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Most Evil Video Game Character

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  • #61
    Giygas (or Gigu if you're playing Mother) is by far the most evil character


    To start off he killed his adopted mother because his father stole the alien technology to defend earth from the same aliens that kidnapped them and forced them to raise Gygas.

    Then after realizing his emotions could be used against him Giygas somehow destroyed all emotions he had except for evil, essentially becoming a cloud of formless evil that could only contain it's sanity through a device known as the Devil's Machine.

    Throughout the game Giygas uses his powers to take over people, animals, and inanimate objects forcing them to fight you, so essentially, most of your enemies are actually innocent people being controlled and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

    Then just to top things off Giygas actually wins. I'm not talking some temperary victory like Kefka either. Despite traveling back in time and defeating him when he is at his weakest its predicted at the end of the game that he stil has a 99% chance of succeeding. All you did was take it down from 100% essentially making your whole journey worthless.

    Thats one evil bastard.


    • #62
      The Virtual Jim Tressel in the NCAA games.....Because he's based on the real one.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Fryk View Post
        How about the first Knights of the Old Republic game?
        This. When I played through it the first time, I was shocked to learn of it. Should have seen it coming a mile away from the beginning.

        What about Ganon/Ganondorf from the Legend of Zelda series? Haven't seen any mention him yet.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Android Kaeli View Post
          This. When I played through it the first time, I was shocked to learn of it. Should have seen it coming a mile away from the beginning.

          What about Ganon/Ganondorf from the Legend of Zelda series? Haven't seen any mention him yet.
          Except he never really did anything all that evil. He wanted power in a medeival world and he went for it the only way you can in a world like that you take it at the tip of a sword.

          I didn't see him killing babies or even innocents worst he did was drive people from their homes.

          If he had won he would have been considered the good guy.
          Jack Faire


          • #65
            Originally posted by jackfaire View Post
            Except he never really did anything all that evil. He wanted power in a medeival world and he went for it the only way you can in a world like that you take it at the tip of a sword.

            I didn't see him killing babies or even innocents worst he did was drive people from their homes.

            If he had won he would have been considered the good guy.
            he does win, in ocarina of time and destroys hyrule, then you do some time travel stuff to fix it.

            he kidnaps tons of people as well.


            • #66
              Ganon was a piker compared to some of the others on this thread. As someone else pointed out, merely a warlord doing things in the ways he had open to him.
              Bartle Test Results: E.S.A.K.
              Explorer: 93%, Socializer: 60%, Achiever: 40%, Killer: 13%


              • #67
                Originally posted by gremcint View Post
                he does win, in ocarina of time and destroys hyrule, then you do some time travel stuff to fix it.

                he kidnaps tons of people as well.
                Played it. Other than the princess (who was an enemy combatant to him not a civilian) who did he kidnap? He bewitched Iago and the female head of thieves was kidnapped but again she was an enemy combatant.
                Jack Faire


                • #68
                  Gannon did twist the Golden Land into the Dark World because of how evil he is.


                  • #69
                    The Nemesis in Resident Evil 3. He was that creature that followed you relentlously throughout the game & never knew when he would pop up. That bastard was a bitch to put down!


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Android Kaeli View Post
                      This. When I played through it the first time, I was shocked to learn of it. Should have seen it coming a mile away from the beginning.
                      LOL I didn't see the Revan thing coming either But, if you've played the second one...does anyone get tired of Kreia's constant bitching? Not going to ruin the ending for anyone who hasn't played it, but seriously. You can kinda see where it's going, and it is a bit disappointing.


                      • #71
                        Oh Christ, did Kreia ever piss me off. Play through once, and take option A in a given Scenario. Kreia bitches at you. Play through again and choose option B. Kreia bitches at you. It never ends!


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Fryk View Post
                          Oh Christ, did Kreia ever piss me off. Play through once, and take option A in a given Scenario. Kreia bitches at you. Play through again and choose option B. Kreia bitches at you. It never ends!
                          That's the point. Option A is light side, Option B is Dark side. Either way, It's not what she wants.

                          (Which is why I never take her in my main party or develop her in the slightest. She's just like Walter's wife "nagd'nagd'nagd'nagd'nagd'nagd'nagd'nagd'nagd'nagd 'nagd'nagd' BitchBiiiiiiiiitchBitchBiiiiitch)


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by lordlundar View Post
                            (Which is why I never take her in my main party or develop her in the slightest.
                            That's why I consider her as expendable. She's perfect for 'defusing' land mines, or drawing fire away from the rest of the main party


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by BroomJockey View Post
                              Evil Otto.
                              I hated Evil Otto!

                              Oh good, I'm done the level, now to just walk out. Oh, wait, what's the smiley face?


                              As for LeChuck - yeah, it's not an really good bad guy but his insults are hilarious and make the game enjoyable.
                              Last edited by draggar; 12-28-2009, 04:44 PM.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by lordlundar View Post
                                That's the point. Option A is light side, Option B is Dark side. Either way, It's not what she wants.

                                (Which is why I never take her in my main party or develop her in the slightest. She's just like Walter's wife "nagd'nagd'nagd'nagd'nagd'nagd'nagd'nagd'nagd'nagd 'nagd'nagd' BitchBiiiiiiiiitchBitchBiiiiitch)
                                Well then, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT, KREIA? HUH?! HUH??!!

                                You and I both forgot that in a lot of scenes, there's also a neutral option, too. And guess what happens if you choose that one?

                                Go on, guess.

                                "Argle blargle biiiiitchity bitch mcbitch naggity nag!"

                                Kreia needed Jolee Bindo to give her some, maybe then she wouldn't be so uptight.

