up watching DVD's or ON Demand or something...I don't have a HDTV but I have a decent enough tv and a surround sound setup and watching movies that way 99 percent of the time is great...again I have control with being able to pause/backup etc. Plus you get those special features on so many of them!
                      Great YouTube channel check it out!


                      • #12
                        I generally tend to just go buy the DvD of any movie I want to see. At 15-20$ a DvD costs about what it would for me to go to a movie. As other posters have mentioned the fact that you control your environment when watching a DVD, is a big draw as well.


                        • #13
                          Me, I tend to avoid theatres, but... my dream is to see a modern film presented, and presented cwell, in a full-featured movie palace.

                          What I've got to do is get my tail down to Hollywood for one of Disney's premieres. Their flagship theatre, the El Capitan (1926) is beautiful, and the pre-show involves the Mighty Wurlitzer theatre pipe organ (for organ fans, one of the five 4/36 "Specials", aka the "Fox Special", built for the SF Fox Theatre) on a proper lift, and no less than three curtains with some really grand lighting effects. Could also hit the Byrd Theatre in Richmond, VA, which also shows first-run films with a Wurlitzer show and (4/21, not fully functional but, the pre-show also has...) a light show of sorts, with the four colors in every chandelier plus the antique projectors (Brenograph) to put lighting effects on the screen. Now,. THAT is what I want to see pre-film.


                          • #14
                            I like going out to the cineplex but yea it gets pricy.

                            me and my gf don't have a ton of money (i'm slogging through university and she's saving for college).

                            so going out to dinner and a show gets us outta the house for a night out that's not TOO pricy.

                            but yea shitty audience members can ruin it.

                            I also have a pretty good sized dvd collection though lol i'm a bit of a movie buff.


                            • #15
                              Nobody mentioned that going to the movies Instead, I'll pop in a DVD, curl up on the couch or my recliner, and enjoy it

