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Most Evil Video Game Character

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  • #31
    Speaking of WoW, Arthas wasn't exactly a peach, either.


    • #32
      Nope, once Invincible died he lost it, well and truly.
      Bartle Test Results: E.S.A.K.
      Explorer: 93%, Socializer: 60%, Achiever: 40%, Killer: 13%


      • #33
        While I don't necessarily agree with Sephiroth being a bad villain (though he didn't do much, admittedly), I'll throw my hat in here with a few I didn't see.

        Monkey Island series - LeChuck. I really shouldn't have to say much, but for those unfamiliar he's an undead ghost/zombie pirate that constantly pursues Elaine, the governer of Melee Island, who obviously isn't into him. As Guybrush Threepwood, her new fling, you're constantly in the middle of meddle.

        Manhunt - The Director. What can I say? He's a sadistic bastard you love to hate. You put up with his shit enough and eventually, of course, he turns on you. It's an obvious twist, but his dialogue is great and it feels great when you finally catch up to him.

        Xenosaga series - Albedo. Okay, so mostly he's a villain in the first Xenosaga episode, but this guy's freakin' crazy. Sure, Kefka's crazy too, but I guess if anything, I see this guy as a more modern Kefka.

        Assassin's Creed...well...

        [spoiler]Your master. Think about it...this guy orders you around, killing off various co-conspirator's, all just to harness the power himself. I know that makes him typical, but until the next to the last chapter, I honestly had not expected him to be the main villain.[/spoiler]

        Bully - Gary Smith. Albedo's crazy. THIS guy's MENTAL. The best part is he controls people through the power of suggestion...a true social engineer. I love it. And kicking his ass is fun, too.


        • #34
          Originally posted by gunsage View Post
          Monkey Island series - LeChuck.
          LeChuck was a 3rd rate pirate and a 5th rate villain. He's somewhere below puppy-kickers on the list of badasses.

          Gary's hardly evil. He's a spoiled, selfish brat. In the realm of movies, we have people like Darth Vader and the Emperor, and to compare, you wanna put Gary on a list of "Evil Video Game Characters." The guy couldn't evil his way out of a paper bag.

          Manhunt I'll give you, and Xenosaga, mostly because I've not played those. Assassin's Creed? Again, this isn't a list of villains. This is a list of Most Evil Villains. People who either have a profound effect on the entire world, or just totally dominate the lives of a few poor souls. Just being a little power crazy? Eh, your standard of evil's a lot lower than mine.
          Any comment I make should not be taken as an absolute, unless I say it should be. Even this one.


          • #35
            I'll toss my vote in for Kefka as well. Sephiroth was a lunatic, and a powerful one, but all in all ineffectual. Kefka delighted in poisoning an entire town, and killed anyone in his path for world domination, then proceeded to set the world on fire for the lulz.

            However, I am a fan of GlaDos from Portal, as well as Shodan from System Shock 2. GlaDos was malicious, cruel, and insidious. In addition to forcing you to do things for her amusement (for science!) she had you murder your friend and then belittles you for it. She also killed the entire staff of the facility, and tried to kill you several times.


            • #36
              From Silent Hill 2.

              No, not Pyramid Head. Not Maria either.

              It's the Dog of course! It was him all along!
              Customer: I need an Apache.
              Gravekeeper: The Tribe or the Gunship?


              • #37
                Rugal from King of Fighters. Hosted entire fighting tournaments just so he could take the winners and dip them in molten metal and have statues of them. WTF?

                Also, after having watched the entirety of the Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes playthrough on Youtube (I really, really, really suggest any Chrono Trigger fans watch it), I have a VERY difficult time with playing Chrono Trigger anymore without wincing every time I change a timeline. The Darkness Beyond Time is the most pure nightmare fuel ever and the HEROES are responsible for it? Guh.

                So long as we're talking about Chrono Trigger, Dalton. A sort of harmless villain who later MASSACRES AN ENTIRE KINGDOM just because some teenagers from there kicked his ass one time too many? Shit, man.


                • #38
                  Princess Elise. X_x Seriously, what with the necrophilia and beastility; ugh.

