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Most Evil Video Game Character

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Mr Slugger View Post
    See I'm partial to Darkforce from Phantasy Star. He could haunt you in your dreams, took over control of people, destroyed a planet made life a living hell for the people of that solar system, as well as survivors of the destroyed planet. And every time you killed him he'd return a thousand years later when no one remember who he was from the destruction he caused
    Well if we're going to go into that route, then I vote for the Reapers from Mass effect. As it stands, the first sentient life, who (according to them) created the systems that younger races build and advance around so they would evolve in a particular manner, and did so for the explicit purpose of wiping them out entirely for no discernible reason when they reach a particular advancement point.


    • #17
      Originally posted by MadMike View Post
      How about the mysterious guy in the suit in the Half-Life games? Every so often you're in the middle of getting shot at or trying to find your way thru a maze of rooms and locked doors, and there he is standing in the background somewhere. Does he help you? Hell no, he stands there and watches for a bit and then walks away. At the end of the first one, you finally meet him face to face, and he takes all your weapons away, and gets you killed if you don't agree to work for him.

      Every time I see him I try to shoot him from a distance, but of course, nothing happens. One time, thru an extremely rare glitch that I've only seen once, I found myself standing face to face with him in the transporter room. I started beating the hell out him with the crowbar, but it just clanged like he was made of metal.
      Ah, you mean the G-Man.
      "Never confuse the faith with the so-called faithful." -- Cartoonist R.K. Milholland's father.
      A truer statement has never been spoken about any religion.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Talon View Post
        There's Necrosaro/Psaro the Manslayer from Dragon Warrior/Quest 4.
        If memory serves me correctly, he and his henchmen were willing to kill children to ensure the Chosen One would not oppose him.
        Actually, I didn't think Psaro was that bad. Yeah, he and his henchmen were kidnapping/killing children to try and get rid of the Chosen One, but he was doing it because humans tortured his lover, an elf named Rose, and later killed her. And it was actually Aamon, one of Psaro's henchmen, who ordered Rose's death because he knew it would drive Psaro mad and cause him to take the next step of monster evolution and try to destroy mankind.

        My husband nominates Luca Blight from Suikoden 2. I've never played the game myself, but my husband assures me that he is very evil.

        I was going to say Kefka from FF6, too, but since he's been mentioned, I started thinking. I thought about Dr. Wily from the original Mega Man series, but as my husband pointed out, he's more comical than evil. Zemus from FF4 wanted to raze all life on Earth just because he deemed it inferior to his people, the Lunarians.

        And, just because David Warner was mentioned, and even though this isn't from a video game, I'm going to throw out the Archmage from the Gargoyles animated series. He might not be the MOST evil villain I've ever seen, but he can hold one hell of a grudge!


        • #19
          The Yeti from Ski Free. Darn Yeti, always eating me after I've finished my race.


          • #20
            Ah yes, the G-Man. If you play Half-Life 2 and its follow up episodes, he gets more...hands on. However, I wouldn't classify him as a villain persay. He's sort of Gordon's services. Though who or what he works for or who his clients are is a mystery.

            For consoles....Kefka aside, I'm going for the Bishop of the orphanage that Billy worked at in Xenogears. Just for the part where he reveals to Billy that all the kids Billy has cared for and helped raised over the years have basically been sold off into child prostitution rings, lab experiments etc.

            I don't even remember the guy's name, but I remember that "you BASTARD" moment. ;p


            • #21
              Originally posted by Gravekeeper View Post
              I don't even remember the guy's name, but I remember that "you BASTARD" moment. ;p
              Bishop Stein, one of Solaris's thugs who actually knew a good part of their plan and wanted to play both sides from the middle. Not only an evil sociopathic bastard, but not having the most foresight. (let's see, destroyer of god on one side, manipulative nation on the other, and you're trying to screw over both?)


              • #22
                Serious lack of Sephiroth in here. For shame.

                Originally posted by BroomJockey View Post
                Are we talking most effect on the game world? Kefka from FF VI. Destroyed the entire world and ruled over it.
                Don't forget Kefka poisoned a town's water supply and called it music to his ears.
                "You're miserable, edgy and tired. You're in the perfect mood for journalism."


