Uzuki-Chan Wants to Hang Out is an Anime that portrays Hana Uzuki, a 19-year-old college student, pursuing a relationship with Shinichi Sakurai, a 20-year-old fellow college student. Hana is a short woman with huge breasts. For some reason, some people think that the people that like her design are pedophiles.
However, a movie released by Netflix, called Cuties, has real 11-year-old girls doing sexually charged dancing, exposing their breasts, and trying to take pictures of an 11-year-old boy's crotch. Somehow, the backlash of this movie is "right-wing propaganda" despite most left-wingers and centrists find this movie disgusting.
These controversies put together completely baffle me.
However, a movie released by Netflix, called Cuties, has real 11-year-old girls doing sexually charged dancing, exposing their breasts, and trying to take pictures of an 11-year-old boy's crotch. Somehow, the backlash of this movie is "right-wing propaganda" despite most left-wingers and centrists find this movie disgusting.
These controversies put together completely baffle me.