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  • Research?

    So Movie Reviewers are nothing new. Been around since longer than I have been alive. A movie comes out they watch it and then tell everyone what they think.

    What is new...newish rather is movie reviewers going back and reviewing films from an earlier time period. This can introduce some interesting moments where they call out antiquated ideas and lend a different perspective to a movie that's mired in it's time period. I appreciate that part of it.

    There is a thing I have noticed though about reviews that say things like

    "There is no way kids would be allowed to be missing for that long" (stranger things review in reference to the fact kids leave their homes in the morning and don't return until night)

    That review in question is made by a 20 year old who spent most of their childhood in a time when cell phones were a thing. When video games sent more kids playing inside and playdates were something a lot of kids did.

    Stranger Things is however set during a time period when myself and many of my peers did leave home on our bikes in the morning and not return until dinner. It wasn't unusual as keeping constant tabs on us would have meant our parents dedicating all of their own time to being in one spot like the house and not leaving until we were done having fun.

    It wasn't like they could track our phones or call us and say "hey come home"

    Not what this is about. What I am saying is that often reviewers will say things like this or "why didn't they use the story from the video game" ignoring that the story they are thinking of didn't exist until after the movie came out and that prior to the movie the story was no more developed than the Fix it Felix Jr. Game.

    So that's what this is about. If you're going to review something either as a period piece or something from an earlier time period do you feel that it's the reviewers responsibility to take the things they think "don't make sense" and see if they actually do make sense for that time?
    Jack Faire

  • #2
    Are you sure the reviewer wasn't saying "no way kids would be allowed to be missing for that long [in today's world]"?

    I always love looking at old movies and shows to see some of those kinds of things, though. Home Alone 2 is the pinnacle of that. Kid gets on the wrong flight because the lost his boarding pass and is able to take a cab to Manhattan and book a hotel with his father's credit card outside of his presence. Today it'd be a 20 minute movie ending with him getting interrogated by TSA about why he was trying to board a plane bound for LaGuardia instead of Miami without a boarding pass. Or, if he had succeeded, there'd be a media storm that ends with a dozen crew members' firings, and parents under arrest for child endangerment.

    Ferris Beuller would have been tackled by police at the parade.

    And don't get me started on what would have happened to The Goonies today.


    • #3
      He wasn't. He was specifically saying that he found it unbelievable that the parents wouldn't have a tight leash on their kids. He felt that parents in the 80s would be as "you will report in every hour" as parents in the 00s.

      The thing that sparked this line of thinking wasn't even that though. Someone reviewed Super Mario Bros the Movie this month. One of their complaints was that Princess Toadstool is named Daisy in the movie when her name is Peach.

      But she's reviewing the movie in 2017. In 1993 her name was only Peach in Japan and American audiences only knew her as Princess Toadstool. Meanwhile there was a Princess Daisy on Mario games for the GameBoy but no Peach.

      So the complaint makes no sense. No one watching the movie in 93 would have known why she was named Peach especially when at best it's a term of endearment not a commonly given name. Daisy however is more likely a given name and the best alternative to Toadstool if any viewers played the GameBoy.

      That's why I was wondering if maybe people should take their issues with the movie and research why those choices were made.

      Like if they are all "why did the director not use (technology that didn't exist at the time)" bashing a movie for not using something that couldn't have been used.
      Last edited by jackfaire; 11-06-2017, 09:30 PM.
      Jack Faire