                • #23
                  Originally posted by ArenaBoy View Post
                  Serious lack of Sephiroth in here. For shame.
                  I'm gonna take an unpopular stand here, and say Sephiroth sucked. He didn't do shit. He killed Aeris (oh, spoiler warning) and that's about it. Everything else was someone else's idea, plan, or action. Shinra did more damage than him. And as for killing Aeris, what the fuck, I had TWENTY pheonix downs. It's just a damned sword wound, I coulda brought her back.
                  Any comment I make should not be taken as an absolute, unless I say it should be. Even this one.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by BroomJockey View Post
                    I'm gonna take an unpopular stand here, and say Sephiroth sucked.
                    I love you.

                    I just didn't mention Sephiroth because he's got so many fanboys it makes me gag.
                    Last edited by MaggieTheCat; 09-27-2009, 09:18 PM. Reason: trimmed BJ's quote down


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by BroomJockey View Post
                      I'm gonna take an unpopular stand here, and say Sephiroth sucked. He didn't do shit. He killed Aeris (oh, spoiler warning) and that's about it. Everything else was someone else's idea, plan, or action. Shinra did more damage than him. And as for killing Aeris, what the fuck, I had TWENTY pheonix downs. It's just a damned sword wound, I coulda brought her back.
                      THANK YOU!

                      And yes, I fully agree. On another site I mention that I've seen heroes do more villainous things than Sephiroth did.


                      • #26
                        My nominations are:
                        Kratos, from God of War: He slaughters everyone and everything in his path, including his own wife and daughter (accidentally, but still). Eventually becomes a god, and slaughters even more people.

                        The Vizier, from Prince of Persia: Sands of Time: He gets the Persian army to invade India (resulting in many deaths) and tricks the main character into releasing the sands of time (resulting in even more deaths), just so that he can become immortal.

                        Draak, from Darkstone: Evil shapeshifting wizard who frequently burns villages to the ground, slaughters monastaries full of monks, and terrorizes the countryside, seemingly just for the fun of it. (Has anyone else even heard of this game? It's one of my favorite PC games ever.)

                        Dracula, from the Castlevania series: Do I need to explain this one? He's Dracula!


                        • #27
                          Regarding M. Bison:
                          Chun-Li - "Monster! You killed my--"
                          Bison - "Yes, yes, I killed your father. What is it with you women anyway? I killed my father, too, and you don't here me whining about it!"

                          Actually looking back through the numerous fighting games that I've played the first big super villain that comes to mind is Mortal Kombat's Shao Kahn. He causes his shadow priests to resurrect his dead queen, Sindel, on Earth and thus is allowed to open a gateway to reclaim her; this breaches the rules centered around the "Shaolin Tournament for Martial Arts", so instead of winning so many tournaments to win Earth the honest way, he cheats instead, using his queen (who was a stolen wife to begin with) just to make ends meet.

                          And what does he do afterwards? Steal all the souls of Earth, sending extermination squads against those protected by divine decree (the photo of common city folk getting their souls practically ripped from their bodies was rather unnerving to a wee lad back in '95). He even adopted Sindel's daughter, Kitana, just to lay claim to the Outworld/Edenian throne (only to have mutant clone of her created to, I believe, someday suplant her without anyone else knowing).

                          I know he's done other nasty things, like commited genocide and kicked puppies, but it's late and I can't remember much else (oh, there was the sacking of the Shaolin Temples as revenge for Shang Tsung's loss in the first Mortal Kombat game).
                          "I take it your health insurance doesn't cover acts of pussy."


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by BroomJockey View Post
                            I'm gonna take an unpopular stand here, and say Sephiroth sucked. He didn't do shit. He killed Aeris (oh, spoiler warning) and that's about it. Everything else was someone else's idea, plan, or action. Shinra did more damage than him. And as for killing Aeris, what the fuck, I had TWENTY pheonix downs. It's just a damned sword wound, I coulda brought her back.
                            Amen. I never understood the fanboi/grrl fascination with Sephiroth beyond using him as a blatantly obvious yaoi slash fic character.

                            If you want an actual Villain(tm) from the FF series, you look no further than Kefka. ;p


                            • #29
                              Yeah; can't believe I forgot that dude. XD Plus all those four armed baddies he had on his side; the female one was a real pain in the butt to defeat.
                              "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


                              • #30
                                Odd as this one will sound, Varian Wrynn in WoW. Yes, I play Alliance, but I've never seen why the senseless war. Thrall and Cairne are honorable, sensible folks and if Varian wasn't a hotheaded idiot, there's a very real chance there could have been peace.

                                See the Wrathgate for what I mean. No spoilers, I'm talking about the final bit in Undercity where Jaina intervenes finally.
                                Bartle Test Results: E.S.A.K.
                                Explorer: 93%, Socializer: 60%, Achiever: 40%, Killer: 13%