                  That was one of the things that ruined that game for me; overpowered and annoying at times Silver may be, but he's nowhere near as bad as Elise, who was basically a Mary Sue. In fact, due to expressing my hatred for Elise, I'm actually liking Silver a lot more, despite the lack of brain stem. XD
                  "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Depot Denizen View Post
                    GlaDos was malicious, cruel, and insidious. In addition to forcing you to do things for her amusement (for science!) she had you murder your friend and then belittles you for it. She also killed the entire staff of the facility, and tried to kill you several times.
                    I don't play many games, and I haven't recognized any of the names mentioned so far. But I'm pretty sure I'm familiar with this one.

                    There's a song in "Rock Band" (one of the few games I play) called "Still Alive". I love singing it because the lyrics are so hilariously psychopathic. I'm pretty sure my husband said it was from Portal.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Boozy View Post
                      I don't play many games, and I haven't recognized any of the names mentioned so far. But I'm pretty sure I'm familiar with this one.

                      There's a song in "Rock Band" (one of the few games I play) called "Still Alive". I love singing it because the lyrics are so hilariously psychopathic. I'm pretty sure my husband said it was from Portal.
                      Yep. That's the one!

                      I wish 3D games didn't make me so ill. I loved listening while my Ex played Portal. I couldn't play myself, but I could at least hear the hilarity and enjoy the funnier scenes.
                      "Children are our future" -LaceNeilSinger
                      "And that future is fucked...with a capital F" -AmethystHunter


                      • #41
                        Before I clicked this thread, I was thinking no one would pick Kefka.

                        But alas I am late to the game. But for the title of the most evil villain you can not look further then Kefka!

                        First of what separates Kefka from most villains is that he is not all powerful at the onset of the game. He has power from position, but in terms of character strength he is not more powerful then the main characters.

                        Then you have the list of Evil things he has done.

                        -]Rob Terra of her free will and use her as a weapon.
                        -Have her kill 50 loyal solders of the empire to prove a point.
                        -Attempt to burn down a castle and everyone inside to retrieve Terra after she regains her free will
                        -Poison the Doma river to end a siege.
                        -Attempt to invade Narshe to steal an esper.
                        -Torments nearly dead espers by taunting them and then throwing them down a trash chute.
                        -Plays mind games with the Heroes to make them doubt the loyalty of one of their allies.
                        -Killed another loyal imperial solder and Honorable man, General Leo
                        -Committed mass murder of espers to increase his power
                        -Killed the emperor of the empire to take over.
                        -disturbed the gods of magic so he could steal their power. Knowing the result would devastate the world.
                        -Took over the world, and ruled over it as a god.
                        -Demanded obedience by using a beam of magic to devastate entire towns and villages.

                        And what makes it all the more evil. All this stuff happens before your eyes by the man himself. He is not some main goal or destination like other villains who you don't even see till the very end of the game. He was always around, and you got to see how evil he was first hand. Even then I bet no one was sure he was even the main villain till the end of the first half of the game.

                        And what is his overall goal and motivation, to destroy life. Not simply to kill everyone but to rob everyone of what good there is in living.

                        So Kefka hands down, most evil villain.
                        Last edited by Daskinor; 10-20-2009, 03:24 PM. Reason: Poseted before was done


                        • #42
                          [This post is a spoiler]

                          How about the first Knights of the Old Republic game? The main villain was...

                          You! You dirty rotten rat-bastard!

                          When the Sith were under your control before the start of the game, the Republic was shitting its collective pants. Revan was cold, charismatic and very very effective. Then your apprentice helps to push you under a bus and takes over. He gets defeated by you and maybe 8 other people. What a bitch!

                          Also, anyone who can get HK-47 to basically worship them is an awesome villain in my book.


                          • #43
                            What about Shao Khan from Mortal Kombat. I mean the dude murdered Sindel's husband, then married her and made an evil clone of Kitana (Sindel's daughter) that was her "sister" Mileena. Besides that, M.Bison (from Street Fighter) was pretty evil too, killing, kidnapping people and doing expiriments on them. Both him and Shao Khan were tough to beat since they were big, powerful and agile for their size.
                            There are no stupid questions, just stupid people...


                            • #44
                              Kirby! I mean think about it. He eats literaly EVERYTHING that isn't nailed down, then spits it out if he can't digest it (which is very little) What's there for anyone else to eat (assuming they survive, that is)?

                              (Obviously a joke post. I couldn't help myself.)


                              • #45
                                The joker?

