Simple if one form of hat/cloak/headcovering is banned, they all should. Fair is fair. For the most part I am agnostic, I am not sure WHAT is out there but I think something is. In my eyes, everybody can believe what they want as long as they don't force it on others or harm others because of it. "An it harm none, do as thou wilt." :P. However, the rules should apply accross the board to everybody, with nobody recieving special treatment.
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Jedi church founder sues supermarket
Originally posted by Rapscallion View PostHoodies are quite a problem as yobs tend to wear them to avoid being seen on CCTV cameras. Motorbikers are regularly instructed to remove their helmets before going inside to pay for fuel. Too many robberies with people using otherwise innocent headwear to allow the risk.
Rapscallion"Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."
Sorry, 'Morda Hehol' (his 'jedi name'). By your own admission, you state that jedis CAN wear a hood, if they so choose. It doesn't say you MUST wear a hood. By your own admission, your argument is crap. But, being curious, I looked up the Jedi Code of your religion. I didn't see hoods in there anywhere. . Actually, there are numerous jedi churches, all with their own variation on the jedi code. And you know what? NONE of them say anything about hoods. So take it off and quit being a petualnt little bitch.
Originally posted by Rapscallion View PostPart of me wants to find out now. Most of me doesn't.
I'm conflicted.
RapscallionCover one eye while reading the document, and hold the paper at an angle so that you can't *quite* make it all out. Only "part of you" will understand it that way.
"Judge not, lest ye get shot in your bed while your sleep." - Liz, The Dreadful
"If you villainize people who contest your points, you will eventually find yourself surrounded by enemies that you made." - Philip DeFranco
I'm using my Jedi healing powers to resurrect this thread...
Firstly, it was posted in the wrong forum - it should have gone into the religion one.
Secondly, some of the comments on here show precisely why the governing bodies had realised that anti-discrimination laws were necessary to protect people's rights to belief and religion. Because if there weren't, any religion you didn't agree with and thought was silly would be open to ridicule and attack!
So let me point something out ... ALL religions at one time or another, have been the subject of such derision! Atheist?? Just think back a few thousand years, and trust me, you atheists were considered complete morons, and occasionally outcast from the tribe or city in case you brought down the wrath of the Gods... agnostics were thought of as fools. Christians were amusingly fed to lions and other nasty beasts, pagans have been tortured, stoned, drowned, Hindus... yeah, you get the picture (I even had that when I was in school... but then, I suppose many actually have).
Everyone has the right to believe whatever they will. Where those beliefs do not contradict the laws of the land pertaining to actual practices and rites, no-one ought to be insulted or condemned for them - no matter how 'silly' you may think them to be. Wars have been started over this sort of shit-throwing!
And while the Church of Jedi may have originated from a movie, the basic tenets are sound.. be at peace, avoid conflict, stand up for what you believe, etc.
What Tesco's should have done, and probably should always do when in such a religiously based situation - go up and have a chat to the person.. have their face on TV and in the minds of the staff.. he's handed over his damned card, FFS! I think if he's going to shoplift, he'd be a right moron at that stage!
Fryk - nice look-up... too bad he gets to write the laws as he goes!ZOE: Preacher, don't the Bible got some pretty specific things to say about killing?
SHEPHERD BOOK: Quite specific. It is, however, Somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.
Right or wrong, changing your religious beliefs/practices does little to legitimize your religion.
I would also like to state for the record that I actually like the IDEA behind Jedi-ism. I have read up on it, and even looked into various online churches to found out what they believe and how they practice it. The problem any legitimate Jedi has is that most of these churches are havens more for people who like to swish around their Master Replicas Darth Maul blade, or what have you, and only a handful in each of the churches' message boards actually strive to meditate or search out for what would be 'The Force". Again, it doesn't really make the derision and laughter right, but I can see why it would be there.